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joined Aug 1, 2020

I got confused with the last page thinking there might be some pages missing?? Until I realized it's supposed to be like an extra from the chapter. Haha.

It's definitely not cheating. Pretty sure it's just that it rained heavily and Reika got drenched. She didn't wanna show up at home looking like a wet sock. Remember, in page 6 she said she wants to always look perfect in front of Ito. Since Sajimoto's place is close by, she borrowed the shower.
Really, sometimes the answers are so simple but all the angst we've consumed may have traumatized us.

last edited at Sep 2, 2024 4:23AM

joined Jul 26, 2023

I got confused with the last page thinking there might be some pages missing?? Until I realized it's supposed to be like an extra from the chapter. Haha.

It's definitely not cheating. Pretty sure it's just that it rained heavily and Reika got drenched. She didn't wanna show up at home looking like a wet sock. Remember, in page 6 she said she wants to always look perfect in front of Ito. Since Sajimoto's place is close by, she borrowed the shower.
Really, sometimes the answers are so simple but all the angst we've consumed may have traumatized us.

It's done 100% on purpose by the author.

joined Oct 25, 2023

There's absolutely no way this is being played straight. given the overall tone.

Obviously. Ain't nothing straight about any of this :P

But yeah it doesn't look like any of us are picking up what the author is trying to put down at the end. Reika is so very clearly head over heels for Ito that there's no way she'd be cheating.

joined Aug 17, 2024

Then miss mangaka pops out from the bedroom with just a shirt on due to the ruckus, solving everything (I hope so).

joined Dec 20, 2018

Did not see that twist coming... Well, no, that's a lie, I did have that thought somewhere back in my mind, and I fully expect it to be the usual trickery, although the situation really looked a lot worse than I may have expected. :D

joined Apr 10, 2023

What is with the "I don't like girls, I just like this girl" thing that constantly pops up in manga? Feels borderline lesbophobic.

It absolutely is, but that's why her gf reacts by going "bitch you need to read more and learn what words mean." It's not the manga forwarding a lesbophobic trope, it's this specific character buying into lesbophobic ideas in pop culture without realizing that's what she's doing, and getting immediately (indirectly lol) told off for it by her girlfriend.
To expand on this a bit: The "I'm not a lesbian I'm just into one specific girl" trope is not actually about claiming the character isn't a lesbian, but rather disconnecting her from lesbophobic stereotypes. It's the author saying "she's not some psycho nympho predator who treats women like straight men treats women she's a nice pure girl in love". This is unfortunately a pattern that sometimes real actual lesbians do to themselves out of internalized lesbophobia, fearing that coming out would mean being seen as a predator by other women. Happens to some gay men and trans people, too. This is why the girlfriend responds that this is a problem of a lack of proper education. I'm sure she's got some very good literature on the subject of gay pride and lesbian identity she can recommend :)

last edited at Sep 2, 2024 3:50PM

joined Aug 19, 2015

Not doubting Reiko at all unless proven otherwise. Her language in thanking them for lending her the pajamas suggests this isn't a normal occurrence anyway unlike what the actual GF does.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Pretty much went as expected, a lot of drama for nothing. I didn't hate it, but there is something annoying about Reika not realizing how it looks and how much of a problem it is. Not communicating is one thing, but that's a whole nother level of oblivious.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Pretty much went as expected, a lot of drama for nothing. I didn't hate it, but there is something annoying about Reika not realizing how it looks and how much of a problem it is. Not communicating is one thing, but that's a whole nother level of oblivious.

I think the reason everything feels so forced is because there was so little build-up before the misunderstanding and argument. We haven't seen enough of the characters to get a read on their personalities so it feels unconvincing to see them act so over the top like this.

I thought the first chapters were pretty good before things descended into lunacy these past couple of chapters so I'm hoping the author will have a return to form.

joined Sep 10, 2022

It's definitely not cheating. Pretty sure it's just that it rained heavily and Reika got drenched. She didn't wanna show up at home looking like a wet sock. Remember, in page 6 she said she wants to always look perfect in front of Ito. Since Sajimoto's place is close by, she borrowed the shower. Really, sometimes the answers are so simple but all the angst we've consumed may have traumatized us.

Manga is super lighthearted. No reason for worry--just some fun since you know it's nothing serious but can wonder what the explanation will be. You were spot on though! That was cute.

last edited at Sep 15, 2024 9:11AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Perfect. :D

joined Aug 17, 2024

That's why putting people on a pedestal is bad.

And communicate, goddamnit.

joined Apr 25, 2020

Toxic disguised as cute

joined Mar 4, 2018

Hero-worship is unhealthy.

joined Oct 25, 2023

Perfect. :D

How? Did you comment on the wrong thread?

joined Mar 18, 2023

what a sad relationship this is portraying.

joined Jan 21, 2020

I guess i perceived this chapter quite differently from some ppl here cuz i thought this was pretty cute. Reika feels bad about her jealousy and hides it from Ito, who gets worried and thinks she doesnt deserve Reika as shes been putting her on a pedestal. After some drama it gets cleared up and they end up with a healthier and happier relationship for it. Alls well and cute.

joined Aug 1, 2020

That feels good enough to be a final chapter, but I hope we get many more. All the way 'til they're old ladies!

last edited at Sep 16, 2024 8:30AM

joined Jul 8, 2018

What's with all the cynics in this thread? I didn't think the drama was handled perfectly either but the resolution was nice and clearly the characters' relationship is in an even better place now

joined Oct 25, 2023

What's with all the cynics in this thread? I didn't think the drama was handled perfectly either but the resolution was nice and clearly the characters' relationship is in an even better place now

Forgive me for not liking the previous 2 chapters and feeling that the drama was shoehorned in. I did like the first 3 chapters though.

joined Jul 8, 2018

What's with all the cynics in this thread? I didn't think the drama was handled perfectly either but the resolution was nice and clearly the characters' relationship is in an even better place now

Forgive me for not liking the previous 2 chapters and feeling that the drama was shoehorned in. I did like the first 3 chapters though.

Not liking the chapters is fine, I was mostly referring to the people trying to say the relationship is toxic or sad or whatever

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