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joined Jun 9, 2021

Re: Chapter 20

I'm a little frustrated at the writing here. Individually, each of the character's actions could be justified. But looking at them together, the writer has missed at least two big opportunities to develop the characters.

There has been three times now where three different characters stop talking to their friend and run away. Including characters that got upset when it happened to them. Makes it feel more like a plot device than a character trait. But even giving the author the benefit of the doubt, by the time Kiki runs off, the gesture has lost its dramatic effect.

Well, I'm still on board to see what happens, but this last chapter feels like it didn't stick the landing.

last edited at Feb 21, 2024 2:38PM

joined Jun 1, 2020

There's this thing when I'm reading something dramatic or adjacent where my stomach turns and rumbles throughout the whole thing, and there's this feeling of unease and anxiousness that haunts me all along as well. I consider this a good thing, a sign I'm invested in something or that I find the writing and scenario particularly compelling, and this chapter had this on full fucking blast. Good lord, Kiki's outburst and her self-hatred/self-pity were painful on the most personal levels, and the various reactions and pained expressions as well.

I liked the nuance of Shion trying to help but really having no idea how nor any way to really be of any effect, and what I read as her feeling somewhat guilty, too. I also love the trend of Mona just being the voice of reason, but more seriously, giving Kiki the mirror she very desperately needed in order to actually being to handle all that's happened. Very much looking forward to seeing what comes next.

last edited at Feb 21, 2024 2:52PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Very cute. ^_^

joined Sep 10, 2022

Appreciate, Kiki's "dress" and "suit." Shion admires Kiki's comfort in her "dress," and desires to be part of that happiness. But, she realizes their relationship dynamic differs. It's not the attire but the partner that matters.

It's a Kiki and Michiru thing. Shio can't swoop in at the last moment, as with her, Kiki reverts to her old, uncomfortable "suit." Shio is not the right partner. She can only think the dress looks good, while Michiru says it.

Meanwhile, Kiki begins to understand her feelings. It seems she'll soon understand the phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder," and hopefully not "ya snooze, ya lose." Also, big Sis is back!

last edited at Mar 16, 2024 9:49AM

joined May 27, 2019

Kiki looking happier in the dress, as well as a lot of the rest of her arc, gives me a lot of trans vibes. Not saying that I think she’s literally trans, but a lot of her feelings are familiar to me

joined Jun 1, 2020

A few things popped up to me. Most prominently are the big fucking off for Shion, how her metaphorical and literal letting go left her shaken, and in turn Mona, who literally and metaphorically has finally come to beg for Shion's attention directly. Page 138 juxtaposing Kiki and Michiru dancing full on with who I believe is Shion and Mona decrepitly standing at the side was perfect to display the pain both are probably going through.

And also. as SrNevik mentions: seems she'll soon understand the phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder," and hopefully not "ya snooze, ya lose."

Almost definitely, probably with the help of big sis, who I definitely did not until this point believe had passed away. But I also am left with questions about Kiki's view of herself, which seems like a pretty big obstacle for her growth still. Also, bizarrely, I'm really glad that Michiru could muster the courage and set the boundary, for both of their sakes. Either case, though, I honestly liked the entire moment between the two of them. Felt really tender and warm, all things considered.

As an aside, part of me couldn't help but laugh at the thought that Michiru told her physically hurt friend that they needed some time off, and while aching and on the floor, just left her there and walked away.

joined Dec 20, 2018

That must have hurt.

joined May 20, 2013

As an aside, part of me couldn't help but laugh at the thought that Michiru told her physically hurt friend that they needed some time off, and while aching and on the floor, just left her there and walked away.

She just went for the ice. She did, didn't she?

joined Jul 13, 2015

An honest dance is really an importance development for them

joined Jun 21, 2021

gasp Onee-chan be back! Just in time to have a good, long "hey, so, here's what it feels like to be in love with your dance partner" talk

joined Jul 31, 2019

rip ankle

joined Jan 10, 2022

I wouldn't mind seeing this in anime form. If only to see all those dances being animated

joined Sep 5, 2019

I wouldn't mind seeing this in anime form. If only to see all those dances being animated

I wholeheartedly agree. I kinda wanna see more yuri that has the romance as the secondary plot, and something else like in this case, dance as the focus and driving force for the plot to move forward. And yes, I do not have enough imagination to understand how to make the dance in the scenes look pretty and graceful in my head.

last edited at Mar 15, 2024 2:45AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

I wouldn't mind seeing this in anime form. If only to see all those dances being animated

I wholeheartedly agree. I kinda wanna see more yuri that has the romance as the secondary plot, and something else like in this case, dance as the focus and driving force for the plot to move forward. And yes, I do not have enough imagination to understand how to make the dance in the scenes look pretty and graceful in my head.

I concur, an anime of this would be amazing. As for how/who to animate it, every time i imagine it i think of this scene from Fena: Pirate Princess. Production I.G did such a fantastic job on that

joined Sep 10, 2022

How about we don't dump all this stuff on Haruma and you just move on, on your own without burdening her too? She's not a stress release ball and you know she doesn't feel the same way. The idea of "closure" these series propose has always been selfish to me but maybe that's my hangup.

Beyond that, Haruma is indeed finding out what it feels like to miss Michiru. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" or "Absence reveals what the heart was fond of all along."

last edited at Apr 11, 2024 8:27AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

The idea of "closure" these series propose has always been selfish to me but maybe that's my hangup.

I think that was precisely what Mona was getting at.
Her whole point is that being selfish and doing selfish things is just something people do. That being in love with someone (and thus projecting their feelings onto them) is inherently selfish to some extent.

She also never says that it doing so isn't wrong, or that she shouldn't feel bad at all, which i feel is important. Just that nobody is a saint and Shion shouldn't wallow in self-hatred like she's the worst person ever just bc she's, y'know, acting like people do.

last edited at Apr 11, 2024 9:23AM

joined Apr 20, 2013

I am concerned about her household's situation and why she needs a prince to save her so bad, it is evident that she's being neglected at least.

joined Sep 10, 2022

The idea of "closure" these series propose has always been selfish to me but maybe that's my hangup.

I think that was precisely what Mona was getting at.
Her whole point is that being selfish and doing selfish things is just something people do. That being in love with someone (and thus projecting their feelings onto them) is inherently selfish to some extent.

She also never says that it doing so isn't wrong, or that she shouldn't feel bad at all, which i feel is important. Just that nobody is a saint and Shion shouldn't wallow in self-hatred like she's the worst person ever just bc she's, y'know, acting like people do.

The impression I got was that Mona now wants Shion to vent her frustrations, how she felt and how she still feels to Haruma and to do so for closure. So they would be continuing that selfish act, rather than avoiding it. That's what my response was focused on.

That kind of thing is unnecessary to me and serves mostly to make the venter feel better at the expense of someone they claim to care for, yet many series treat the act like a good thing. I'd rather (and still hope) that she continues talking with Mona (who is trying her best to show her worth to Shion), comes to terms with her feelings together, and then meets Haruma after she's overcome her issues. She doesn't need to trauma dump on Haruma, for "closure."

last edited at Apr 11, 2024 9:51AM

joined May 27, 2019

The idea of "closure" these series propose has always been selfish to me but maybe that's my hangup.

I think that was precisely what Mona was getting at.
Her whole point is that being selfish and doing selfish things is just something people do. That being in love with someone (and thus projecting their feelings onto them) is inherently selfish to some extent.

She also never says that it doing so isn't wrong, or that she shouldn't feel bad at all, which i feel is important. Just that nobody is a saint and Shion shouldn't wallow in self-hatred like she's the worst person ever just bc she's, y'know, acting like people do.

The impression I got was that Mona now wants Shion to vent her frustrations, how she felt and how she still feels to Haruma and to do so for closure. So they would be continuing that selfish act, rather than avoiding it. That's what my response was focused on.

That kind of thing is unnecessary to me and serves mostly to make the venter feel better at the expense of someone they claim to care for, yet many series treat the act like a good thing. I'd rather (and still hope) that she continues talking with Mona (who is trying her best to show her worth to Shion), comes to terms with her feelings together, and then meets Haruma after she's overcome her issues. She doesn't need to trauma dump on Haruma, for "closure."

Bottling up your emotions and never giving them an outlet is unhealthy and can trap you in those feelings. Taking up emotional space is not some odious thing you inflict on other people. Is there a form and pattern of venting that can be toxic? Sure. But that doesn’t mean that accepting someone’s offer to emotionally support you is inherently bad.

joined Oct 16, 2013

I absolutely loved this chapter. Shion and Mona's relationship has always been my main interest in this series and I loved how all their short tense scenes throughout the series finally exploded into the wonderfully told confrontation here. So so satisfying to see Mona finally say what she's been feeling and also following her own advice to Shion about being selfish for once. Also very satisfying to see Shion let out her raw emotions after restraining them for so long. It's a good step forward for both of them and I can't wait to see how their relationship progresses from here.

The flash to the pic of Kiki's sister and her ex-partner and fiance(?). Maybe a love triangle of the past? From how she's fiddling with the ring I'm assuming she still has feelings for her ex-partner...I wonder how much the author is gonna delve into this since they already talked a little about her sister's unrequited feelings in past chapters.

The idea of "closure" these series propose has always been selfish to me but maybe that's my hangup.

I think that was precisely what Mona was getting at.
Her whole point is that being selfish and doing selfish things is just something people do. That being in love with someone (and thus projecting their feelings onto them) is inherently selfish to some extent.

She also never says that it doing so isn't wrong, or that she shouldn't feel bad at all, which i feel is important. Just that nobody is a saint and Shion shouldn't wallow in self-hatred like she's the worst person ever just bc she's, y'know, acting like people do.

The impression I got was that Mona now wants Shion to vent her frustrations, how she felt and how she still feels to Haruma and to do so for closure. So they would be continuing that selfish act, rather than avoiding it. That's what my response was focused on.

That kind of thing is unnecessary to me and serves mostly to make the venter feel better at the expense of someone they claim to care for, yet many series treat the act like a good thing. I'd rather (and still hope) that she continues talking with Mona (who is trying her best to show her worth to Shion), comes to terms with her feelings together, and then meets Haruma after she's overcome her issues. She doesn't need to trauma dump on Haruma, for "closure."

I don't think Shion necessarily needs to or should "trauma dump" on Haruma, but she definitely needs to talk to Haruma because Haruma herself wants to know what is going on. I don't think in this particular situation "closure" is a bad thing for two people who want to repair their relationship. As it is right now, I think it is way worse for Haruma, who also has really low self esteem, to think she did something wrong for Shion to break off their friendship than it is for her to find out it's because of Shion's unrequited feelings and guilt.

last edited at Apr 11, 2024 4:55PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I don't think Shion necessarily needs to or should "trauma dump" on Haruna, but she definitely needs to talk to Haruna because Haruna herself wants to know what is going on. I don't think in this particular situation "closure" is a bad thing for two people who want to repair their relationship. As it is right now, I think it is way worse for Haruna, who also has really low self esteem, to think she did something wrong for Shion to break off their friendship than it is for her to find out it's because of Shion's unrequited feelings and guilt.

We're in agreement, then--that's what I was saying. She needs to continue talking with Mona, who has offered to help her through her feelings and then after coming to a better place she can calmly talk with Haruma and explain what's happened. That would be appropriate closure. I also agree about Mona and Shion's relationship and dynamics this chapter. Hopefully, Shion recognizes how natural she is with Mona, just as Haruma and Michiru are so natural together.

last edited at Apr 11, 2024 10:55AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Tricked us good with that one... Homa-nee looking down (at her phone). Kiki looking up while running. And then the meeting, Kiki's a head taller, brain reboots. :D

joined Nov 7, 2022

I don't think Shion necessarily needs to or should "trauma dump" on Haruma, but she definitely needs to talk to Haruma because Haruma herself wants to know what is going on. I don't think in this particular situation "closure" is a bad thing for two people who want to repair their relationship. As it is right now, I think it is way worse for Haruma, who also has really low self esteem, to think she did something wrong for Shion to break off their friendship than it is for her to find out it's because of Shion's unrequited feelings and guilt.

At the very least, she ought to talk to Kiki because it would benefit them both, as they are currently stuck, so that works in this case. If it wasn't for that, she doesn't have any inherent obligation to expose her vulnerabilities to someone else just to get an explicit rejection to the face, her feelings are her own, after all. Kiki's own uncertainty would certainly draw her apart from Shion but that doesn't mean she's owned her ex-partner's confession.

joined Jul 31, 2019

Well I thought we'd get more of the sister in this chapter especially after that first colored page, so that kinda took me by surprise

last edited at Apr 12, 2024 9:41AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

Mona joined the social dance club because of her grandma, but she was interested in dancing with a girl, not out of ambition but just for fun. Then she quickly noticed Shion with her massive crush on Kiki, and was like "she's perfect". Sure, this is a yuri manga, but all of that happened before she started catching feelings for Shion. So I wonder if she knows that a straight girl would be unlikely to end up in a situation like this.

While she didn't exactly confess outright, Mona let her feelings slip quite a bit here ("you haven't looked at me at all", "I have always seen you"). Shion has always been a bit of a mess, but she has never looked smaller than this time. The fact that she has kept wallowing in her guilt for so long, and that she appears to be so alienated from everyone else, makes me worried that some deeper issue might be in the background. What could be so awful in her life that she would prefer to dissolve herself in an unrequited love, surrendering all control to her friend, and later sinking into a pool of her own guilt?

Well, maybe the alienation and guilt is just because of internalized lesbophobia, and her parents just work out of town instead of being actively neglectful or abusive.

The idea of "closure" these series propose has always been selfish to me but maybe that's my hangup.

I think that was precisely what Mona was getting at.
Her whole point is that being selfish and doing selfish things is just something people do. That being in love with someone (and thus projecting their feelings onto them) is inherently selfish to some extent.

She also never says that it doing so isn't wrong, or that she shouldn't feel bad at all, which i feel is important. Just that nobody is a saint and Shion shouldn't wallow in self-hatred like she's the worst person ever just bc she's, y'know, acting like people do.

The impression I got was that Mona now wants Shion to vent her frustrations, how she felt and how she still feels to Haruma and to do so for closure. So they would be continuing that selfish act, rather than avoiding it. That's what my response was focused on.

That kind of thing is unnecessary to me and serves mostly to make the venter feel better at the expense of someone they claim to care for, yet many series treat the act like a good thing. I'd rather (and still hope) that she continues talking with Mona (who is trying her best to show her worth to Shion), comes to terms with her feelings together, and then meets Haruma after she's overcome her issues. She doesn't need to trauma dump on Haruma, for "closure."

Bottling up your emotions and never giving them an outlet is unhealthy and can trap you in those feelings. Taking up emotional space is not some odious thing you inflict on other people. Is there a form and pattern of venting that can be toxic? Sure. But that doesn’t mean that accepting someone’s offer to emotionally support you is inherently bad.

Yeah. I think fixating on Mona's exact phrasing is a mistake here. She is not giving Shion therapeutic advice, but releasing her own frustrations that she has been pushing down until now. I'm sure Shion takeaway is just that she should clear things up with Kiki, not that she has been using the wrong girl as an emotional dumping ground.

I don't think the story is purely using closure as a framework here. This friendship is not guaranteed to be fixed by a confession, far from it, but it can't be repaired if Shion continues to hide this part of her from Kiki. The guilt would continue to eat away at her, and Kiki would also continue to worry and possibly blame herself. If Shion can confess, it will be the opening -rather than closing- of a door, letting fresh air into the room.

last edited at Apr 12, 2024 7:24PM

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