Happy Sugar Life falls into that odd category of 'It's interesting and well done' but I don't like it. Basically.
I may be similar, although for me "liking it" is neither here nor there. Overall it's, as someone said above, "not my cup of tea," but it's definitely interesting. And what I find most interesting is the mix of fluffy cuteness (almost entirely in the Sato/Shio scenes) and the dire atmosphere in almost every other aspect of the story. So readers almost inevitably end up starting out rooting for the MCs, then everyone has to decide if and when Sato's actions go beyond the boundaries of what they're willing to accept.
So it's a bit touching as well as a bit hilarious watching pro-MC readers as they end up tying themselves in moral and logical knots trying to prove that what Sato does is "really OK," at least compared to other things going on in the series. (Note: none of what Sato does is "really OK" in any kind of real-life sense.) And the same goes for most everyone else as they decide that some murders/mutilations may be OK, but some other heinous actions are really beyond the pale.
As a kind of cognitive/moral trap for readers, this really is a remarkable achievement (and Sato and Chio really are quite adorable, as long as you don't call the overall situation to mind).
It really would have been straightforward enough for the author to have toned everything down so as to make Sato a much more sympathetic character and to make a Sato/Chio happy ending much more within the realm of possibility. That would have been a much less interesting story, however.