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joined Jan 9, 2017

Sorry but, fuck this chapter
All commentary and no actual character sense. According to this chapter Rose really did only play around with Benika

joined Jan 9, 2017

For one minute, I thought it was the end... Two chapters left. I wonder how this will wrap up.

The fact that Father Shirafune is kind of giving permission to Rose to continue being a hitman makes me think we won't have a proper conversation about it with Benika, which is a bit sad. Since she learned her girlfriend is a hitman, we haven't seen any reaction from her...

I don't remember who said that, but I agree with the fact that if she truly love her, she should be concerned about it but it looks like she accepting the situation way too quickly.

Benika isn't really accepting it, she looks crushed

joined May 10, 2021

Wait wouldn't she be freed from Babylon since she gave them the rosary? Am kinda lost to be honest, and I really wonder how this'll end nicely in two chapters..
That last panels great, however.
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Aug 21, 2017


joined Sep 16, 2019

Sorry but, fuck this chapter
All commentary and no actual character sense. According to this chapter Rose really did only play around with Benika

Same. I get that the story is coming to an end soon and that the author might want to make their message a little clearer before then, but to rush through an entire chunk of the story, including seemingly handwaving away the fates of two fairly important characters, just so they can take half a chapter to have one of the characters deliver their message with all the grace of a sledgehammer is just… lame. Like, there had to be a better way to incorporate all that into the last few chapters.

It’s not even a bad message- that strife and chaos is inevitable so long as the people with advantages keep willingly reaping the benefits of society’s abuse of the disadvantaged. The author was doing a good job of building up to it this entire time, and then they just up and dropped the ball at the very end. Hopefully they can recover with the last two chapters, but right now, this is starting to feel a bit rushed.

joined Dec 21, 2016

wait, what?

joined Sep 16, 2020

this author really just said that accepting refugees into your country will increase crime rates and encourage folks to kill . cringe bro

joined May 24, 2014

this author really just said that accepting refugees into your country will increase crime rates and encourage folks to kill . cringe bro

That's what happened in canada and other countries. It's the truth, accept it.

joined May 24, 2014

Sorry but, fuck this chapter
All commentary and no actual character sense. According to this chapter Rose really did only play around with Benika

She and her father are safe now, and Rose can't run away from her responsiblities.

joined Aug 16, 2014

this author really just said that accepting refugees into your country will increase crime rates and encourage folks to kill . cringe bro

It felt to me more like the author was saying that the problem was wealth inequality and the people willing to take advantage of those that are desperate

joined Sep 11, 2020

this author really just said that accepting refugees into your country will increase crime rates and encourage folks to kill . cringe bro

It felt to me more like the author was saying that the problem was wealth inequality and the people willing to take advantage of those that are desperate


I think the message isn't "we shouldn't help refugees and should keep an ethnostate", but "if we accept and bring people in they shouldn't be lower citizens, and we should be careful about wage disparity and people who take advantage to further their own goals". Which I do agree with.

That's what happened in canada and other countries. It's the truth, accept it.

Also the author probably thinks people like this are fucking idiots.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

this author really just said that accepting refugees into your country will increase crime rates and encourage folks to kill . cringe bro

Technically, the author said that will happen IF YOU TREAT THE REFUGEES LIKE SHIT.

And implicitly, if what you have is a big mass of refugees all stuck together in something like a refugee camp and treated like shit. And really, it's true enough--we don't see big refugee camps full of people with no rights in North America much, but where they have them, it gets ugly. But the very same groups of people behave very differently if they're allowed to blend into society, join a union and so on like everyone else.

joined Dec 20, 2018

That was nice. And a pretty impressive "safehouse" as well. :D

According to this chapter Rose really did only play around with Benika

What the hell are you even talking about?

joined Jan 9, 2017

Sorry but, fuck this chapter
All commentary and no actual character sense. According to this chapter Rose really did only play around with Benika

She and her father are safe now, and Rose can't run away from her responsiblities.

The story is called "I wanna quit" another translation of the title is "I wanna be fired" the way the story sets this up is about Rose leaving her job to have a relationship with Benika. What does Rose owe Babylon at this point? She did try to quit before she even got this mission, before Babylon tried to have her killed for hanging out with Shirafune
joined Jun 6, 2020

Sorry but, fuck this chapter
All commentary and no actual character sense. According to this chapter Rose really did only play around with Benika

Did you...actually read the chapter?

last edited at Aug 12, 2023 6:11PM

joined Aug 4, 2023

this author really just said that accepting refugees into your country will increase crime rates and encourage folks to kill . cringe bro

Christ you mfs have no critical thinking skills

last edited at Aug 12, 2023 6:20PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

The story is called "I wanna quit" another translation of the title is "I wanna be fired" the way the story sets this up is about Rose leaving her job to have a relationship with Benika. What does Rose owe Babylon at this point?

The assassination of the archbishop and any church officials who had the information on the rosary. That was their original deal, iirc. Presumably Shirafune has been crossed off that target list but who knows what Rose might be paying for that. I expect the next chapters to be about confronting the church. With violence.

last edited at Aug 12, 2023 7:30PM

joined Jan 3, 2020

this author really just said that accepting refugees into your country will increase crime rates and encourage folks to kill . cringe bro

Technically, the author said that will happen IF YOU TREAT THE REFUGEES LIKE SHIT.

And implicitly, if what you have is a big mass of refugees all stuck together in something like a refugee camp and treated like shit. And really, it's true enough--we don't see big refugee camps full of people with no rights in North America much, but where they have them, it gets ugly. But the very same groups of people behave very differently if they're allowed to blend into society, join a union and so on like everyone else.

Based on this chapter and this thread of comments, It just occurred to me that this plot has some similarities to Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex 2nd Gig.

joined Jul 20, 2020

this author really just said that accepting refugees into your country will increase crime rates and encourage folks to kill . cringe bro

Technically, the author said that will happen IF YOU TREAT THE REFUGEES LIKE SHIT.

And implicitly, if what you have is a big mass of refugees all stuck together in something like a refugee camp and treated like shit. And really, it's true enough--we don't see big refugee camps full of people with no rights in North America much, but where they have them, it gets ugly. But the very same groups of people behave very differently if they're allowed to blend into society, join a union and so on like everyone else.

Based on this chapter and this thread of comments, It just occurred to me that this plot has some similarities to Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex 2nd Gig.

Holy and I thought I was the only one plus there will be an extra story that deals with Hibai and Gina

joined Jul 20, 2020

The story is called "I wanna quit" another translation of the title is "I wanna be fired" the way the story sets this up is about Rose leaving her job to have a relationship with Benika. What does Rose owe Babylon at this point?

The assassination of the archbishop and any church officials who had the information on the rosary. That was their original deal, iirc. Presumably Shirafune has been crossed off that target list but who knows what Rose might be paying for that. I expect the next chapters to be about confronting the church. With violence.

Well Rose has the Rosary so she used that as a payment I guess.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Based on this chapter and this thread of comments, It just occurred to me that this plot has some similarities to Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex 2nd Gig.

Holy and I thought I was the only one plus there will be an extra story that deals with Hibai and Gina

Has been mentioned before as well.

joined Feb 27, 2022

that is a teenager ma'am!

joined Mar 23, 2022

All people commenting refugee political stuffs meanwhile here is me smiling like a" big whale gay idiot full of butterfly in tummy" for what rose have said to benika. "When you give colors to my ash gray world" I was like aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh >\\<

joined Aug 11, 2022

It too bad there is only like 1-2 more chapters left is the comments is correct/true about there only being 43 chapters...

For chapter 41, [@Skywalk] is right about it being heavy on the Commentary...but I think he/she is taking drugs/or having delusions about Rose playing around with Benika...Rose is picking a side to keep her girlfriend + father-in-law safe.
She was already one of their agents so just by handing them the [Rosary] she can gain their support...Rose might be amazing and the best hitmen/woman they ever hired...but she is not some God/super-human that can fight 2 large organizations for many ['Forever'] to come...The most logical situation is to bargain for her girfriend's and her father-in-law's protection...the hitmen/babylon basically got what they wanted from the so-called original mission anyways (The rosary + her amazing hitman skills as a bonus)

Chapter 42.
Rose really be like leaving the whole decision to Benika...To shoot Rose and not have her fight (Disable) or let her fight (To prevent the refugee from thinking violence is the answer and correct path by killing the Rebels--).

The whole Refugee situation is very big problem and there isn't going to be a simple easy solution...this kind of situation is going to need at least months to a couple years to fully fix...assuming the correct morally good people are in charge instead of all the corrupt people that support the abuse...

It would be a very very big help if Babylon/Hitmen and Church leaders are willing to work together in the long term to help solve the problem...but I doubt that be happening anytime soon sadly...

I wonder if Chapter 43 will be a time-skip where Benika takes a position/career of power to help solve the situation/already working to solve it...
I can write a 10-20 paragraphs on possible ways/methods to 'help' solve the situation based on our world's history but meh I don't want to bore you guys with boring random details (To solve this complicated situation completely I would also need more information and etc...)...I am more interested in hoping Rose and Benika still stays together, living happy lives at the end of all this though....

joined Nov 13, 2022

that is a teenager ma'am!

Being asked to shoot your girlfriend is all a healthy part of adolescence, is it not?

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