Forum › Liar Satsuki Can See Death discussion

joined Sep 9, 2019

I just can't believe that there was a dangerous situation (classroom full of volatile gas), the classroom is excplictly evacuated, and yet the entire student body ends up in the gym for the opening ceremony, and oh yeah, we're ignoring that no one smelled the overwhleming stench of dozens of punctured deoderant cans in the very next room/back of the room.

Tbf, the deodorants were unscented. But you are right about the other stuff though. Now that sensei could clearly see there was an attempt by someone to murder the whole class, he's obligated to tell the school immediately. I wonder how this is gonna turn out.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Ch.77 is up on MD. I dare anyone to look at the last panel on the first page and tell me to my face that Satsuki x Akira isn't the intended endgame here. Also, by the looks of the last page, it seems like we are finally, finally moving into Find Out What The Heck Is Up With The Little Devil Komachi arc.

joined Jun 5, 2023

To be honest, I usually ship MC x first girl, but in this series, I can't ship Satsuki x Komachi at all, it's so wrong not to ship Satsuki x Akira.

joined Apr 10, 2023

You know, it occurs to me that for a series that prides itself on being realistic, or at least grounded, in addressing the various ways people can die, our heroines sure did jump out a plate glass window and roll around in the broken glass and not get so much as a scratch, huh.
I still hate pinning everything on Seo, they gave us too much internal dialogue from her for it to make sense. :/
And Seo is also somehow unharmed despite that explosion going off right in front of her and throwing glass around her. Kinda seems like even if they hadn't stopped her from blowing up the gym while everyone was in it things would have been fine given how little it effected the three people in the building when it blew up lol.

last edited at Jan 11, 2024 9:50AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

I'd almost forgotten Satsuki's "EAT Everything" shirt, it's so iconic and perfect for her. Memories from better times~

joined May 27, 2019

I love Shiina as the token evil teammate so much, she’s so petty

also you can’t tell me that the author isn’t at least teasing Satsuki and Akira. Although my hopes for anything beyond subtext aren’t very high, given the tone and focus of the series

joined Jun 3, 2014

idk how the author intentionally draws panels like this and expects us not to call it a yuri

joined Nov 7, 2022

Making Seo as the villain would work better if she killed someone who didn't deserve it. Attempted murder isn't much better, but in a story, it feels like a cheap "not too evil" characterization.
Still not happy with how abrupt or lacking justifications it was, either. But I suppose "she planned it from the start and was faking the whole time" is the best we can get (and yes, it was already hinted in ch. 51). Unless we later get something with Komachi and an explanation of how Seo went from bully to attempted mass murderer.

Seo aside, it's a good thing that Michiru was actually redeemable and got killed by Prez. Because otherwise I'd suspect that the author is trying to sell us that he was right, and that wouldn't sit well with me at all.

joined Jul 15, 2016

idk how the author intentionally draws panels like this and expects us not to call it a yuri

It's just gaslighting at this point.

joined Aug 12, 2021

Shiina is such a good character, I love so much that she joined Satsuki's team for literally no reason other than "she's the idiot who will do anything to keep me alive" Like everyone else is so caught up in their own plans and beliefs that they just fail to notice Shiina is playing them all like a fiddle.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I believe in Shiina supremacy

joined Dec 10, 2021

idk how the author intentionally draws panels like this and expects us not to call it a yuri

Did the same on another work, then proceeded to kill main couple (on much harder subtext) (after killing literally 80% of main cast) so I'm scared

joined Aug 16, 2014

idk how the author intentionally draws panels like this and expects us not to call it a yuri

Did the same on another work, then proceeded to kill main couple (on much harder subtext) (after killing literally 80% of main cast) so I'm scared

To be fair though, Walk To Death was overall a much bleaker story than Liar Satsuki has been thus far

joined May 18, 2019

"There wasn't anyone left to torment me"
Komachi standing there menacingly
That got a ferocious cackle from me lmfaooo

joined Nov 21, 2017

God if only this was actually going the yuri route that first page hurts so much knowing they author probably wont ever go further than subtext/bait

joined Oct 20, 2022

Still not satisfied until we get a Phoenix Wright - style breakdown for Vice Prez.

Also that Seo vs Shiina thing is the most direct Sociopath vs Psychopath example I have ever seen.

On that note, I don't really find psychopath villians all that compelling, because most of the time they have no meaningful ideology they believe in, just extreme self-interest. Which can be fun in the right context, like in Die Hard. And there are of course rare examples of interesting psychopaths, like the antagonist of the first season of Psycho-Pass. But especially in a mistery series like this one, where unraveling why the actors do what and how is one of the main draws, the answer "oh she is just a psycho" feels unrewarding.

joined Nov 2, 2019

Finally, the final act begins. And it looks like Komachi will play a major role in it. I'm looking forward to it.

The situation with Seo and the prez is strange. A murder has occurred and nothing?

joined Jun 25, 2019

The situation with Seo and the prez is strange. A murder has occurred and nothing?

There is a little panel during the Seo/Shiina confrontation that should let you know w=that probably the police was coming but there is indeed, not really a mention of Seo after so we kinda left hanging until next chapter.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Also that Seo vs Shiina thing is the most direct Sociopath vs Psychopath example I have ever seen.

I am not very familiar with those pathologies. Can you explain the difference in this particular example?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Also that Seo vs Shiina thing is the most direct Sociopath vs Psychopath example I have ever seen.

I am not very familiar with those pathologies. Can you explain the difference in this particular example?

So upfront, neither Psycho nor Sociopath are really used in modern mental illness definitions. The modern term is "Anti-Social Personality Disorder"

According to Bing the difference between them is:

Psychopaths have little or no conscience but are able to follow social conventions when it suits their needs. Sociopaths have a limited, albeit weak, ability to feel empathy and remorse.

Psychopathy is related to a physiological defect that results in the underdevelopment of the part of the brain responsible for impulse control and emotions. Sociopathy, on the other hand, is more likely the product of childhood trauma and physical, emotional abuse.

Sociopaths tend to act more impulsively and erratically compared to psychopaths. Sociopaths generally struggle to maintain a job or a family life, whereas psychopaths may be able to do so.

So based on this criteria, I'd say Shiina is a Psychopath and Seo is a Sociopath, we see in the manga that Shiina has no issue holding a friend group and she easily slots herself in to Satsuki's when she joins the team. She also doesn't go out of her way to hurt people outside of her bullying.

Seo meanwhile doesn't have a lot of close friends and the people she hung out with actively despised her. She is also much more likely to give in to her violent urges, as we see with her multiple attempts to murder people throughout the story. She wants to hurt people and she's willing to go out of her way to see it happen.

Though I re-iterate, neither of these terms is really used in modern medical science and what I've presented here is a much abbreviated version, the actual definitions likely vary a bit and my analysis may not hold up under more thorough scrutiny.

joined Jul 15, 2016

So based on this criteria, I'd say Shiina is a Psychopath and Seo is a Sociopath, we see in the manga that Shiina has no issue holding a friend group and she easily slots herself in to Satsuki's when she joins the team. She also doesn't go out of her way to hurt people outside of her bullying.

Seo meanwhile doesn't have a lot of close friends and the people she hung out with actively despised her. She is also much more likely to give in to her violent urges, as we see with her multiple attempts to murder people throughout the story. She wants to hurt people and she's willing to go out of her way to see it happen.

Though I re-iterate, neither of these terms is really used in modern medical science and what I've presented here is a much abbreviated version, the actual definitions likely vary a bit and my analysis may not hold up under more thorough scrutiny.

An insightful analysis, thank you. :-)

Also, ch.78 on MD. Last panel on page 12: I think our cute psychopath is also shipping them at this point. ;-D Also, it seems we are finally getting to the Komachi Reveal.

joined Jun 3, 2014

Komachi kill yourself

joined Jul 10, 2016

Itou still the best and the cutest.

joined Sep 11, 2021

i feel so bad for satsuki dude, she fr just wants to have friends

joined Jul 28, 2019

Also, ch.78 on MD. Last panel on page 12: I think our cute psychopath is also shipping them at this point. ;-D Also, it seems we are finally getting to the Komachi Reveal.

I was thinking it looked more like she was upset with Akira bumping in and taking Satsuki's spotlight off her. What tangled web of emotions lie within that upset could be anything, from minor annoyance to insane jealousy, I couldn't rightly claim.

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