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WeatheredPeach Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jan 10, 2013

I think I could like stories like this if the cissexist ovetones weren't everywhere in the bloody work. While it sure is cute art-wise, that isn't enough to justify reading through all of that horrendous writing to me.

Always funny to see yuri fanboys flipping their shit at the vaguest hint of yaoi. Because that's the disgusting kind of gay you go to hell for, apparently.

Eeeh? But the love that dare not speak its name is that deep spiritual affection that is as pure as it is perfect!

I wonder how many fujoshi threw such a visceral tantrum when lesbians started appearing in Prunus Girl.

Eh? Is this kind of manga targeted towards Fujoshi? I always thought it was marketed at a subgroup of male otaku.

Many lesbians end up watching gay male porn given that it's typically more romantic than lesbian porn aimed at males. (Citation, lesbian blog:

Even some of the lesbian porn aimed at Women (!!) show no signs of romance, damnit. Does some live action gay porn really have romance in it?

joined May 2, 2013

You. I like you. I tend to read these kinds of stories despite the weird and cissexist writing since, well, I'm starved for any kind of semblance of representation. I just wield my mental eraser of shitty parts with extreme prejudice.

joined Feb 17, 2013

I sort of agree with the comments about cissexism, but I think it really just comes down to the fact that this is marketed at certain groups, just like "tranny" or "shemale" porn that is incorrect and slightly offensive in terminology.

Author's notes in the extra states Kai as a "young woman". Kai refers to Ren as her precious younger sister. Trap certainly has a negative connotation, but using that term kind of conflicts with some of the actual content.

Mixed feelings, but I'm going to choose to read it in a positive way rather than take offense.

joined Apr 2, 2013

I love this manga. It's one of my favorite trap manga. Too bad it's so short.

Glad you uploaded it Dynasty!

joined Feb 2, 2013

sorry for the quite OT, but i need an advice.

i want to read one of the crossdressing manga uploaded recently, but i have few free time these days,
can i ask an advice about a good psicological seinen, not the usual fun trap comedy ?

Always funny to see yuri fanboys flipping their shit at the vaguest hint of yaoi. Because that's the disgusting kind of gay you go to hell for, apparently. I wonder how many fujoshi threw such a visceral tantrum when lesbians started appearing in Prunus Girl.

it's sad , but there are a lot of boyslove fungirl that are scandalized about yuri, this is how works this world,

i'm an het guy, i read yaoi with good plot, but i don't like nsfw scenes, this is normal, i think...

last edited at May 6, 2013 1:20PM

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

sorry for the quite OT, but i need an advice.

i want to read one of the crossdressing manga uploaded recently, but i have few free time these days,
can i ask an advice about a good psicological seinen, not the usual fun trap comedy ?

Bokura no Hentai.

joined Feb 2, 2013

sorry for the quite OT, but i need an advice.

i want to read one of the crossdressing manga uploaded recently, but i have few free time these days,
can i ask an advice about a good psicological seinen, not the usual fun trap comedy ?

Bokura no Hentai.

thanks, you understanded perfectly what i looked for, at least that's the impression i had from the first chapter

joined Feb 24, 2014

I definitely think Ren is a trans girl, calling her a boy or claiming this manga is yaoi would be incorrect. I really appreciate the positive outlook this manga had on her gender, even if the wording was problematic in a few instances. It was short, it was sweet, with pretty decent art, so, good job.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

The chapter order for this seems to be messed up. Oddly the front page now has the order right (it didn't when I started reading) but when you actually go to read it, it goes ch03, ch01, ch02, ch04, ch05, extra.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Actually, I'm going by the fact that he never in the story identifies, or even refers to himself as female. And in fact, while he treasures the clothing, still sees it as fashion.

As a trans woman myself, I can assure you I'm thinking about a bit more than physical form here.

I will give you that the older sister may be trans, but again there's no identifcation and she refers to herself quite forthrightly as a guy multiple times. So perhaps a dedicated crossdresser instead, which does happen.

It seems to me that Ren is definitely transgender, just the author really bumbles about with the subject. The older sister is clearly transgender and Ren prefers to be treated like a girl as well. Any resistance on Ren's side seems to come more from being actively discouraged by the older sister than anything. Which from what I've seen isn't entirely uncommon for transgender people either. I personally was easily discouraged simply from having a father who was so insecure himself that playing dolls with my sister was enough for him to call me a fag and punish me. (We'd go back and forth between cars and dolls, her playing cars was fine but me playing dolls was unacceptable.)

Always funny to see yuri fanboys flipping their shit at the vaguest hint of yaoi. Because that's the disgusting kind of gay you go to hell for, apparently. I wonder how many fujoshi threw such a visceral tantrum when lesbians started appearing in Prunus Girl.

I dunno what's so difficult about just ignoring tags for subjects you have no interest in reading. I have next to no interest in yaoi just because of how 99% of them are written (though ones such as Prunus Girl are great, I actually just reread that one last night) so I simply generally avoid the tag.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

The chapter order for this seems to be messed up. Oddly the front page now has the order right (it didn't when I started reading) but when you actually go to read it, it goes ch03, ch01, ch02, ch04, ch05, extra.

Sorry for the huge delay! Order fixed(?), I hope.

joined Jul 11, 2017

Ren is a transgender girl whether you like it or not. She is not a cross dressing boy and the fact that Kazuhiro understands that really shows his love for her, whether it be yaoi or heterosexual love, in your opinion.

joined Dec 20, 2016

>Ren literally says "I'm a guy"
>the author says Ren is a boy
>people are still trying to argue that actually Ren is a girl

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

rather posted:

>Ren literally says "I'm a guy"
>the author says Ren is a boy
>people are still trying to argue that actually Ren is a girl

It's pretty easy to understand when you actually read what people are saying. Clearly you didn't though because I literally explained the issues a few posts above you.

joined Dec 20, 2016

Yes, one could have the interpretation that Ren is a trans girl. But it is also possible - and, I'd argue, more likely, given that Ren never refers to himself as a girl, that transgender is a rare condition, and the author's own words - that Ren is a boy who doesn't fit into the narrow gender role and social expectations society assigns to boys.

"When I've dressed like a girl, I can get affection, I'm at ease, and it feels nice, after all." It's not as clear-cut as you think, you know? That feeling of being at ease Ren feels... it may be relief from sex dysmorphia, or it may be relief from society's gender roles.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

I agree his sister is pretty clearly trans, but Ren could easily just enjoy cross-dressing and not necessary experience gender dysphoria. Ren's case is indeed more open, especially with ending where they talk how he will change with age and stop being able to look like a girl and how mc will react to it. They never really bring the hormones or operation as a option. It might be just author not knowing the subject, but it can be as well the way they intended it to be seen.

last edited at Sep 24, 2017 11:37AM

joined Jul 22, 2015

Honestly I just wish this could be reworked with a few pronoun changes. Definitely she/her for the older sister. Heck it would be okay to use they/them for Ren since they're more ambiguous.

Anyway, to the people who keep saying "Ren/Sister keep saying they're a male/boy" they're not really referring to their gender identity. It's just traditional sex-defined gender stuff. They mean they have a penis and their assigned gender is male.

joined Aug 18, 2015

I'm starving for more stories about trans or non-binary people that don't treat it as a fetish or call them a "trap," so it's possible that influenced me to read this as Ren being transgender. The pronouns used by the author feel clumsy too, as if they were bordering on calling her a girl, but chose not to. I suppose it could be indecisiveness on what they're "marketing" the story as, general lack of information, or a commitment to making her, as was said in the afterword, a "trap" (I hate that term so much). I can't say for sure what Ren's situation is, but I do have a hard time thinking of her as male, and frankly I was a little surprised that Kazuhiro didn't call her a girl by the end of it. I need to rush off to a dentist appointment now, so I won't be able to elaborate any further.

Also that last page with the older sister on it was very sexy.

joined Sep 11, 2020

Whoo boy some of the comments from 2012/2013 are telling. Hopefully ya'll have cleaned up your act by now about all this.

I'm always real nervous reading trans/genderqueer manga from years ago. It usually has... issues, and this one is no exception.

joined Sep 8, 2020

To be fair, several of the manga with similar themes that came out after this one did had far worse issues. (Kanojo ni Naritai Kimi to Boku comes to mind with its really bad ending). At worst, I'd say Sazanami Cherry had an ignorant author or a bad translation. Personally, I'd say it was both with most of the fault being on the translation; the strange pronoun usage and constant use of the word "trap" to me feels more like a fault with the translator being bad.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Thread has been purged of transphobic remarks.

Lyricanna posted:

To be fair, several of the manga with similar themes that came out after this one did had far worse issues. (Kanojo ni Naritai Kimi to Boku comes to mind with its really bad ending). At worst, I'd say Sazanami Cherry had an ignorant author or a bad translation. Personally, I'd say it was both with most of the fault being on the translation; the strange pronoun usage and constant use of the word "trap" to me feels more like a fault with the translator being bad.

Being charitable, I'd assume it's more a matter of period-specific preferences rather than anyone being "bad." The debate in English-speaking communities around that word has grown significantly in the last ten years. I'd be surprised if the translators were even remotely aware of its implications when they chose to use it. (Nowadays the calculation might be quite different, of course.)

joined Jun 3, 2021

After reading the first chapter and seeing when it was made, this really exceeded my expectations. Great story!
Edit: I thought it looked a little confusing so smol explanation: first two things I mentioned lowered my expectations (which are usually really high so it didn't make too much difference) and it exceeded them.

last edited at Jun 8, 2021 9:52PM

joined Jan 4, 2022

Dear gods I have complicated thoughts about this as a trans woman. I'll agree with a few early comments that the author was really clumsy with how the characters were presented, the pronouns changed at the end to 'she' suggesting that like her older sister Ren is a trans girl. However the author fails to impart knowledge of trans healthcare. ie. hormones once an individual is 21 (Japanese law), and goes so far as to use the term 'Trap' which I feel is derogatory no matter who it is used for.

I thnk the story was okay and had a lot of really good potential and would encourage the author to revisit this after gaining more knowledge of trans issues, however is a far superior trans story since the author goes into detail about the issues that trans women and non-binary people face in Japan.

joined May 3, 2020

I tend to read these kinds of stories despite the weird and cissexist writing since, well, I'm starved for any kind of semblance of representation. I just wield my mental eraser of shitty parts with extreme prejudice.


joined Jul 9, 2020

Reread this because I've been on a nostalgia trip recently. Chapter 6, Ren's outfit has such a "forgot how to actually boy mode" vibe.

...But yeeeeah, this manga really shows its age, to put it mildly.

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