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joined Sep 15, 2020

ahhh this is the good stuff, glad its back I luhhhhve the way my heart hurts after reading these B)

joined Dec 9, 2023

Hi everyone, I want to apologize for the massive delay between releases. I got very busy with work and other life things for a while, and I didn't have the time/creative energy to devote to providing this series with the high-quality translation it deserves. I do intend to see this series through to the end, and my hope is to start getting chapters out with a bit more regularity moving forward. Thanks for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Alas, life keeps people busy. thank you sm for the chapter!!

I didn't have the time/creative energy to devote to providing this series with the high-quality translation it deserves

Also props to you for this. Big respect to your integrity towards maintaining quality

joined Apr 25, 2020

This shit is straight FIRE ngl ngl

joined Jul 14, 2017

It's back! Thank you for the chapter!

joined Feb 27, 2023

I pray kyou dies every night

joined Nov 25, 2023

binged this today and now i've GOTTA read the raws! i love the complex messy human relationships on display. also, i disagree with framing eri as a bad person. i'm going to gather my thoughts more clearly after reading the jp dialogue, but as things stand, she kind of reads as vaguely autistic? at least to me. she can't understand the people around her, and her efforts just lead to further cruelty and she can't figure out why or where she went wrong. yes, she's emotionally immature, but i think there's a lot to empathize with.

it's clear by now she loves fuyuki, and i don't think it's denial so much as a lack of understanding of what love is. she dates boys because that's what's normal, and she's gotten better at social acting over the years. "don't stand out or you'll get hurt" + no grasp on social cues or nuance = not being able to correctly identify how you feel. i do think fuyuki getting a gf is a good development, for both her and eri, and i'm curious if it'll lead to eri getting clarity, fuyuki moving on, or both (bittersweet!). and as for kyou, he's a typical teenage boy and kind of not interesting to me, except for his role in their drama as a mirror. the art and subtle visual symbolism is awesome too. every panel is so purposeful! nothing is just fluff!! in awe honestly

last edited at May 18, 2024 3:28PM

joined Aug 29, 2020

Fuyuki-chan: it’s the way I’m in love with a straight girl who also happens to be my best friend…………

The Dog Who’s Named Opera:

last edited at May 18, 2024 6:08PM

joined Oct 12, 2017

It’s back!! I love this one! Thank you!

I’ve been buying the books as they come out, but I’m not yet able to read them. XD

joined Apr 11, 2022

Eri finally had a taste of her own medicine and I love that lol. Meanwhile Kyou can just fk off. I used to think he was at least a decent guy but now he is just like a petty loser. Can just get with that other girl as a consolation prize then.

last edited at May 21, 2024 3:06PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

13.2 raws

i only used google translate so I'm probably not getting the full picture here but Eri is just selfish. i haven't seen much proof that she actually cares about Fuyuki in any way except to ensure that Eri, herself, is emotionally safe. she's treating Fuyuki as some sort of coping mechanism. here's the panel i translated in 13.2 page 4:

"Fuyuki... Are you going to that person's place?

Don't go.

Stay here.

It's my first time filming, so I'm nervous too, and I want Fuyuki to be by my side."

and in the page right before Kisaki purposefully kissed Fuyuki to dissuade Eri from getting any closer to Fuyuki, Eri was lamenting that constantly thinking about Fuyuki is ruining her time in Film Camp so she decides to forget about her in the meantime. (this was probably mistranslated but it makes sense anyway. Eri's been hung up on Fuyuki possibly getting a new "number 1" over her)

anyway, i still don't see Fuyuki and Eri as endgame and how the next chapter goes will probably tell me more if Eri is for real in denial over her actual love for Fuyuki or she's straight up just a selfish brat.

last edited at May 23, 2024 2:00AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Eri finally had a taste of her own medicine and I love that lol. Meanwhile Kyou can just fk off. I used to think he was at least a decent guy but now he is just like a petty loser. Can just get with that other girl as a consolation prize then.

i agree and honestly? his inferiority complex and how he deliberately tried to keep Fuyuki away from Eri because he felt threatened over their friendship really doesn't make me sympathetic over him. he has seen how close they've been since childhood and he's been jealous he couldn't have that same closeness with Eri because he's been in love with her since then. he's so pathetic and i haven't bothered to translate his PoV chapters but that random girl who's worried over him can keep him instead. she seems like a pain in the ass too

joined Jun 27, 2022

Tbh all characters pretty much suck in this series. Though Kyo and Eri are the worst. Fuyuki is just a pain in the ass since she can't let go and is way too nice.

joined Apr 10, 2023

there's a new chapter next week. what is everyone expecting? i think we will see them wrapping up the film and fuyuki and kisaki will go together somewhere else while eri sulks. i dont remember if they're at the end of their semester but i am expecting that fuyuki will decide to move away and apply to a different college with kisaki sometime in the future. in chapter 12, in the flashback scene, eri tells young kyouhei that she wants to get along with him for fuyuki's sake despite hating him at first. if fuyuki wasnt in the picture, she wouldn't have tried to get closer to him, much to kyou's frustration.

i think ultimately the only way forward is for fuyuki to put some physical distance away from eri so she won't be emotionally damaged anymore and actually try to be happy for herself. then for eri to grow up, learn how to be independent, and realize she shouldn't just expect fuyuki to be her coping mechanism. if eri isn't as stupid as we think, she'd realize she was in love with fuyuki all along.

joined Mar 24, 2015


That, "She's my girlfriend, after all." Kisaki is now a top tier character and I will love her forever. Omg. Can't wait to see Eri self destruct even further and in front of Kyou to boot. God. This is the messiest manga I've ever read. I LOVE IT

Also lol poor Fuyuki eating that spicy sauce and accidentally chasing it with booze. She's missing all the fun!!

Truly this author is outdoing herself. Every messy thing I've ever wanted to happen is occurring and more

joined Apr 11, 2022

Nice. Eri has no rights to butt in whatsoever lol. And what did Kyou try to do there? Hope he finally realizes he isn't needed. Chasing someone who will never love him back, and thinking he still has a chance.

And yeah, we want to see Fuyuki happy. Recent chapters feel like she starts to get less effect from Eri's mood. If anything, it's more like the other way around, where Eri is losing her cool lol.

last edited at Jun 14, 2024 5:11AM

joined Aug 21, 2016

Summary / spoiler for new raw:

Nice developments this chapter. First few pages / scenes show Eri in full cope mode. She's thinking about how it's merely a kiss, which is normal for couples. She notes how "It's a thing I've done with Kyou and the others I've dated" and "Kissing is the same as holding hands and hugging. It's just one way of expressing love. Sure, not just anyone can do it. But it's not that special." and finally, "So, don't make a face like Fuyuki's yours" (dogshit English, sorry)

It sounds like she's super bitter here (she is) but this also reveals how she views romantic relationships compared to her relationship with Fuyuki, highlighted specially in her thought bubbles for the next few pages when she sees the two together:

"17 years. For 17 years, we've always been together. Isn't it obvious that being able to build this kind of relationship is much more valuable and special?"

And Eri, like a wet cat, continues in her mind, "It was me who joined the club with you, and it was me who you were with when we talked about how excited we were for this camp. Me. Not her."

"A few kisses and sex won't erase the memories we shared, you know?"

"But if that's all it takes, what was the 17 years we spent together for?"

During all of this, Eri and Kisaki are going back and forth trying to be the one to take the drunk Fuyuki back to her room (and presumably take care of her.)

And finally, when Kisaki doesn't give in and refuses to give Fuyuki to Eri, Kisaki says "It's fine, don't worry. She's my girlfriend, after all." Eri just straight up snaps and shouts "Dont touch Fuyuki!" which garners everyone's attention.

Kisaki asks "Hey, Eri-chan. What do you mean by that?"

Eri is confused. Kisaki clarifies, "I don't know, but, a mere childhood friend like you has no right to be saying such things. I've told you this before, haven't I?"

Before Eri could go berserk, Kyou rushes towards them and pulls Eri away, apologizing to Kisaki and telling her Eri's just drunk so he's taking her back to their room. Eri is surprised? Confused? Because she was pretty sober I think. The chapter cuts with Kyou pulling Eri away.

Warning: long boring essay ahead zzz:

With that out of the way, it's interesting how Eri views "kissing and sex" as something insignificant compared to her and Fuyuki's relationship. How, to her, romantic relationships, or things that entail it, are not special at all. But deep down, she's hypocritical since she herself is having a meltdown and trying to cope in this chapter when she sees Fuyuki and Kisaki kissing. A nice parallel to the first chapter when Fuyuki caught Eri and Kyou kissing.

Which is why it's a rude awakening for Eri when Kisaki checkmates her with "But she's my girlfriend". Moreso when she doubles down and reminds her of their conversation during the Karaoke chapter

Instead of telling Kisaki all of the things she thought about moments ago, how a first relationship or maybe any romantic relationship is nothing compared to her 17 years with Fuyuki, she merely breaks. Who has the right to take care of Fuyuki? The best friend or the girlfriend? Who is more important?

It's also telling how she grouped Kyou with her past relationships in a fleeting mention, indicating she might not really love Kyou at all (which was kinda obvious, to be fair).

All in all, idk, this made me like Eri a bit more as a character. I know a lot of people hate her guts specially in this chapter, but I think this really fleshes out her perspective more. She's selfish, has a kind of fucked up view of love which probably makes it harder for her to have healthy relationships (remember her abusive ex bf? And how she says that she'll "eventually" fall in love with someone she's dating like she's forcing herself), does not understand even a hint of what's happening with Fuyuki (girl you never asked about the wounds on her fingers??), and is self centered for sure. But I can't deny that she really loves Fuyuki and would probably do anything for her. Hell, I truly believe Eri wouldn't think twice to be single if Fuyuki asked her to. It's just that everyone kinda babies her and her feelings. She needs someone like Kisaki, someone who'll remind her of what she will lose if she continues being like this.

last edited at Jun 14, 2024 9:54AM

joined Apr 11, 2022

Wait she had abusive ex? And the wound? Which chapter they got mentioned, cause I don't remember any of them.

Also, I agree with you since we know her perspective. It's just that, I don't know if Kisaki is enough of a push for Eri to realize what is actually her love, while all of her relationships so far are only for her to "stay normal" or something like that. I mean, I feel like it will be near the end of the series if Eri finally learns who she really loves. But the forshadow at the start showed a wedding, so should be a few years from the current point, so unless the author just does a big time skip after her realization.

last edited at Jun 14, 2024 11:30AM

joined Mar 24, 2015

Sorry, this is also going to be long and boring. I love this manga, and I can't find anywhere else people are talking about it.

And Eri, like a wet cat,

Lolllll. Thank you for translating this, btw! I generally understand things, but you get a lot of the internal thought and more nuanced things that would take me a while to translate.

She needs someone like Kisaki, someone who'll remind her of what she will lose if she continues being like this

Agree~~ Even though ~Kisaki-senpai~ and Fuyuki are together, Eri is the one driving the wedge between herself and Fuyuki, I think. Fuyuki has patiently watched Eri date guy after guy and still been supportive. The second Eri sees Fuyuki kiss someone else, she has a total meltdown. She needs to think about how others feel before it's too late (I hope she doesn't).

Wait she had abusive ex? And the wound? Which chapter they got mentioned, cause I don't remember any of them.

I don't remember Eri having an abusive ex, either, lol. The wounds, tho: When Fuyuki sees or hears something particularly upsetting about Eri and Kyou, she hurts herself. First time was chapter 4 after Eri tries to make Fuyuki come on her date with her boyfriend?? The next time, I can't remember the chapter, but it's the one where Fuyuki walks in on Eri and Kyou. When she asks ~Kisaki-senpai~ to comfort her, her arm is all scratched up :(

I don't know if Kisaki is enough of a push for Eri to realize what is actually her love

If she isn't, there is no redeeming this girl lol. Eri will probably need one more extremely obvious push--something like Kyou yelling at her, "It's like the one you want to date is Fuyuki!" Though her classmate jokingly said something along those lines in chapter 5, I think, ("Where I'm from, we call that adultery"), and Eri immediately shot it down so. She doesn't seem to think much of romantic touching when it's with her past boyfriends, like swossy mentioned above. Maybe she'll inadvertently think about Fuyuki in that way and realize she actually does want those things--just from Fuyuki and not those other guys.

joined Aug 21, 2016

Sorry, this is also going to be long and boring. I love this manga, and I can't find anywhere else people are talking about it.

Same! I really enjoy reading people's thoughts on this series and how they interpret the characters. Based on the replies and QRTs on twitter for this series, an overwhelming majority really love Kisaki and want a Fuyuki x Kisaki endgame (honestly, same). But given the direction of the story so far, it's really hard to predict how this'll end. Like, maybe the wedding in the future is Kisaki's? Eri's brother? Opera? who knows!

Wait she had abusive ex?

I don't remember Eri having an abusive ex, either, lol

Honestly guys maybe I just hallucinated it LMAO

Agree~~ Even though ~Kisaki-senpai~ and Fuyuki are together, Eri is the one driving the wedge between herself and Fuyuki, I think.

Very much agreed on this as well.
I don't really mind a Fuyuki x Eri ending, but like someone said before, she would really have to work hard to earn it, maybe. But even then, it still probably won't compare to Kisaki's kindness, patience and gentleness with Fuyuki.

last edited at Jun 14, 2024 1:04PM

joined Apr 11, 2022

I like your thought but if it's Kisaki's, Kyou wouldn't even come when they barely know each other xD And Eri's brother, why showed the bride then? Though it could be author playing with us xD

And yeah, Kisaki is like a perfect match for Fuyuki, she is too good. Sorry but I will never stand Eri's selfishness or whatever.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Not Opera's wedding lmao. The whole squad would show up for real.

I absolutely love how tender Fuyuki and Kisaki-senpai~ are. I love seeing them just occupy each other's space and being totally comfortable. I really hope they grow to fall for each other. One can pray.

Wish I had more long essay thoughts, but that's it for now ahaha

joined Jun 27, 2022

Eri reminds me of my ex girlfriend tbh. She made a clear distinction between our intimate relationship and her friends.

The fact we had sex and all was less a thing for her than her friends and she put me always second. The only thing she had going for her was that she's gorgeous, it took me some time to cut her off.

Eri is really just like her, a great friend but a horrible lover. I feel for Fuyuki. And to some extend Kyou, it can hurt alot to fall in love with that kinda person.

I gotta say this really grew on me, I hated the het bs and the dumbass promise at first. But now I'm seeing more parales with my personal life and it feels less unrealistic. Just shows when people can relate to a story you start to like it.

last edited at Jun 19, 2024 5:40AM

joined Jul 18, 2020

Eri is really just like her, a great friend but a horrible lover. I feel for Fuyuki. And to some extend Kyou, it can hurt alot to fall in love with that kinda person.

I gotta say this really grew on me, I hated the het bs and the dumbass promise at first. But now I'm seeing more parales with my personal life and it feels less unrealistic. Just shows when people can relate to a story you start to like it.

Is Eri even bisexual? To me, it seems like she is lesbian without realizing that she is a lesbian. The spoiler talk confirmed even further on that. She has never been and will never be in love with Kyou. I doubt she will put her friends first if she was going out with Fuyuki instead of her boyfriend. Eri is a victim of her own upbringing and the most pitiful character in the whole story.

last edited at Jun 21, 2024 10:02AM

joined Jun 14, 2024

The new raw is wiiiildd. Also, Kyo is dead to me now. It's not like I care about him before but, after this chapter, nope. Go away already

last edited at Jun 27, 2024 10:47PM

joined Apr 11, 2022

Yeah how could he just go lower and lower lol. So pathetic. Though looks like I was right about the consolation prize lmao. Anyway, I have a feeling the story is coming to the end.

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