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joined Jul 8, 2020

It was all good and sweet until Yuna slept for like 20 hours and Reina about to call an ambulance on her, i was like what the fck did i just read lol

joined Dec 20, 2018

She really needed that rest and her body finally let her.

That's how I understood it as well, yes.

joined Mar 4, 2017

She really needed that rest and her body finally let her.

That's how I understood it as well, yes.

Okay I get it now yeah. She was under so much stress on her body was finally able to reset. Which is why she was able to catch up on all the needed rest. :)

joined Oct 4, 2018

I can almost see that classic scene in a lot of older spicy mangas where doctor goes "You do it too much!"

joined Dec 20, 2018

I can almost see that classic scene in a lot of older spicy mangas where doctor goes "You do it too much!"

Thanks for the reminder, I really should go and re-read Itoshi no Kana again once in a while. :D

joined Dec 4, 2023

The last paragraph was about to give me the biggest heart attack....I've read too much angst

last edited at Mar 17, 2024 1:51PM

joined Jun 12, 2015

Two days of sex and then 20h of sleep. Wow.

joined Mar 4, 2017

On another note: shouldn't this have the abandonment issues tag? I feel like most of the conflict is at least partly driven by Yuna's low self-esteem and fear of ending up alone.

That, but she may actually feel genuine abandonment issues after her parents basically disowned her for the "crime" of wanting to further her education. She really got done dirty by them in that regard.

joined Jun 27, 2018

This is still going?

joined Feb 14, 2016

Two days of sex and then 20h of sleep. Wow.

Sounds like my wife!!

joined Oct 2, 2021

Two days of sex and then 20h of sleep. Wow.

Not enough sex

joined Jan 30, 2017

Morinaga Milk is really letting out all of her horniness with this manga. Not that I mind.

Two days of sex and then 20h of sleep. Wow.

God, I wish that were me.

joined Dec 3, 2010

Speaking of Rena's profession, it reminds me of Girl Friends. Isn't that what Akko chooses as a profession, choosing the school that could lead her to become a manicurist?

joined Jun 25, 2022

That extra chapter was adorable.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Imitation can only go so far. Super cute.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Mission failed successfully.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Imitation can only go so far. Super cute.

@SrNevik Aaaaah!! I see your profile pic!! Best Webtoon ever!!

last edited at May 10, 2024 5:16PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Imitation can only go so far. Super cute.

@SrNevik Aaaaah!! I see your profile pic!! Best Webtoon ever!!

Yes! Love it! Should be more popular, especially around here.

last edited at May 10, 2024 10:51PM

joined Nov 22, 2019

Imitation can only go so far. Super cute.

@SrNevik Aaaaah!! I see your profile pic!! Best Webtoon ever!!

Yes! Love it! Should be more popular, especially around here.

Well, come on then, drop the name.

last edited at May 13, 2024 2:39AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Imitation can only go so far. Super cute.

@SrNevik Aaaaah!! I see your profile pic!! Best Webtoon ever!!

Yes! Love it! Should be more popular, especially around here.

Well, come on then, drop the name.

Sure! It's called "The Witch" but I'll also recommend "Dom and Mor," and "Love and Be Loved." All girls love. I've got loads more but those three are absolutely fantastic, just suffering from needing more marketing.

last edited at May 13, 2024 10:25AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Imitation can only go so far. Super cute.

@SrNevik Aaaaah!! I see your profile pic!! Best Webtoon ever!!

Yes! Love it! Should be more popular, especially around here.

Well, come on then, drop the name.

Sure! It's called "The Witch" but I'll also recommend "Dom and Mor," and "Love and Be Loved." All girls love. I've got loads more but those three are absolutely fantastic, just suffering from needing more marketing.

That's true. It can be so hard for some good Webtoons to be seen by a larger audience. I found "The Witch" just by coincidence in the recently updated and I am soooo glad I did!! Dom and Mor is also awesome, yes! Didn't know the third one, so thanks for the recommendation!!
I really like a lot of the "smaller" GL webtoons, they are usually very unique works.
Btw, if I am allowed to do some shameless self-advertising, I have a webtoon of my own. It is super small and I am still learning, it's called: Not her Again sorry for the offtopic, lol.

last edited at May 27, 2024 5:07AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

I recently binged this and I must say Morinaga Milk has grown a lot with her writing. The first story I read and loved by her was obviously Girlfriends. I was a young adult then. And I just love how this manga is so mature, when I have grown older now too and appreciate exactly this kind of story more. There's so much psychological tension, but the couple life is so sweet. I also love how it is such a "normal" yuri story. Like they are a couple and who cares that it's two women. I enjoy that the drama is not at all about the yuri, but about the character's feelings. This comic is just a really nice couple life drama story.

last edited at May 27, 2024 5:16AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

The last 3 I'd recommend are "Vowrune," "Bulletproof Candy" and "Rainbow!".

Btw, if I am allowed to do some shameless self-advertising, I have a webtoon of my own. It is super small and I am still learning, it's called: Not her Again sorry for the offtopic, lol.

I'll be perusing your wares.

I recently binged this and I must say Morinaga Milk has grown a lot with her writing. The first story I read and loved by her was obviously Girlfriends. I was a young adult then. And I just love how this manga is so mature, when I have grown older now too and appreciate exactly this kind of story more. There's so much psychological tension, but the couple life is so sweet. I also love how it is such a "normal" yuri story. Like they are a couple and who cares that it's two women. I enjoy that the drama is not at all about the yuri, but about the character's feelings. This comic is just a really nice couple life drama story.

Agreed. Her stories have an effortless quality to them. Love your comment about the narrative being about them as people too. They're allowed to be imperfect in flawed ways. Lots of manga characters are "imperfect" in acceptable ways.

last edited at May 28, 2024 6:56AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

Now that's smth i can relate to. Sleeping Disorders really fuck you up. Something as "simple" sounding as a chronically misaligned circadian rhythm can be absolutely debilitating.

last edited at Jun 22, 2024 11:23PM

joined Apr 15, 2013

Stuff like this really throws a wrench in your whole life. I'm kinda surprised we are going straight from abandonment issues into a sleep disorder. That's one way to keep the drama flowing I guess.

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