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joined Oct 25, 2023

Been more than 3 months since the last update. Has the translator dropped this? Anyone know the status of the raws?

This one popped into my mind after seeing this Reddit thread on another upcoming manga about a cheating wife:

joined Nov 6, 2024

Where is chapter 6!? the manga is apparently finished with 9 chapters according to AniList. I need to see what happens next!

joined Sep 10, 2022

Where is chapter 6!? the manga is apparently finished with 9 chapters according to AniList. I need to see what happens next!

It definitely ended at chapter 9 (with an extra), since I picked it up a while ago. Hopefully someone starts this again. It must have been dropped.

last edited at Dec 4, 2024 6:27PM

joined Apr 4, 2014

Ay my girl is back! *cries in withdrawal. Please don't get canceled or licensed

*Sigh.... Spoke too soon kiddo...

joined May 3, 2020


For project status, kindly inquire through group contacts, or qcue42 and spore on Discord.

Currently looking for redrawers experienced w/screentones and colour pages.

Thanks for your time!

their discord is

joined Feb 3, 2021

This one is getting an official release by Seven Seas:

joined May 3, 2020

so, volume one is set to release in October…
… but… i want Volume two.


joined Oct 27, 2017

Waiter! Waiter! More sapphic marriage melodrama please!!

Loved this series, really glad it’s getting picked up again. Can’t wait to get the physical later this year too

joined May 3, 2020

never been this excited about a chapter drop

why is her husband still garbage?

also, why is the font so suddenly different in that bottom bubble here:

does that have some great significance, or is the new type setter still wearing training wheels?

last edited at Feb 26, 2025 2:34AM

joined Dec 3, 2010

Kodama sensei is pointing out that the JP society is harsh towards women.
So in order to survive, they are forced to be bound with marriage and men.
Not that Gotou san did not attempt to find jobs to survive on her own, but the jobs that she tries to apply for didn't find her to be the suitable candidate for it.

Aside from that, reading CH01 , it seems that Gotou san wanted to have kids but couldn't.
Is there really no way of helping them to become what they want?
It's sad that this happens to them because they wanted but they couldn't.

Not that it's related to the story at all.

Been more than 3 months since the last update. Has the translator dropped this? Anyone know the status of the raws?

This one popped into my mind after seeing this Reddit thread on another upcoming manga about a cheating wife:

This is when it reminds me of the preface I read about "The picture of Dorian Gray" , where it says

"There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.

The moral life of man forms part of the subject-matter of the artist, but the morality of art consists in the perfect use of an imperfect medium.

No artist has ethical sympathies. An unethical sympathy in an artist is an unpardonable mannerism of style.
No artist is ever morbid. The artist can express everything.
Thought and language are to the artist instrument of an art.

Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.
Those who read the symbol do so at their peril.

It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors."

Something something (yes, just reminded of, went and search the book and wrote parts of it)

But I think that's what I had on mind when I see people give their comments about the author's work.

So yes, aside from judging the book whether it will corrupt the person who reads it, I think people who appreciate the works of Hitoma sensei will still support sensei no matter how because, again, excerpt from the preface of "The picture of Dorian Gray", it goes

"Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things (created by the artist) are corrupt without being charming; and those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated.. something something.."

last edited at Feb 26, 2025 6:00AM

joined Jan 30, 2017

So happy it's back!

joined Oct 14, 2014

This is why I advocate being a nosy bitch who gets in everyone's business. Imagine waiting to get the chisme until it's too late, couldn't be me.

(also lmao at the Dorian Gray excerpt someone posted above. Wilde was a pederast struggling with his self narrative imo)

last edited at Feb 26, 2025 10:32AM

joined Oct 25, 2023

This one has such delicious drama with the right amount of angst. So glad the scanlator is still going.

Goutou's husband is just going to continue treating her like a slave. The thought of changing his ways never crossed his mind since he and much of society just see that as being a wife's role.

joined Apr 25, 2020

It's back damn. This chapter was weird, not really digging it, and again ofc it's kodama naoko with the characters who can't seem to communicate at all. still, I think this has potential

last edited at Feb 26, 2025 3:03PM

joined May 3, 2020

For once I think the bad communicate is well justified directly from the characters' history and their experience.

joined Apr 25, 2020

For once I think the bad communicate is well justified directly from the characters' history and their experience.

Every kodama naoko story has characters that don't communicate and because of their "background" is justified, however, relying on the same plot device in every single one of your stories get old and boring quickly, author needs to innovate for once

joined Apr 10, 2023

This is why I advocate being a nosy bitch who gets in everyone's business. Imagine waiting to get the chisme until it's too late, couldn't be me.

(also lmao at the Dorian Gray excerpt someone posted above. Wilde was a pederast struggling with his self narrative imo)

That seems like a wildly uncharitable and probably homophobic read of Dorian Gray.

joined Oct 29, 2024

I hope she lets her go, she ain't worth the trouble

joined Dec 13, 2018

the most homophobic force of them all

the economy

joined Jan 3, 2022

I kinda get MC for feeling like it’s not her business to pry but… she lived in your home basically for free (maybe I’m forgetting that she paid some rent or smthn?) aside from cooking and doing chores, she didn’t pay for anything. I feel like at that point, you’re entitled to know at least SOME of what happened.

Feel like grabbing her wrist isn’t the move tho… kinda just makes it awkward

joined Dec 13, 2018

I kinda get MC for feeling like it’s not her business to pry but… she lived in your home basically for free (maybe I’m forgetting that she paid some rent or smthn?) aside from cooking and doing chores, she didn’t pay for anything. I feel like at that point, you’re entitled to know at least SOME of what happened.

Feel like grabbing her wrist isn’t the move tho… kinda just makes it awkward

she did insist on paying her half of the rent and utilities

from how we're seeing all the failed job interviews, it's likely that she's running out of money and doesn't want to be a freeloader.

joined Apr 10, 2023

It occurred to me today that this manga is very similar to the Korean GL comic "Love Thy Neighbor" by Willow, except that's a longer, much more fucked up and pornographic story lmao. You know a story is juicy when the main characters have multiple nightmares about each other. I'd honestly be shocked if the author wasn't a Kodama Naoko fan, although in Love Thy Neighbor the characters actually do talk things out, mostly resulting in them realizing they're dealing with an even more broken person than they thought before.

last edited at Mar 2, 2025 7:26PM

joined Jul 4, 2021

It occurred to me today that this manga is very similar to the Korean GL comic "Love Thy Neighbor" by Willow, except that's a longer, much more fucked up and pornographic story lmao. You know a story of juicy when the main characters have multiple nightmares about each other. I'd honestly be shocked if the author wasn't a Kodama Naoko fan, although in Love Thy Neighbor the characters actually do talk things out, mostly resulting in them realizing they're dealing with an even more broken person than they thought before.

I love that one, haha. I feel like it manages to be serious and dark, but without getting into full on bleakness. At least up to the part I've read.

This one I also get. They're both struggling with societal expectations, one shackled by traditional views of women as babymakers and caretakers (servants) for their husband, and the other one a lesbian who feels like she has no place in, and no way to effect, traditional society.

joined Oct 14, 2014

re: LTN, they were having too much sex and it was costing me too much money, does anyone have a list of actually relevant chapters? lol

joined Apr 10, 2023

Lol sorry but all the sex is Plot Relevant.

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