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joined Sep 11, 2022

hey gang, didn't we have two girls kiss a few chapters ago

wasnt one of the volleyball girls... explicitly gay?

i get being traumatized by the past, but the yuri ending proof is beating us over the head imo

Yeah, pretty sure there was even an entire arc devoted to exploring different kinds of love and volleyball player Yasuko's past with a boy crush and her developing crush on Hitomi (another volleyball player) now. We're absolutely in gay territory now, there is pretty much no going back anymore.

And I'm all for it! ^_^

joined Apr 10, 2023

"I like you. It's a special kind of like." "It's not an act, I want to stay with [her] forever." You might not expect a happy ending based on your pessimism, but this ain't subtext. This is text. This is unambiguously gay shit.

joined Sep 26, 2016

Where are these people that are so pessimistic they ignore what's actually being portrayed and invent some contrived scenario about their fears coming from? It's honestly baffling.

joined Sep 11, 2022

Where are these people that are so pessimistic they ignore what's actually being portrayed and invent some contrived scenario about their fears coming from? It's honestly baffling.

Honestly, yeah...just, where the heck did all this cynicism come from? Wowzers.

Komichi isn't afraid of saying what she feels or thinks. She's made it clear that Erika has earned that spot in her heart. They're really going to be together. I guess people are just THAT burned out by the world that they're adamant about what can be considered yuri. Not that they're COMPLETLELY wrong, but...lighten up everyone, we're just trying to have fun! >_<

And the world has changed enough where two girls being together is more or less accepted by a majority of people. Komichi and Erika are going to be okay. Just wait and see.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Where are these people that are so pessimistic they ignore what's actually being portrayed and invent some contrived scenario about their fears coming from? It's honestly baffling.

Honestly, yeah...just, where the heck did all this cynicism come from? Wowzers.

Komichi isn't afraid of saying what she feels or thinks. She's made it clear that Erika has earned that spot in her heart. They're really going to be together. I guess people are just THAT burned out by the world that they're adamant about what can be considered yuri. Not that they're COMPLETLELY wrong, but...lighten up everyone, we're just trying to have fun! >_<

And the world has changed enough where two girls being together is more or less accepted by a majority of people. Komichi and Erika are going to be okay. Just wait and see.

Yes... I admit is being pretty clear they'll end together romantically.

But Truck-kun can still happen. Let's not lower our guards just yet.

last edited at Mar 24, 2024 4:26AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

Where are these people that are so pessimistic they ignore what's actually being portrayed and invent some contrived scenario about their fears coming from? It's honestly baffling.

Yeah, it's almost as if they have experienced way too many situations in manga and anime where with very promising developments between two female characters, only to have them go absolutely nowhere, or even blow up completely.

Oh, wait...

joined Sep 26, 2016

Yeah, it's almost as if they have experienced way too many situations in manga and anime where with very promising developments between two female characters, only to have them go absolutely nowhere, or even blow up completely.

Oh, wait...

With just how many yuri manga there are now, with how many get translated/ localized, I don't get how this is an issue. Are you only reading older series?

last edited at Mar 26, 2024 6:40PM

joined Jan 11, 2014

Erika and Komichi's setup points towards a romantic arc. However, I'd like to point out that Akebi's Sailor Uniform isn't in the yuri genre. It's a slice of life about girls. If this manga was in the yuri genre, with a romantic structure explicit from the get go, no one would wonder if Erika or Komichi are going to end up together. However, it's a slice of life about girls, a genre that is egregiously known for yuri baiting and girls saying "I love you" and "I want to be with you forever" and "you're the most important person to me" without ever stepping into firm romantic territory. We're in a genre that depicts intimate friendship between girls that never goes beyond that and working with the genre expectations.

Also, I'm hesitant to boldly claim an ending for a series that hasn't ended. There's never an assured ending, and the author might surprise us all. Still, I'm hopeful that Akebi's Sailor Uniform depicts Komichi and Erika falling in love. I'm not caught up on the recent chs, but the manga has already touched on sapphic love between the volleyball girl and the other gal. It also has Akebi explicitly set on a quest to discover romantic love for another person (ERIKA) for the sake of a romantic play inspired by her and ERIKA, so that she and ERIKA can remain together FOREVER.

The way the author writes is so sporadic. Plot elements just occur suddenly. I love that about this manga, but also it makes me hesitate to make any strong predictions, especially since the surprises have delighted me so far. I am hopeful but where else do you see sapphic love except in the genre specifically designed for sapphic love? NOWHERE. Sapphic love in a non-yuri work just doesn't exist often. I'm seeing the beginning of a careful, well thought out, well plotted slowburn love story between two girls that are the main characters to a slice of life story, in a non-love story. I am going crazy with excitement. I will be overjoyed. I will be killed. They have me by the throat.

It's clear by the author's writing style that whatever happens will be atypical, but touching and authentic.

last edited at Apr 1, 2024 1:55AM

joined Jul 21, 2020

After going through this chapter, it makes it all the more clear why they're such a great and caring family. Just wow.

joined Jul 29, 2017

That Komichi is such a good girl. A bit of a handful at times, but a very good girl.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Man, that's a good father. That's a good mother. Those are good daughters. Is so refreshing seeing such a fine functional family in a manga. What a lucky man to have such a wonderful family and so amazing dude for caring and protecting them. I love this series.

last edited at Apr 24, 2024 3:02PM

joined May 28, 2021

Welp, that was horrifying: ⁠‑⁠X Thank God everything turned out ok in the end! To think that the guy still has doubts about having been a good enough father and husband!

joined May 30, 2022

As scary as the whole chapter was, couldn't help but smile in the end. Such an wholesome family.

joined Sep 11, 2022

You know, back when I first began watching and reading Akebi, I always saw Komichi as a sort of superhero in her own way. Yes, she didn't have any powers or anything, but she does have a big heart of gold and a love for everyone.

This chapter really took me back. She was a true hero ever since she was born, literally helping to save her mom when she needed her most. And the fact that Yuwa and Komichi could've died at this point in wonder why Sato feels they're too good for him.

Komichi's family is truly the best.

joined Sep 16, 2014

Never could have predicted the birth of that gremlin to be so dramatic.

joined Feb 17, 2013

That was a fantastic chapter - with great art - bet it took a lot of work since so much of it was atypical.

joined Jan 13, 2015

Damn it's been a long time since something made me cry like that.
Especially since most of the crap that comes out these days is mass pleasing garbage.
This manga is a real treasure.

joined May 28, 2021

It's going to be my headcanon from now on that part of the reason why Komichi is so dedicated to training her body and be in the best shape possible comes from wanting to be strong and ready for any situation like that in the future.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Big. Damn. Heroes!

joined Dec 7, 2019

It's going to be my headcanon from now on that part of the reason why Komichi is so dedicated to training her body and be in the best shape possible comes from wanting to be strong and ready for any situation like that in the future.

Honestly I think that's spot on. I mean even when you look back to when she and erika fought for like 5 seconds about her jumping off the bridge for erikas ribbon, komichi blamed herself for not being fast enough more than her actions just being outright dangerous. Girl is selfless to a fault.

joined Sep 11, 2022

Big. Damn. Heroes!

This. ^^

joined Mar 28, 2015

It's a terrible day for rain.

joined Feb 3, 2021

You can really understand why this family is so close and care so deeply for each other.

Komichi spilling her soul in her letter to Erika. Can't wait to see how all of this develops!

joined May 3, 2014

Erika and Komichi's setup points towards a romantic arc. However, I'd like to point out that Akebi's Sailor Uniform isn't in the yuri genre. It's a slice of life about girls. If this manga was in the yuri genre, with a romantic structure explicit from the get go, no one would wonder if Erika or Komichi are going to end up together. However, it's a slice of life about girls, a genre that is egregiously known for yuri baiting and girls saying "I love you" and "I want to be with you forever" and "you're the most important person to me" without ever stepping into firm romantic territory. We're in a genre that depicts intimate friendship between girls that never goes beyond that and working with the genre expectations.

Also, I'm hesitant to boldly claim an ending for a series that hasn't ended. There's never an assured ending, and the author might surprise us all. Still, I'm hopeful that Akebi's Sailor Uniform depicts Komichi and Erika falling in love. I'm not caught up on the recent chs, but the manga has already touched on sapphic love between the volleyball girl and the other gal. It also has Akebi explicitly set on a quest to discover romantic love for another person (ERIKA) for the sake of a romantic play inspired by her and ERIKA, so that she and ERIKA can remain together FOREVER.

The way the author writes is so sporadic. Plot elements just occur suddenly. I love that about this manga, but also it makes me hesitate to make any strong predictions, especially since the surprises have delighted me so far. I am hopeful but where else do you see sapphic love except in the genre specifically designed for sapphic love? NOWHERE. Sapphic love in a non-yuri work just doesn't exist often. I'm seeing the beginning of a careful, well thought out, well plotted slowburn love story between two girls that are the main characters to a slice of life story, in a non-love story. I am going crazy with excitement. I will be overjoyed. I will be killed. They have me by the throat.

It's clear by the author's writing style that whatever happens will be atypical, but touching and authentic.

OH MY GOD FINALY some one said it! we all know how some stories are all about friendship and it makes your head turn and try to twist itself into a pretzel when the ending AIN’T ROMANTIC AT ALL!!! there are A LOT of such manga, and the fact that the Yuri tag is by itself also represents Friendship unlike Yaoi or Bara >.> supposedly only men are allowed to have CLEAR GAY tags

Women get to have friendship+gay shit, like MAN i WISH there was an clear cut tag and not this wish wash way of doing things, cuz i tell you! you won’t have 0 Yaoi into GOD DAMN YAOI, cuz no one refers to friendship between man and uses the gayes tag! LOOL

last edited at Jun 2, 2024 5:48AM

joined Sep 30, 2017

Oh, come on, man..... You can't tell me Erika isn't in love when even Akebi's handwriting makes her swoon like this...

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