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joined May 26, 2020

Isuzu's really grown on me. She still has a lot of growing up to do, and she acknowledges that.

PredatorDuck Uploader
joined Jun 27, 2018

Really not a fan of doing the "I will let you go with one more warning" children's comic resolution, when it is combined with someone/thing who constantly tried to / wanted to commit mass murder and cannibalism, and up until this was highly aggressive, but whatever.

Vague spoiler:
I wouldn't worry about that one, that'll be addressed next chapter.

last edited at May 24, 2024 11:53AM

joined May 26, 2022

No scene of Hinata tenderly carrying Naori after the latter repeatedly stabbed herself in the leg last chapter, 6/10.

joined Feb 24, 2023

SO CLOSE GOD DAMN IT. Maybe in another 40 chapters she can try again

joined Sep 10, 2022

Naori better watch out because Hinata plans on "reserving the hell" out of her when she gets the confidence and that sounds like a looong night.

On a serious note, it's interesting that both women are worried about being unworthy of the other and both women are simultaneously working to improve themselves for each other. They both fear they'll be unable to protect the other well enough (although Hinata's fear is that she'll subject Naori to more danger and injury). It's cute.

Also, I always assumed Tsukasa was Aju's bartender (and likely more than that). Can't forget that he was introduced sitting in front of an Aju poster and that Aju only asked for Naori's help because she missed her bartender. Now we'll get to see how that goes.

last edited at Jun 11, 2024 11:30AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

She was more bold in chapter 1 though

joined Jun 11, 2021

this kind of thing gets real annoying after a while. i know they're gonna get together in like the second to last chapter and that'll be it. meanwhile we're just gonna get more battle manga arcs with occasional pining in-between. 20 chapters ago i was calling this one of my favorite current yuris but its really fallen off recently. and i feel like there are a lot of hints being dropped about some real interesting stuff but they're focusing on characters and plot points that i couldnt care less about. ah wellllll

joined Sep 16, 2014

I was hoping she'd use a kiss on the lips to heal her injury or something along those lines.

joined Jul 6, 2020

You literally kissed her in chapter one, granted you were drunk, but come on lol

joined Sep 10, 2022

You literally kissed her in chapter one, granted you were drunk, but come on lol

She's still bold. She's just scared she won't be able to protect Naori if Naori becomes the SO of the Shuten Doji. Naori's injury is a reminder of that. As a result, she wants more power and/or stable circumstances before she "makes the reservation." In chapter one she wasn't this close to Naori and wasn't thinking of their future.

last edited at Jun 11, 2024 6:06PM

joined Jan 10, 2022

Cool story bruh but this plot isn't anything special. With the added fact that the romance won't be a part of it is even more disappointing. This will be one of those stories where they confess in the last chapter and we might maybe perhaps get an epilogue that will focus on everyone but our main pair. But it'll be fine cause they'll hold hands through the entire epilogue. But it'll be implied at best.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Cool story bruh

That's funny.

joined Aug 22, 2014

Really really hope the next arc isn't some overly flirty love rival to push Hinata to action.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Naori better watch out because Hinata plans on "reserving the hell" out of her when she gets the confidence and that sounds like a looong night.

On a serious note, it's interesting that both women are worried about being unworthy of the other and both women are simultaneously working to improve themselves for each other. They both fear they'll be unable to protect the other well enough (although Hinata's fear is that she'll subject Naori to more danger and injury). It's cute.

Also, I always assumed Tsukasa was Aju's bartender (and likely more than that). Can't forget that he was introduced sitting in front of an Aju poster and that Aju only asked for Naori's help because she missed her bartender. Now we'll get to see how that goes.

Seconding this, because everyone right now is just way too disappointed at the progress. Hinata knows what she wants. It looks like she knows how to get it. I don't know if Naori may have to grow herself and realise what she wants before there's a natural point where these two come together.

I think this was the most natural and un-contrived backing off I've ever seen in a romance.

joined Sep 10, 2022

On a serious note, it's interesting that both women are worried about being unworthy of the other and both women are simultaneously working to improve themselves for each other. They both fear they'll be unable to protect the other well enough (although Hinata's fear is that she'll subject Naori to more danger and injury). It's cute.

Seconding this, because everyone right now is just way too disappointed at the progress. Hinata knows what she wants. It looks like she knows how to get it. I don't know if Naori may have to grow herself and realise what she wants before there's a natural point where these two come together.

I think this was the most natural and un-contrived backing off I've ever seen in a romance.

Sometimes it feels like there's a little bit of resentment or dissatisfaction when a yuri story focuses on other things than just the romance. But I agree with you. I've loved their progress and the world around them creates a lot of valid reasons for why they'd both feel inadequate and unsafe to form or think about relationships at the moment.

Really really hope the next arc isn't some overly flirty love rival to push Hinata to action.

The story has avoided tropes like that, so I wouldn't worry too much. There's a lot of in-universe plot points beginning to converge and I expect those will continue to be the plot's focus but also strain and progress their relationship. Hinata's becoming Shuten-Doji, Naori's role as the bartender, Hinata's brothers machinations, and now the oni-hunters role. There's a lot in those to test Hinata and Naori's relationship and continue moving it along.

last edited at Jun 12, 2024 8:17AM

joined Apr 27, 2021

Sometimes it feels like there's a little bit of resentment or dissatisfaction when a yuri story focuses on other things than just the romance. But I agree with you. I've loved their progress and the world around them creates a lot of valid reasons for why they'd both feel inadequate and unsafe to form or think about relationship at the moment.

I agree and I think it's sort of natural, considering that we are all here on a page for yuri manga, a genre whose literally sole unifying feature is that its about girls dating girls. That naturally makes people hyperfocus on the girl dating girl aspect, which works well for romance but less well for everything that doesn't strictly want to be a romance.Tbh, that's why I really wish there was more other genre manga/anime that just happens to feature girls dating girls so that some of the pressure is taken off the yuri tag but alas we're still a bit far from that point.

For this story in particular though, I also think it could've been handled a bit better. It's not terrible as is and the notion of them both needing to grow a bit more makes sense but it just isn't communicated that well. This is largely due to the pacing of the relationship story being disrupted by the fighting chapters I think, there's been so many chapters since the romantic nature of the Hinata/Naori relationship was last discussed that it almost feels a bit disjointed, which is a shame. Still love this manga though.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Tbh, that's why I really wish there was more other genre manga/anime that just happens to feature girls dating girls so that some of the pressure is taken off the yuri tag but alas we're still a bit far from that point.

I think as long as we continue getting more yuri that isn't strictly of the romance genre, the audience will eventually disassociate the two more. I see it as a sign of progress and normalizing.

Speaking of series with romance as a sub-genre, I just recently found Muted, has anyone read that series on Webtoon? It was very popular but I hadn't heard it mentioned much. Such a good story. It has a form of relationship people seem to clamor for here a lot (without spoiling) and a really nice depiction of it too.

last edited at Jun 12, 2024 8:32AM

joined Jun 17, 2021

Sometimes it feels like there's a little bit of resentment or dissatisfaction when a yuri story focuses on other things than just the romance. But I agree with you. I've loved their progress and the world around them creates a lot of valid reasons for why they'd both feel inadequate and unsafe to form or think about relationship at the moment.

I agree and I think it's sort of natural, considering that we are all here on a page for yuri manga, a genre whose literally sole unifying feature is that its about girls dating girls. That naturally makes people hyperfocus on the girl dating girl aspect, which works well for romance but less well for everything that doesn't strictly want to be a romance.

Seems to me that people just don't know what "romance" is.
It doesn't mean they're instantly together. All romance stories include the story of how they were bonded together and the struggles they took to get there. Many romances don't even have a couple "getting together" until the end, depending on the type of story.

This isn't about it being gay or straight, that is just how romance stories go.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Speaking of series with romance as a sub-genre, I just recently found Muted, has anyone read that series on Webtoon? It was very popular but I hadn't heard it mentioned much. Such a good story. It has a form of relationship people seem to clamor for here a lot (without spoiling) and a really nice depiction of it too.

I thought I recognised the title but couldn't remember, but as soon as I clicked it I remembered.
Tbh, I've read GL Webtoons I've enjoyed more than that one, too. There are so many good ones.
Atm, The Greenhouse is stellar.
Mage & Demon Queen was probably my favourite comedy-wise. (finished)
Nevermore (also ongoing) has amazing art and a great story.
Everyday by Day is a great episodic SoL cute series with a range of characters.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Speaking of series with romance as a sub-genre, I just recently found Muted, has anyone read that series on Webtoon? It was very popular but I hadn't heard it mentioned much. Such a good story. It has a form of relationship people seem to clamor for here a lot (without spoiling) and a really nice depiction of it too.

I thought I recognised the title but couldn't remember, but as soon as I clicked it I remembered.
Tbh, I've read GL Webtoons I've enjoyed more than that one, too. There are so many good ones.
Atm, The Greenhouse is stellar.
Mage & Demon Queen was probably my favourite comedy-wise. (finished)
Nevermore (also ongoing) has amazing art and a great story.
Everyday by Day is a great episodic SoL cute series with a range of characters.

Nevermore and The Greenhouse (I'm on her Patreon)! Those are great too and wonderful examples of plot focused stories with great GL romance. I think Muted on par with those and since you've read it you'll know what I mean when I say it offers a unique and underrepresented relationship dynamic when compared to those other two? That's part of why it gets some extra recommendations from me now.

last edited at Jun 12, 2024 10:10AM

joined Jan 10, 2022

It was an awful tease in a story dry in yuri content. A tease that announced that no further progress shall be made till another eight mysterious characters appear at the end of certain chapters. This is my main gripe with this, the story isn't anything great, it's average at best. It would be fun to follow along with a bit more yuri sprinkled on top and that's really what I expected from this.

joined Apr 19, 2024

I hope they get together before the last arc. For as much as I love this as an addition to alcohol based yuri and how it's one of the few where a lead getting cold feet makes sense, I hope they'll go and bring more of a focus on the romance sub-plot in the upcoming chapters.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Nevermore and The Greenhouse (I'm on her Patreon)! Those are great too and wonderful examples of plot focused stories with great GL romance. I think Muted on par with those and since you've read it you'll know what I mean when I say it offers a unique and underrepresented relationship dynamic when compared to those other two? That's part of why it gets some extra recommendations from me now.

I mean, that's a fine reason to recommend things, sure. But I'm more likely to recommend things based on their quality (story and art) rather than just the characters, so Muted falls down the list for me in that sense.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Knew he was her bartender and they're definitely together--cute as well. Now I wonder if the present Shuten Doji is essentially Hinata's mother? We're heading straight for a collision with Hinata's future role now.

last edited at Jun 23, 2024 10:38AM

joined Aug 17, 2019

Oh.... what the Shuten is designed as THE Shuten Doji we all known
You know something heavy is incoming

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