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joined Apr 10, 2023

Dorothy-sensei keeps drawing Seta more and more feminine lol. Maybe the shocking twist ending of the series is that Aizawa will eventually possess his body and trans it to her liking. The world's first afab trans woman idol.

joined Jan 30, 2017

The extra pages look like shitposts.

joined Jul 13, 2015

That scared pic was great

joined Aug 25, 2023

Oh well -- nobody's perfect, as Joe E. Brown said.

I've always thought "Daphne" would have no choice but to marry him after that reply. I mean, Osgood Fielding demolished "her" in that discussion—and after the last reply, "she" was left speechless and with no arguments left!


Aren't they about that Marilyn movie, Some Like It Hot?

Name a better male character in a yuri than Seta
I'll wait
In fact, name another good one

Dorothy-sensei keeps drawing Seta more and more feminine lol. Maybe the shocking twist ending of the series is that Aizawa will eventually possess his body and trans it to her liking. The world's first afab trans woman idol.

Now THAT would be a plot twist!

joined Oct 20, 2017

Michi's profile is low-key concerning... maybe it's just because she's been too busy dealing with ghosts, but it's like the girl has been living her life on auto-pilot. Detached from earthly existence.

Dorothy-sensei keeps drawing Seta more and more feminine lol. Maybe the shocking twist ending of the series is that Aizawa will eventually possess his body and trans it to her liking. The world's first afab trans woman idol.

When I saw that pin-up of him in the skirt, I just thought it was a random guy. It's classic Seta that for a hot minute I forgot he had been in the manga at all

last edited at Nov 13, 2023 12:17AM

joined Jul 9, 2023

I guess dream/young Kurotori is the source of the ghosts powers in the school? Kurotori is very unaware of the powers she has since she is always pretending not to see ghosts and acts detached.

Maybe Aizawa is not here because she wants to be here but because of dream/young Kurotori.

joined Oct 19, 2023

Was that ending implying that Aizawa had her own spirit sense whe she was alive?

Is Michi the irregular existence? I think we're supposed to assume it's Aizawa, but there isn't so much to indicate she's that different, except for being seemingly more docile than anything. Michi's ghost attraction though...


joined Apr 7, 2021

ah so that's how it is

joined Aug 1, 2011

Was that ending implying that Aizawa had her own spirit sense whe she was alive?

We've gotten hints that something recently happened to Michi and that it effected her memory, so I took it as a hint that Neo was involved with that incident and regretted not being able to help more.

joined May 26, 2020

I guess no one is going to mention Neo has a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT artstyle from the rest of the manga. She escaped from a Vampire Miyu book. Also Clingy Aizawa is love!

joined Aug 4, 2018

I guess no one is going to mention Neo has a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT artstyle from the rest of the manga. She escaped from a Vampire Miyu book.

Hehe, you got that right. But we are still within the framework of vintage shoujo style!

Btw I thought the ghost in the shed would be more important in the story... but it was just a mook who went down with one punch? Bit disappointed there.

last edited at Nov 16, 2023 8:20PM


Aizawa, I remember now, you're SNOWGRAVES

joined Aug 21, 2017

@fauce: Japanese school year starts in early Spring so your analysis/facts sheet has holes :/
As an explanation of what I mean, you tie the festival event to why Michi lost her friends between middle and high school, but by the time the festival occurred, she had been in high school for at least a few months.

Foiled again by the Ministry of ... Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology? That's a lot broader than I expected.

joined Oct 14, 2014

Ah, I see. Michiru is also already dead.

Speculation: Michiru has been dead for A HOT MINUTE, and she and Aizawa were childhood friends. Idk why she has a corporeal form but I guess Karasuma sealed her into a body or something. Michiru also being dead is the only way she and Aizawa can have a happy ending, anyway.

last edited at Nov 16, 2023 10:14PM

joined Mar 25, 2019

Wait if the exorcist new Michiru when she was young why didn't she say anything to her when she went through that window? Or even react at all? Throughout the excorcism she didn't act like there was anything special with Michiru or that she knew her at all until the very end.

joined Apr 10, 2023

I guess no one is going to mention Neo has a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT artstyle from the rest of the manga. She escaped from a Vampire Miyu book.

Hehe, you got that right. But we are still within the framework of vintage shoujo style!

Btw I thought the ghost in the shed would be more important in the story... but it was just a mook who went down with one punch? Bit disappointed there.

lol same, If figured ol' multieyes was a primary antagonist. Honestly still kinda conflicted about the rather extreme deescalation of tension that comes with Girl Neo coming through and bullet timing all the ghosts in the school. Wonder if we're going to end up rebounding hard from this in some way.

joined Feb 16, 2016

Neat, looks like Sayaka has the fuzzy irises as well. Went back to older chapters to check.

The AAA symbols around school are definitely young Michi's doing. Sayaka said they've been everywhere lately, and that's likely related to how hard it was for Neo to enter the school.

The last few pages really sounds like Neo has to do with how young Michi is acting independently from current Michi. I support the theory that she's been sealed away in her own body somehow

joined Apr 10, 2023

The implication that Michi and Young Michi might be acting independently makes me think of the situation from Honkai Impact 3rd with Senti and Fu Hua. As I'm aware most people on the english speaking internet have not and will not play HI3, a spoiler summary:
Fu Hua got shot in the face by the primary antagonist of the story. Realizing this was about to happen, she used her special supernatural powers to turn into a ghost and haunt a magic feather (there's a technobabble explanation for this but it doesn't matter). However, Fu Hua's body did not die as she expected: The antagonist picked her almost dead body up and put it in a magic healing tank (again, technobabble) and the basically but not quite fatal bullet wound healed over the course of a few months. The newly healed brain then developed its own new personality, one still thinking that she is "Fu Hua" but also someone who is impulsive and totally cool with revolutionary violence rather than a stoic and austere person who strictly controls her actions like Fu Hua is. There's a whole arc with this new Fu Hua as a villain, but eventually she gets converted to the good guys and gets nicknamed Senti (short for Sentience lol). A lot of people ship Fu Hua and Senti, which imo is fun, although some people bristle at it claiming that two people sharing the same body hooking up would be incest somehow lol.

Would any of this be remotely relevant? Probably not. But hell, maybe Michi had a near death experience that created a ghost of herself without actually killing her. It'd be a better plot than some kinda split personality-based concept at least. Another possibility I can imagine is that "young Michi" is not actually Michi but a dead twin sister she blocked out the memories of or something?

joined Dec 16, 2020

The shoujo aesthetic keeps getting stronger every chapter and I love it!! Also love how consistently Aizawa's written as super ADHD lol the manga gag was super cute

joined Jan 17, 2021

hot exorcist at your area

joined Oct 9, 2021

I can never repeat enough how impressed I am with Aizawa setting the mood of the manga. Her dorkiness keeps it all afloat, and when she's terrified it all comes crashing down. Her heartache and despair is as vivid as her playful joy. She's full of mysteries but her emotions are as loud and clear as can be.

Michi's profile is low-key concerning... maybe it's just because she's been too busy dealing with ghosts, but it's like the girl has been living her life on auto-pilot. Detached from earthly existence.

I see it as evidence she's a shell of a person after getting her memories sealed. From middle school to high school, Michi went from outgoing and sporty to a reclusive stuttering mess. Even she seems confused by the transformation sometimes, and there hasn't been a decisive incident it's pinned on. Or there's plenty room to believe the change happened after she entered high school, with how she forgot speaking to Kasumi and Aizawa. Though at the same time she was likely still a bit distant considering she didn't have any close friends that would have wondered why her whole personality changed. Maybe everything related to her powers is blocked which rewrote a lot of her identity.

I could also maybe tie this into Michi's constant repetition of wanting to help Aizawa despite always reminding herself she's powerless. It's like she has the muscle memory of knowing there's something she should be doing here. Her avoidant attitude towards ghosts might not have always been the case, considering how upset she gets feeling like Neo is mistreating them. She might have been an exorcist herself, one that worked to save ghosts more peacefully.

lol same, If figured ol' multieyes was a primary antagonist. Honestly still kinda conflicted about the rather extreme deescalation of tension that comes with Girl Neo coming through and bullet timing all the ghosts in the school. Wonder if we're going to end up rebounding hard from this in some way.

I think if anything the potential tension just rocketed up. This chapter shows none of the ghosts we've seen so far were a serious threat, but there's something out there Neo (and Michi?) can't handle still putting Aizawa in danger. And with Michi being given the means to defend herself, confrontation is inevitable. Like when a survival horror game hands you your first weapon and you know it's not any comfort.

And if I had to guess about primary antagonists, this dark figure could be the same as the conspicuous one on the left here that appears to be making a little eye collection.

Neo also comments young Michi's(?) powers are failing which might be why ghosts are getting in. We did see she couldn't do anything to the shed ghost. Neo's exorcism shouldn't be a permanent solution and more ghosts will likely get back into the school. I'm also thinking back to that ghost seemingly going for the mark on Michi's neck, as if that's what attracts them.

Also interesting is that Neo herself couldn't enter the school — it seems like she needed to use her crow familiars to break open a spot at the 3rd floor window. So my guess is the barrier around the school is keeping powerful ghosts out but weak ones can still slip by, and as Neo said Aizawa's(?) presence makes them more aggressive. This would also imply Neo isn't fully human, which might explain her eyes.

Neo also alludes at the very end to there being something unique about Aizawa, and how Aizawa has the potential to go very right or very wrong. Aizawa does seem to be a pretty unusual ghost, with how quickly her powers are developing over the past two months.

(Something maybe important to keep an eye on is I don't remember Aizawa ever being shown along with another ghost? The shed ghost was oddly gone the moment she came in to save Michi.)

To speculate, I think Neo came here fully intending to put Aizawa down after hearing she'd become dangerous. Which means Aizawa might not just be sealed for protection, but for everyone else's protection from her too. It's almost certain Neo knows about the circumstances of Aizawa's death and sealing, considering how she comments on failing Michi in some way. It's important to note Michi only got called Kurotori-san in her presence this chapter, so it's certain they knew each other, and she recognized the school at the start despite sounding like she'd never been before.

Wait if the exorcist new Michiru when she was young why didn't she say anything to her when she went through that window? Or even react at all? Throughout the excorcism she didn't act like there was anything special with Michiru or that she knew her at all until the very end.

I'm positive she knows Michi lost her memories. She turns right to her and essentially asks "It's been a few months. Do you know how this all started?" When she doesn't get a response she moves on. She was very likely checking to see if Michi's memories came back and keeping her distance otherwise. It's also the only other time she opens her eyes a bit, when she first sees Michi. It's hard to notice until you know what her eyes look like.

Would any of this be remotely relevant? Probably not. But hell, maybe Michi had a near death experience that created a ghost of herself without actually killing her. It'd be a better plot than some kinda split personality-based concept at least. Another possibility I can imagine is that "young Michi" is not actually Michi but a dead twin sister she blocked out the memories of or something?

Young Michi is something I can't even begin to guess at this point. I initially thought she was something like the embodiment of her repressed spiritual powers when they first awakened, but just about anything could be the case. It's also weird we're first introduced to her with Michi becoming her in a dream, but everything else suggests she's autonomous.

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