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joined Apr 10, 2023

Eri finally had a taste of her own medicine and I love that lol. Meanwhile Kyou can just fk off. I used to think he was at least a decent guy but now he is just like a petty loser. Can just get with that other girl as a consolation prize then.

i agree and honestly? his inferiority complex and how he deliberately tried to keep Fuyuki away from Eri because he felt threatened over their friendship really doesn't make me sympathetic over him. he has seen how close they've been since childhood and he's been jealous he couldn't have that same closeness with Eri because he's been in love with her since then. he's so pathetic and i haven't bothered to translate his PoV chapters but that random girl who's worried over him can keep him instead. she seems like a pain in the ass too

joined Apr 10, 2023

13.2 raws

i only used google translate so I'm probably not getting the full picture here but Eri is just selfish. i haven't seen much proof that she actually cares about Fuyuki in any way except to ensure that Eri, herself, is emotionally safe. she's treating Fuyuki as some sort of coping mechanism. here's the panel i translated in 13.2 page 4:

"Fuyuki... Are you going to that person's place?

Don't go.

Stay here.

It's my first time filming, so I'm nervous too, and I want Fuyuki to be by my side."

and in the page right before Kisaki purposefully kissed Fuyuki to dissuade Eri from getting any closer to Fuyuki, Eri was lamenting that constantly thinking about Fuyuki is ruining her time in Film Camp so she decides to forget about her in the meantime. (this was probably mistranslated but it makes sense anyway. Eri's been hung up on Fuyuki possibly getting a new "number 1" over her)

anyway, i still don't see Fuyuki and Eri as endgame and how the next chapter goes will probably tell me more if Eri is for real in denial over her actual love for Fuyuki or she's straight up just a selfish brat.

last edited at May 23, 2024 2:00AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Fuyuki's POV would be nice. She's at least honest with herself, so we'd likely get a clearer explanation on her feelings than we would from Eri's POV. I wonder why Fuyuki kinda went fetal after pushing Eri away. Was it her own trauma around seeing Kyou and Eri hooking up, or was it a result of feeling like she hurt Eri's feelings/wasn't being a good friend? Truly hope it's not the latter.

Anyhow, if we do get Kyou's perspective on essentially competing with Fuyuki his whole life, it will make it even clearer that Eri has feelings for her.

i wouldn't say fuyuki is the most honest with herself. she's still hiding behind her promise with eri instead of just confessing to her. even if she gets turned down, at least she tried. but like i said, the author likes to take their stories a bit realistic so this is just typical teenage queer angst.

joined Apr 10, 2023

New raw up. Seems like Eri's jealousy is getting obvious. Fuyuki's been by Senpai's side and Eri keeps looking at them, even getting bothered because she overhears Fuyuki call Senpai by her name, saying, "I can carry that for you, Sasaki-san." She's kinda cold to Kyou but idk if that's just her being in a pissed off mood because of Sasaki. Kyou asks her about the script and she's just half listening, eventually asking him "Fuyuki's girlfriend's name is Sasaki. Did you know?" To which he replies "Why would I?". The second half of the chapter is just about Kyou's pov of meeting the two as kids and if the next chapter is about him it'll be disappointing since I don't give a shit about his character. And by the looks of it it's probably gonna ba about how he feels out of place or jealous that Eri has loved Fuyuki more than him their entire lives.

just a correction, the senpai's name is Kisaki.

yeahhhh i have a feeling that the next part will be more kyou (ughhh). this author tends to go with the "realistic" part of relationships in their stories so i bet eri and kyou will stay together and have kids, maybe even married. fuyuki and kisaki will break up eventually then maybe we'll get an epilogue with a flash forward of them as adults in their 30s and eri will have divorced kyou, reminisce about her childhood and fuyuki then she'll have. "what if" moment where she and fuyuki are happy together (but not necessarily romantically together).

idk i just don't think eri likes fuyuki romantically but is just feeling left out just like when she was a kid and fuyuki was the only one to stick through with her. fuyuki will be tired of feeling like a 3rd wheel and now decided she needs to grow up and move on from eri and kyou, which i think will be the happy ending.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Agree lol. Anyway, I know it could be out of her character, but Eri gets angry and spills the beans to end their relationship would be top notch lol.

you're so weird for this. why the animosity towards fuyuki? i feel bad for her for falling for a straight girl, something a lot of us lesbians unfortunately suffer from. i hope fuyuki just breaks off away from Eri cuz nothing good will ever come from being her friend. it is exhausting to constantly try to please your friend, romantically or platonically speaking, just to make sure you stay close to them. i have experienced it (though gladly never fell for a close friend).

also, someone else mentioned "at least Kyou isn't a bad guy" when the dude deliberately told Fuyuki to stay away from Eri on her bday lmao. he only retracted that once he knew she'd get mad. yeah Kyou has possession problems and insecurity.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Looks like things are getting spicy between Fuyuki and senpai. But if I'm not wrong, senpai was having a crush on a guy(?) (I only guessed on their back and hand) that already had a gf (her sister/close friend?). Then I can see why things may not work out between them. I mean, all we see so far are senpai "comforting" Fuyuki, are we sure if she could get attracted to girls? I won't be surprised if next chapter starts with senpai rejects Fuyuki lol. There are also messages at the end (probably from Eri) that I will appreciate anyone translate it. But man, this author really like missing messages while having sex xD

And so, I only want Fuyuki to be happy :(

But god, to think this is a yuri story where the only relevant thing is the protagonist having a long time crush on her female childhood friend, and everything else is het shits... There could be actions between two girls next chapter but even so, it doesn't make it any better to me.

is fuyuki the only lesbian in this story? lol. even the senpai is straight and just gonna play with Fuyuki. this sucks. i'm starting to really hate this story and possibly the author as a whole. i don't think I've ever read a happy lesbian story from them.

wait. i did a quick deepl translate over that panel you spoke of, and i think that mandly arm and hand is her father

last edited at Nov 10, 2023 10:53AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Man, thanks again. I actually already saw the raw up to 9.1, but can't understand much. So with your help I think I don't even need to read the translation later xD

Well, I understand how Kyou feels, but as an observer, I only see it as him knew full well he couldn't win against Fuyuki over Eri's affection, and so had to ask her to "give up" so he could have a chance. Yeah Eri didn't seem that angry afterwards, but also doesn't look like she actually like him more after that. So if anything, I think his plan is already backfire. And so, I wonder how long for him to stop being blinded by love, to realize he would end up like Eri's previous bfs. I mean, right now I feel like he could have thought "wow, she agreed to have sex with me. She finally starts to like me" xD

And about the sex thing, they are exactly my thoughts but the way you put it is wonderful. A bit sad that senpai may not be her option though. Maybe they can keep comforting each other and in the end, be able to move on from their unrequited love and finally be together? Because I think they look great together, like the open page in chapter 9.

And not like only you want that route haha. Personally at this point, I just can't root for a Fuyuki x Eri ending. To much angst that could only leave a bad taste in my mouth if author really intends for that. And so the wedding could be a make or break of an ending to me. Tbh, I don't even mind if it's between Eri and Kyou, but only if Eri actually comes to love him, not that number 1 bs.

Btw, just a rant I want to let out in general, so you can just ignore it. Like, gay girls falling for straight girls aren't that uncommon irl, and most of the time they didn't end well. So why would we have to endure the same thing even in fiction lol. Secondly, what with authors in recent years that keep bringing up het elements in yuri stories? Did they think it would make the story more realistic, or that it will bring a wider range of audiences? I think I have enough with all the harem romcom out there, but they are even here too. I really miss the old days, that even if there is angst, they are all girl on girl actions. And talk about realistic, I feel like only manga could make promises that heavy, like you bet all your life on it lmao. Like, I don't even remember things just some years ago, and here we have a girl that keep living in agony just to not break a promise, when in her pov, the other person may not even remember. I also believe this is the first long serialization of Murasakino? Then to me, it's already the worst one of their works.

where did u find the chapter 9 raws? i only just now saw 8.2 and it was about kyou and eri having sex with fuyuki catching them then meeting with her "gf"

the translators are taking so long with this manga.