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joined Nov 30, 2022

Am i the only one who believes that the president is also slightly wrong in that more bodies are appearing because of Satsuki keeps saving people, and more so that this world kind of acts more like time in shows like doctor who and the flash etc, where some things can be changed but certain this are fixed points in time where they can be changed but doing so causes massive repercussions. For example i would say Komachi being initially saved is the "fixed point" we even seas cogs of the world break when Satsuki saves her. which should have happened before Komachi since we know she wasn't the first person saved.

joined Nov 30, 2022

I think the president is of the mindset of if a corpse shows up, then he just leaves it alone whether they someone who he thinks should die or not. plus I don't think he actually goes around murdering people too much, as I don't believe the initial attempt on Miho's life was the president but Seo since before she died the one who had the oil said they were told it was non flammable from Seo. not that it matters, in terms of if he has been retconned but i personally dont think so as he believes some people should die and would actively kill them them (Miho and that one teacher) while also believing that you shouldn't prevent a death if it appears. Finally one reason Satsuki is fine to live is due to her powers since he values them and the fact that Satsuki hasn't had a natural prem corpse yet, only having ones when actively trying to prevent another

joined Nov 30, 2022

Tbh I think Komachi is the one responsible for the increase in deaths, since I'm pretty sure she wasn't the first person Satsuki saved only the first one at the start of the manga. Since Satsuki already had started studying methods that would kill some one and had the knowledge to save her I assume she's been saving people for a little while at least and it didn't seem to increase the number of deaths in the school. Another reason is that most of the people who have died have been related to Komachi in some way even indirectly the only ones that aren't are like the little boy from the fountain and the father of Akira which one those wasn't even an accident it was premeditated so I don't think it counts as more death. Finally Komachi is very much like the protag of the authors previous work which involved the supernatural ability to attract death (pretty much everyone around the protag died, and to become attracted to death I think u have to had committed a murder or something) which is basically what's happening here so its possible Komachi being saved is what caused this, rather than saving a bunch of people increased the number each time. I also think its the reason why Komachi seems to die a lot, this is the third or fourth time now right?

joined Nov 30, 2022

this is just a theory but in the authors other work, which was also largely about death, resolved around the main character basically being surrounded by death and it was "theorised/explained in that manga" that when someone kills another person death stays with them and they attract death in a sense (it wasn't a physical being) and whether the person still killed people or not others around them would die. In the manga it never confirmed if all the deaths were coincidence or some supernatural death aura since, the only thing that was common in deaths were they were close/knew the MC so it could be a similiar thing in this series, though taken in the opposite route for Satsuki as in the more she saves people from death the more its attracted to her.

this would explain why the school is the main epicentre as u have atleast 2 people who may attract death, also ive just realised that Komachis personality is extremely similiar to the previous mangas mc, as both were very unaffected by everything including death and could not understand others well (komachi did try to kill satsuki because she thought she wanted to die)