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joined Sep 6, 2018

THE RETURN!! I've always wanted to see how this one ends. So glad y'all picked it back up.

joined Aug 1, 2022

I'm so glad the fan wasn't too creepy abou her oshi and just wants to support her! So glad this is back.

joined Aug 12, 2021

I know it's a very small thing but Sunamori sitting in her room drinking a can of ORANGE JUICE made me laugh, like yeah can't let her be drinking beer so let's just make real clear that she's just drinking


last edited at Jul 4, 2024 4:32PM

joined Feb 11, 2022

yay it's back :>

joined May 11, 2013

Glad to see this come back. It feels like we hardly ever get yuri that's so incredibly shoujo in its aesthetic and presentation.

joined May 10, 2021

Very happy to see this back from the dead, cheers for that!
Though, the fan doesn't seem like she only wants to support her oshi...

joined Oct 9, 2016

Happy to see more of this.

joined Sep 26, 2020

I know it's a very small thing but Sunamori sitting in her room drinking a can of ORANGE JUICE made me laugh, like yeah can't let her be drinking beer so let's just make real clear that she's just drinking



it's delicious

I had a copy of the collection of this drop in my mailbox on Friday because that's the tier of Galette I'm currently subscribed to (I think… things have been pretty confusing over at Fantia with all the nonsense going on with American credit cards on Fantia and Pixiv… I have to buy Toranoana Bux from some shady-looking American web site and then redeem the codes on Fantia's web site, and remember to do this every few months because autorenew doesn't work with the fake currency…) Anyway, I had never even heard of this story before, although I guess I had seen it in Galette, and it's really cute. The whole "oh no we've gotta go back to the inaka" part feels like a Hakamada Mera plot contrivance and the art does kinda look like Yatosaki Haru and Yorita Miyuki, so it makes a lot of sense that this ran in Galette.

I like it. I like that Rurika is so twitterpated that she's begging her weird fangirl to come along so that she doesn't collapse from the sheer anxiety and stress of trying to keep up her cool-girl act for a whole day. In real life that's gonna lead to an awkward day at Tokyo Disneyland, but I'm interested to see how it turns out here!

joined May 29, 2022

Finally updated? Nice~

joined May 27, 2019

I love the energy of an anxious third wheel helplessly watching the metaphorical rollercoaster crest the hill

joined Jul 21, 2024

Thank for the update, I forgot how sweet and cute this series is :) Miriko calling her self a NPC had me laughing hahah :D

last edited at Oct 27, 2024 2:40AM

joined Oct 14, 2014

I miss shoujo manga yuri so much ;_; Yuri Shimai plz come back we can't survive solely on Galette crumbs

joined Jul 28, 2019

The faces! Miriko's faces! She's us, the readers! She's wondering why theses two aren't together yet and kissing and living together and already adopted kids!

joined Oct 4, 2024

Love the classic shoujo style

joined Aug 1, 2022

I want them to clearly communicate so badly and stay strong in their relationship! I'm so happy they finally confessed tho.

joined May 29, 2022

So cute and precious ~ seeing an update is always a delight ~

joined Jul 21, 2024

a kiss on the cheek is good enough TvT

joined Apr 25, 2020

Damn, I had completely forgotten about this, I'll have to re-read everything cause I don't remember anything about it

joined Jan 11, 2022

^^ same!!

joined Feb 20, 2022

Just re-read and caught up to the new chapter, it's so cute... I was so worried Komugi was going to reject Rurika out of her lack of confidence, so seeing her tell her true feelings and them get to be adorable together is really cute.... I'm rooting for them!!

joined Apr 25, 2020

Komugi insecurities are really big I see. I like it, it makes sense that she's overwhelmed by the situation and tries self sabotaging so often, it's pretty believable. Given how often I see situations like this in manga that end up being incredibly infuriating and unrealistic (like, for example, "How do I get together with my childhood friend?"), this is a breath of fresh air

joined Apr 19, 2018

Yeah for some reason this is so much more tolerable than "How do I get together with my childhood friend?"

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