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joined Jun 26, 2017

I love this series so much

joined Jan 30, 2017

Shen is creating a horny monster.

joined Oct 2, 2021

"Can we go further than just a kiss?"

Next thing Jiang will be wanting to hold hands

last edited at Jan 17, 2024 7:33AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

The attitude difference of, "I'm going to defeat her and show her I'm the best!", and "Can we fuck?", is pretty hilarious to see here lol

Very true. Jiang: “Please scratch me, but not so hard that I bleed. Or at least don’t make me bleed in hard-to-reach places.”

joined Jul 15, 2016

I adore the fact that it's apparently normal for them now to start a day of work with a kiss. :-)

Jiang is so down bad it's crazy

That's was literally my first reaction after this chapter, word for word. :D

joined Sep 10, 2022

That revealable information is hilarious. Also, Jiang's natural (and oblivious) romantic pressure is too much to handle. Of course Dir. Shen would cave so quickly.

last edited at Feb 13, 2024 9:40AM

joined Dec 1, 2022

Who's the new girl? Maybe I don't remember, but I don't believe she's been introduced before

joined Sep 10, 2022

Who's the new girl? Maybe I don't remember, but I don't believe she's been introduced before

She was introduced 1 or 2 chapters ago, beyond that I don't remember what's been revealed about her relationship to Shen and Jiang yet at this point, so I can't speak on that. You can get an idea of what their history might be based on the fact that she knew them both and thinks it's karma that she's meeting them again (and compares meeting them again with meeting her ex).

last edited at Feb 13, 2024 10:47AM

joined Jul 15, 2016

That revealable information is hilarious.

It is important world-building and characterization! >__>

joined Sep 27, 2017

Someone is feeling very cuddly

joined Mar 19, 2022

"The mood is killing me..." Translation: I'm horny too...
The sacrifices you have to make in the name of work lol

joined Dec 20, 2018

Adorable. :D

joined May 25, 2023

omg im so in love with this >~>

joined Dec 3, 2023

Do we have any ‘revealable information’ about our main couple?

joined Aug 4, 2021

god that arm around the waist nearly killed me

joined Jul 6, 2020

Xian jun always knows how to give me butterflies in my stomach and get my blood pumping with all this tension

joined Aug 23, 2022

Does someone know if this manga is in hiatus or cancelled and where to buy the raws, please? I need this ship like I need the air I breathe.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Does someone know if this manga is in hiatus or cancelled and where to buy the raws, please? I need this ship like I need the air I breathe.

It's been completed for a while now.

joined Jun 16, 2023

Her ass does not know what sex is

joined Mar 4, 2018

"The mood is killing me..." Translation: I'm horny too...
The sacrifices you have to make in the name of work lol

Going to work would be much more attractive if canoodling were involved.

joined Jun 13, 2023

Huh... didn't expect Ms. Glasses to be a top

joined Dec 14, 2019

dear comrades… i’m pleased to announce that this is up to chapter 42, if you know how to read chinese but have been procrastinating on looking it up bc u stupidly thought the chapter difference can’t be that much, well….

you’re wrong, just look it up and read it

joined Dec 14, 2019

hey lovelies i just finished the whole series and it was actually so good i’m gonna cry… there’s like 42 chapters tho so we r… gonnna wait a whileee for the eng translations but it’s def worth it cos this ending was better than GTB not gonna lie lmaoo

joined Sep 10, 2022

Let's talk about Director Jiang's wrapping her arms around Shen's waist and pulling her in. Talk about desire. I also didn't miss the hip/leg wrap around Shen did later. That's not just sex, that's love making.

last edited at Mar 13, 2024 12:49PM

joined Jun 6, 2013

I dunno if women can have blue balls, but this chapter definitely gave me the female equivalent. Hot damn.

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