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joined Aug 20, 2022

Cerberus and butches-and-chicken, thanks so much for your genuine responses to my post earlier. I came from a place of ignorance, because the strained/estranged relationships in my life are much different circumstances. It was very nice to get others' perspectives, and I understand better now <3

This newest chapter was very sweet. Whatever happens, I want them to still be best friends.

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

That was so wholesome

joined Jul 19, 2018

Huh, it's back. Neat. I thought this was going to be another instance where all the whiners got this translation axed by pissing off the scanlator.

last edited at Jul 12, 2023 3:02PM

joined Oct 22, 2020

When Satsuki started to cry I thought "man I wish they'd hug, he really needs it" and my wish came true two pages later, so I guess I should have wished for the lottery numbers

joined Jun 12, 2023

Cerberus and butches-and-chicken, thanks so much for your genuine responses to my post earlier. I came from a place of ignorance, because the strained/estranged relationships in my life are much different circumstances. It was very nice to get others' perspectives, and I understand better now <3

This newest chapter was very sweet. Whatever happens, I want them to still be best friends.

You're very welcome, beardog! :)

joined Feb 27, 2019

this...this isn't over right...?

joined Jun 21, 2021

this...this isn't over right...?

next chapter is the finale

joined Mar 27, 2020

i hope she approach to be a tomboy, a lesbian tomboy is fine

joined Jan 4, 2021

i hope she approach to be a tomboy, a lesbian tomboy is fine

who are you talking about

joined Mar 18, 2023

i hope she approach to be a tomboy, a lesbian tomboy is fine

You will see in the next chapter, that your idea, is half right. I am very happy about the finale. (ok, I read 5 chapters ahead in raw...). They are actually perfect for each other. It is just a matter of figuring out the emotional boundaries.

how to be bosom friends while stay away for a bit when it comes to feelings of romantic love

last edited at Sep 9, 2023 2:14AM

joined Sep 1, 2021

i think we shouldn't be so hung up on labels, people change, people misunderstand, people realize, i mean who knows who the real fuck are you actually, we're such complex creatures, dont let yourself be put in boxes and keep exploring

joined Jun 16, 2023

i hope she approach to be a tomboy, a lesbian tomboy is fine

If you mean the trans boy, I certainly hope he doesn't become a "tomboy"

joined Aug 12, 2021

Rika jumping up on that ledge and proclaiming "from here on out I'm only gonna get cooler and cooler" is such a "hell yeah bro" moment. Real trans joy. Now is this just the last chapter of the volume? because the previous volume's ending was written the same. But also this does just seem like wrapping up the plot so, I hope there's more I'd love to see more. And if there's not then this was fun. Hope the author gives us another great work in the future.

joined Mar 26, 2021

Now is this just the last chapter of the volume? because the previous volume's ending was written the same.

Last chapter of the series. There might be volume 2 extras, I guess?

Personally, I would've liked to see more of Rika and his mom talking things through, and her learning more about her son's identity and how to accept it... Like, we know it happened from chapter 12's timeskip, but right now it feels like time is what was needed for that change to happen. instead of actual effort by the people involved.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Aaaa look at him go, Rika lookin' so good~ Hell yea bro

Personally, I would've liked to see more of Rika and his mom talking things through, and her learning more about her son's identity and how to accept it... Like, we know it happened from chapter 12's timeskip, but right now it feels like time is what was needed for that change to happen. instead of actual effort by the people involved.

Yea, maybe smth like her accompanying him to that gender clinic appointment for the treatment, that'd be neat

joined Feb 16, 2023

Oh my god I loved that ending it was so nice!

joined Mar 18, 2023

Happy Ending, yay!

joined Jul 29, 2017

I like this series, and I also liked that there wasn't a clean and simple "solution" to the crush. That's how love works sometime.
Also yay, stuff is working out for Rika, that's a happy ending.

last edited at Oct 3, 2023 10:52PM

joined Nov 13, 2022

To be honest, I wanted the romance to work out. But I know Rika’s probably not into dudes, so that’s a bit bittersweet. I guess if you really want, you can imagine that he’s bi and something will work out. But in any case, that was handled very delicately. A nice poetic ending.

joined Jun 3, 2014

Rika got that T-boy swag in him

joined Mar 28, 2015

Well, the romance couldn't work. Neither Satsuki or Rika were gay.

joined Jul 19, 2018

It's rare to see well-written manga in this genre. This was a short but sweet little story. Does anyone have any suggestions for decent manga somewhat in this vein?

joined Jun 12, 2023

What a sweet ending, Rika being happy with himself and "looking cool" makes me genuinely happy. This ending is the best one for this manga, because I think the story is about the start of the change in the lives of Rika and Satsuki, so another ending wouldn't fit the story premise.
Also, I'm glad Satsuki and Rika are still friends!

joined Apr 18, 2024

Re-reading this manga again and damn. I really wish the two of them got together. There's not much really, I just want to see a mlm relationship with a trans man in it (something quite rare in manga). But the author seem to have left the ending on an ambiguous note, and I think Rika didn't end up with Okazaki either (Though, who knows. Like I said the ending looks like something left to the readers' interpretation but we see no implication whatsoever. No implication of Rika returning Satsuki's feelings too.). With all the subtext though, it feels like Satsuki still likes Rika, but he realizes it's not in a straight way. Either way, I'm glad the two of them are still friends.

last edited at Dec 6, 2024 10:34PM

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