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It would actually be hilarious if neither of them went to the prom after Narita went to all the trouble of organising it for them. Probably not where the story is heading though. A last minute change of mind seems the most likely route.
Poor Narita-kun, all this work, and the two people he set it all up for aren't even going. And have already made up again without his help. :D
Wait, didn’t we think Freckle-chan was going to invite Koga to the prom?
I was expecting something exactly like this, A meet&greet with her record co dad. But I was expecting Aya to misunderstand and think it was a prom invite and be super down about it.
Although I try to stay out of the plot-prediction business*, I find it hard to believe that the story is going the “no prom at all” route after going to the trouble of setting it up. Maybe a “leave the producer’s party early and hit the prom together” twist.
*Because the pay is so low even when you get it completely right.
I'm sure, at least, that Aya is lying about having a family thing. She's trying to minimize the prom because she knows it's a good opportunity for Koga, but she's heartbroken on the inside. Aya's gonna be miserable about it, and Koga's going to find out or otherwise pick up on that and there'll be some kind of grand gesture to make up for it.
I agree with this, just last chapter Aya explicitly said to Narita "I'm going, I'm going, I'm definitely going" when she learned about the prom. Unfortunately for the romance development Ata pretty consistently chooses Mitsuki making music over progressing their relationship, and this seems to be another example of that. The possibility on actual progress remains solely in Mitsuki's hands because Aya doesn't seem willing to ask her for priority.
I'm trusting the processssssss
i really m
I'm actually enjoying LOL
but i think that 4 pags per week is getting to short for the plot :(
feeling like the autor is cutting a lot of things just to keep the pace
if i'd the power to change anything i'd make this series 1x month with 25/30 pags
but anyway i rlly love this series n I'm trusting so hard the process
Aya pls say something w/o thinking and make a huge snowball of thoughts hit mitsuki to realization
Unfortunately for the romance development Ata pretty consistently chooses Mitsuki making music over progressing their relationship, and this seems to be another example of that.
If we build up the prom and swerve it and it's accompanying romantic development to instead focus on music stuff, I might pull my hair out. That would almost be purposeful at that point. Because of that I can't imagine that's what will happen. So, I'm expecting us to wrap back around to the prom or something prom-like.
last edited at Nov 3, 2024 11:50AM
if i'd the power to change anything i'd make this series 1x month with 25/30 pags
We're getting 16 pages a month, so you want double the output.
Many manga do have that level of output or more, but they also have mangaka burning out and falling into poor health. Or uncredited assistants.
The more prolific Western webcomics tend to be in the 12-20 pages/month range, depending on complexity and color.
Aya's gonna be miserable about it, and Koga's going to find out or otherwise pick up on that and there'll be some kind of grand gesture to make up for it.
I can just picture Koga apologizing to producer dad in the middle of their talk about future stardom because she's got "something really important to do" and rushing to meet Aya, who is hanging out somewhere being down and depressed. Of course, producer dad won't be annoyed by it but rather go "ah youth" or somesuch thing and everything will work out anyway.
Also if that actually happens I wouldn't be surprised if it's The End of the series. ^^
if that happens, it would make for a great plot twist. However, I don’t think it would mark the end of the series; instead, the author might finally show the relationship between the two characters we’ve been waiting over 100 chapters to see.
'm genuinely interested to see the approach the author takes, as I believe this is where the characters will finally make up, and it won't just be brushed aside in the heat of the moment. :)
Besides, I'm not going either.
RIP all of Narita's effort as the absolute BEST wingman. This is like jumping off of Yoshi and letting him fall into a death pit.
Perfect metaphor.
stay tuned to for the next exciting comments of TGSWIIWAGAA: 3rd Wheeler
I, too, have a cat that likes to lay on my keyboard. :D
YAY!!! my DEER friend, DrJamesFox.
I seriously hope the prom date or a date to make up between the two will happen one way or the other.
Only as an "important friends" this is why communication is key in any relationship.
I get the vibe that the Kanna is kind of like a fairy godmother for Aya and Mitsuki. At the end of the chapter, when she says, "I guess... I should leave soon,” it really feels like the author is using her as a subtle plot device. It’s like she’s there to give Aya that last bit of encouragement to go for it and take her chances. It’s almost as if she’s this quiet, presence who shows up, nudges things in the right direction, and then disappears right when she’s no longer needed.
last edited at Nov 10, 2024 5:34AM
Tbh, the cards have been in Mitsuki's hands for a while. She hardly gave any signal to Aya that she was interested in being more than music friends with her.
I can envision a future chapter where Mitsuki finally goes to the prom, near the end or something, and sweeps Aya off of her feet in a glamorous dance as Narita acts as the DJ.
But it doesn't solve anything.
Only as an "important friends" this is why communication is key in any relationship. get the vibe that the Kanna is kind of like a fairy godmother for Aya and Mitsuki. At the end of the chapter, when she says, "I guess... I should leave soon,” it really feels like the author is using her as a subtle plot device. It’s like she’s there to give Aya that last bit of encouragement to go for it and take her chances. It’s almost as if she’s this quiet, presence who shows up, nudges things in the right direction, and then disappears right when she’s no longer needed.
Too me it feels like kind of the opposite, tbh i got the sense that she is essentially telling Aya to do what she seems to have done with Joe, or something similar, basically if Aya is fine being with Mitsuki thinking of her as a friend then to let it be and kind of just give up, which seems to be what happened with Joe and is still happening but i could be wrong.
Though i do think this will lead Aya to at least say that she wants to go to the prom with Mitsuki (or Mitsuki will say no to the music party and go to the prom with Aya) rather than Aya going alone the whole time, which would differ to what seems to be Kanna's experience.
Only as an "important friends" this is why communication is key in any relationship. get the vibe that the Kanna is kind of like a fairy godmother for Aya and Mitsuki. At the end of the chapter, when she says, "I guess... I should leave soon,” it really feels like the author is using her as a subtle plot device. It’s like she’s there to give Aya that last bit of encouragement to go for it and take her chances. It’s almost as if she’s this quiet, presence who shows up, nudges things in the right direction, and then disappears right when she’s no longer needed.
Too me it feels like kind of the opposite, tbh i got the sense that she is essentially telling Aya to do what she seems to have done with Joe, or something similar, basically if Aya is fine being with Mitsuki thinking of her as a friend then to let it be and kind of just give up, which seems to be what happened with Joe and is still happening but i could be wrong.
Though i do think this will lead Aya to at least say that she wants to go to the prom with Mitsuki (or Mitsuki will say no to the music party and go to the prom with Aya) rather than Aya going alone the whole time, which would differ to what seems to be Kanna's experience.
I get what you mean. I feel that Kanna sees a part of herself in Aya, and Mitsuki being Joe's niece makes this connection even stronger. At the end of the chapter, when Kanna says, "I guess... I should leave soon," it seems like she had a moment of realization that she might have been intruding too much on Aya and Mitsuki's relationship. To the point she may have sensed that Aya is hesitant to express her feelings to Mitsuki, which is why she's gently encouraging Aya to take that step forward.
last edited at Nov 10, 2024 6:24AM
Funny, that's not how I read the situation at all with Kanna. For me, she is telling Aya something like "if being her friend is enough for you, don't dwell on it and enjoy the thing you wanted to do with her, without her.".
Basically, get over it and continue your life (like she did with Joe).
I still see her as an obstacle for them becoming a couple. She was the one pushing for Mitsuki to go to America. She will probably push her to follow music rather than a relationship with Aya. Of course, Mitsuki can do both. But I don't think Kanna wants to think it's possible. Otherwise, it would mean that maybe it could have been possible for her and Joe to find a way to stay together.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that the impression I have of the situation.
last edited at Nov 10, 2024 7:09AM
We definitely seem to be building to some sort of tipping point.
I might hazard a guess that Kanna gets Aya ready for the Prom & then "accidentally" gets Mitsuki to see Aya all dressed up - with the penny finally dropping about what Mitsuki really feels for Aya.
But then again, my guesses are usually way off.
Tbh, the cards have been in Mitsuki's hands for a while. She hardly gave any signal to Aya that she was interested in being more than music friends with her.
Yeah, after all this time we haven't gotten much from her. It's all assumptions about her romantic feelings. I'm sure Mitsuki will wind up at prom anyway and hopefully they finally get a bit more direct about their romantic feelings.
I get what you mean. I feel that Kanna sees a part of herself in Aya, and Mitsuki being Joe's niece makes this connection even stronger. At the end of the chapter, when Kanna says, "I guess... I should leave soon," it seems like she had a moment of realization that she might have been intruding too much on Aya and Mitsuki's relationship.
I agree with the parallels between Aya and Kanna, except the last part. Kanna thinks about the "I don't want to be misunderstood" line, along with Joe's text. She's focusing on how close she's gotten to everyone (namely Joe). She's also been hanging on to something, like Aya.
Now she's reminded to take her own advice to find happiness on her own rather than cling to someone who doesn't seem like he'll ever view her in the light she wants. You could rephrase the line to, "Even without Joe, I have to enjoy myself." She's been hanging around for the same reasons Aya was about to skip prom and that fact hit her in the moment.
last edited at Nov 10, 2024 7:48AM
Surprised no one's mentioned the silhouettes of past Kanna and Joe when Kanna tells Aya to have fun without Mitsuki. (Going by their designs in, Aya is past Kanna and Kanna is past Joe.)
last edited at Nov 10, 2024 9:31AM
Funny, that's not how I read the situation at all with Kanna. For me, she is telling Aya something like "if being her friend is enough for you, don't dwell on it and enjoy the thing you wanted to do with her, without her.".
Basically, get over it and continue your life (like she did with Joe).I still see her as an obstacle for them becoming a couple. She was the one pushing for Mitsuki to go to America. She will probably push her to follow music rather than a relationship with Aya. Of course, Mitsuki can do both. But I don't think Kanna wants to think it's possible. Otherwise, it would mean that maybe it could have been possible for her and Joe to find a way to stay together.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that the impression I have of the situation.
I agree, though i don't think she's doing it with that intention even at the end Kanna seems to be kind of running away from having a conversation with Joe about what she actually wants. This is the same with her advice to Aya which boils down to them both assuming the other person isn't interested without actually being straightforward with it (of course i would say Mitsuki is the one that needs to do something in Aya's situation, but the problem is that Mitsuki is unaware of Aya's feelings in the first place, that is just due to her being dense which is why i think Aya needs to actually say something not just let it go and say nothing).
I think this goes to Kanna aswell, since the whole Kanna and Joe relationship seems to be a parallel to Aya and Mitsuki's and with Kanna's advice it looks as if they will be going the same way.
Really this entire situation only really ends in 2 ways at the end of this prom /music party arc either Aya and Mitsuki confirm the just friends bond and Aya moves on, or (i wont say they get together) we get confirmation to some degree that Mitsuki feels the same way e.g Could start a thing where Aya has let it go and Mitsuki starts being the one to pursue Aya. IMO
Looks like she now has to decide whether this is truly enough for her.
with a bit of thought the biggest issue with this situation, is that both Kanna and Aya hasn't brought up anything with Joe and Mitsuki. For example, i could be wrong but has anyone asked whether Mitsuki even wants to do this Music party or if she wanted to go to the prom? Because to me it seems like everyone has pretty much just said this is something she should do and she has just gone along with it.
Kanna left for the US to follow the dream she and Joe had together… without him. He chose Mitsuki who he wasn’t going to take to the US with him at that age. Then she waited until Mitsuki was about to come of age to see how he felt and perhaps convince Mitsuki to come to the US too. So he’d not have that last reason to stay. But she came right when Aya was becoming a big person in Mitsuki’s life. So she helped Aya and regularly reassured Joe that Mitsuki wasn’t alone because Aya was right beside her. Mitsuki would be fine if Joe left with her.
Only now Aya isn’t quite Mitsuki’s person, just a younger version of herself, and Joe is joking about Kanna being like a mom, a role she turned down before, and not what she came back for. She has in her heart what she wants with him, but can’t ask him for it.
IMO, the romantic setup has been pushed too far at this point to just put on the brakes at the last minute and have Mitsuki pat Aya on the back and call her BFF. That would be incredibly anticlimactic, and I can't imagine the author being this tone-deaf. We're getting some version of a prom date in the end.
Honestly I think we’re building up to a big separation, then a timeskip, then reuniting, and then another timeskip that shows them already together.
As far as physical intimacy goes, my bet is that a kiss is the most we’re getting, if that