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On the other hand, he could just be a troll, in which case I put waaaay too much thought into this. :p
On the third hand, just don't read doujinshi/fanfics/whatever depicting couples you don't like. It's seriously that easy.
Curse your Vulcan logic!
On the other hand, he could just be a troll, in which case I put waaaay too much thought into this. :p
On the third hand, just don't read doujinshi/fanfics/whatever depicting couples you don't like. It's seriously that easy.
Curse your Vulcan logic!
....must read all the doujin...MUST! Lol
On the other hand, he could just be a troll, in which case I put waaaay too much thought into this. :p
On the third hand, just don't read doujinshi/fanfics/whatever depicting couples you don't like. It's seriously that easy.
I don't, I just meant on a philosophical level. :p
But regarding respecting other people's opinions (boo, boo):
Curse your Vulcan logic!
I get the desire to keep things in character, but none of the characters explicitly had a romantic relationship in the orginal series, so I don't see why Homura x Kyoko is 'less valid' than or 'degrading' compared to Homura x Madoka or Kyoko x Sayaka (assuming you keep things in character, in which case all that is explicitly portrayed in the original is a strong friendship between Homura and Madoka and Kyoko and Sayaka.)
This is where just our (meaning 'Muricah) lack of collectivism hinders us. I'll spare the details, but our closest friend is our lover. And if he/she isn't, then there's something broken or lacking in the relationship. I don't buy into Montaigne's theory that there is only one true friend for us though, so I think we can have multiple really close friends.
But with Madoka, it is INCREDIBLY difficult - so much so it's not even worth contemplating - to keep any of the Holy Sextet in character and ship them outside their respective 'canon' ships (with the exception of pre-Rebellion KyouMami and MadoSaya, which are really cute when I remember they are implied to be canon in earlier timelines)
But If you keep the chracters 100% identical to the original series then nothing will happen that didn't happen in the original series, which again defeats the purpose of making a doujin in the first place. All doujins involve at least tweaking the cannon.
Well, I think you're missing the point a little here. Stories are an engagement with the audience, and if we don't fill in the gaps and the before n' afters, then we're failing as an audience. So doujins are just one of many extensions of them, as kind of a part of the Uses and Gratifications theory of media (basically, we go out and make our own media to satisfy our desires...I kind of agree with the idea there, but not the whole thing).
So doujins don't necessarily tweak canon so much as they simply express our take on the story at that given time in a given mindset. Of course we can fudge with the canon a bit, and that's fine, just so long as we don't detract from it
Thank god he's not in the Love Live fandom.
OT9 for life, yo.
I find it hilarious that you say this with a NicoMaki avatar. I feel that even in an OT9 situation they'd be too busy being all tsundere with each other to have time for everyone else, so they'd just let them do their thing on the side.
Oh boy...I missed this yesterday...damn this guy got mad just cuz his ridiculously long rants got omitted? I read 2 lines and got a headache, it's sad because the doujins are so cute...if only he was trolling sigh.
On a side note I also read the comments on the 1st g.e-hentai link and got annoyed again I wish people would stop throwing the words "autism" and "autistic" with out knowing what the **** it actually means SIGH.
btw love the edited credit page.
last edited at Mar 18, 2015 1:05AM
This is where just our (meaning 'Muricah) lack of collectivism hinders us. I'll spare the details, but our closest friend is our lover. And if he/she isn't, then there's something broken or lacking in the relationship. I don't buy into Montaigne's theory that there is only one true friend for us though, so I think we can have multiple really close friends.
I don't understand what you're saying here, but I strongly disagree that your romantic partner shouldn't be your best friend. 'Cause in my experience it totally should. I think way too many people try to separate romance from friendship, like romance is this thing where you go buy flowers and go to movies, which to me doesn't seem like a very healthy attitude to sustain a longlasting relationship.
Your partner should also be your best friend IMO because if you're going to have a relationship last through the decades and possibly many hardships ("through sickness and in health...") you're going to need to be spending a lot of time together, and it might not all be peaches and roses.
Heck, in a serious relationship you'll live together (which is exactly as frightening as it sounds.) Sleep togther. See each other every morning and every night. So be damn sure you like the same things and like doing them together, because you are going to be spending more time together with them than anyone else, and like I said its not all going to be red roses and blue violets.
Relationships take comittment, and comittment isn't easy. It means putting that person ahead of everyone else, including yourself. Being there for them when they need you, whether its covenient for you or not. So pick well, and pick carefully, and my advice to anyone reading this is pick the person you're closest to, the person you like the best. 'Cause you're going to have to devote yourself to the.
So, to me at least, I can't envision being closer to a friend than to my girl.
Again though, I might be misunderstanding what you're saying. I really don't understand what you're trying to get at.
But with Madoka, it is INCREDIBLY difficult - so much so it's not even worth contemplating - to keep any of the Holy Sextet in character and ship them outside their respective 'canon' ships (with the exception of pre-Rebellion KyouMami and MadoSaya, which are really cute when I remember they are implied to be canon in earlier timelines)
I agree with this, and I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I was using this to point out how extreme his logic was, and that according to the absoluteness of his only-the-cannon counts type statements even pairings like KyoSaya and HomuMado that have tons of logic backing them up can still be considered as equally "degrading" as crack ships according to his flawed logic.
But If you keep the chracters 100% identical to the original series then nothing will happen that didn't happen in the original series, which again defeats the purpose of making a doujin in the first place. All doujins involve at least tweaking the cannon.
Well, I think you're missing the point a little here. Stories are an engagement with the audience, and if we don't fill in the gaps and the before n' afters, then we're failing as an audience. So doujins are just one of many extensions of them, as kind of a part of the Uses and Gratifications theory of media (basically, we go out and make our own media to satisfy our desires...I kind of agree with the idea there, but not the whole thing).
So doujins don't necessarily tweak canon so much as they simply express our take on the story at that given time in a given mindset. Of course we can fudge with the canon a bit, and that's fine, just so long as we don't detract from it
Again, we're basically saying the same things except you said it better here. All doujins require 'filling in the gaps' with ideas, content, and expansions not provided in the cannon. All I was pointing out was you can't have a doujin that doesn't expand on the cannon in some way.
As to the rest, OT[numbers] are just... the worst.
(P.S. Sorry the first part turning into a wall-o-text rant. :/ I don't know what got into me. Maybe this guy's obsesion with writing wall-o-text rants is contageious. :p ...I'll stop commenting now.)
OK, one more comment.
I wish people would stop throwing the words "autism" and "autistic" with out knowing what the **** it actually means SIGH.
This is where just our (meaning 'Muricah) lack of collectivism hinders us. I'll spare the details, but our closest friend is our lover. And if he/she isn't, then there's something broken or lacking in the relationship. I don't buy into Montaigne's theory that there is only one true friend for us though, so I think we can have multiple really close friends.
I don't understand what you're saying here, but I strongly disagree that your romantic partner shouldn't be your best friend.
Take a read over what I said once more...we agree 100%. I think our romantic partner should be our best friend.
It's the very foggy area between friendship and romance that people get so tripped up on. Turns out the difference between close friendship and romance is almost nonexistent.
But with Madoka, it is INCREDIBLY difficult - so much so it's not even worth contemplating - to keep any of the Holy Sextet in character and ship them outside their respective 'canon' ships (with the exception of pre-Rebellion KyouMami and MadoSaya, which are really cute when I remember they are implied to be canon in earlier timelines)
I agree with this, and I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I was using this to point out how extreme his logic was, and that according to the absoluteness of his only-the-cannon counts type statements even pairings like KyoSaya and HomuMado that have tons of logic backing them up can still be considered as equally "degrading" as crack ships according to his flawed logic.
Oh...I see now. Yeah that is very suspect, isn't it? Good catch there, i didn't notice it.
But If you keep the chracters 100% identical to the original series then nothing will happen that didn't happen in the original series, which again defeats the purpose of making a doujin in the first place. All doujins involve at least tweaking the cannon.
Well, I think you're missing the point a little here. Stories are an engagement with the audience, and if we don't fill in the gaps and the before n' afters, then we're failing as an audience. So doujins are just one of many extensions of them, as kind of a part of the Uses and Gratifications theory of media (basically, we go out and make our own media to satisfy our desires...I kind of agree with the idea there, but not the whole thing).
So doujins don't necessarily tweak canon so much as they simply express our take on the story at that given time in a given mindset. Of course we can fudge with the canon a bit, and that's fine, just so long as we don't detract from it
Again, we're basically saying the same things except you said it better here. All doujins require 'filling in the gaps' with ideas, content, and expansions not provided in the cannon. All I was pointing out was you can't have a doujin that doesn't expand on the cannon in some way.
Yup! Just helping clarify things. Like I said, a little. Probably a semantics issue is all I assumed.
As to the rest, OT[numbers] are just... the worst.
I just can't make a logical opinion on it. I used to not even consider menage-a-trois as being a possible romantic thing that works for everyone involved (mainly because eventually someone has to choose someone over another)...but then I run across stories that present things in a different way. Things like Ephemeral Asterism where all girls consent to being in a love triangle, and things that present the triangle/rectangle/polygon dynamic as two lovers towards one other person and they are legitimately okay with being put second to the other so long as they know the one person loves them at least a certain amount.
It really boggles my brain, and I gotta keep doing extensive research and thinking to have the right to commit to an opinion since I don't really know what I think anymore.
(P.S. Sorry the first part turning into a wall-o-text rant. :/ I don't know what got into me. Maybe this guy's obsession with writing wall-o-text rants is contagious. :p ...I'll stop commenting now.)
There is no such thing as too much material, there is only such thing as wasted material. So as long as what you're saying means something and is relatively redundant-free, write/speak away.
Thank god he's not in the Love Live fandom.
OT9 for life, yo.
I find it hilarious that you say this with a NicoMaki avatar. I feel that even in an OT9 situation they'd be too busy being all tsundere with each other to have time for everyone else, so they'd just let them do their thing on the side.
I was being facetious.
It's a short way of saying "I don't care who is shipped with who". Because the couplings I like, I'll read; and the couplings I don't like... Well, I said it above. Crazy logic, I know!
Shima I thought you said you always liked it when girls were gay with other girls. Please say you at least approve of HonoMaki :(
Orangepekoe we're not supposed to be best friends? :(
Shima I thought you said you always liked it when girls were gay with other girls. Please say you at least approve of HonoMaki :(
girls being gay with other girls is best
(also if I didn't approve of HonoMaki I wouldn't be drooling over all of Inuzuka Bouru's stuff, you silly)
I.... don't seem to quite undastand the situation here with ma KyoukoxSayaka doujins being not here to view anymore 'cause i guess ma english's still not that good huh...
ANYWAYS as long as the reason was was a good one, i'll not say anything more ;D
To: Admin
Please upload the KyouSaya doujin last yesterday again because many wanted to read it.
From: Fan of KyouSaya
Shipping is Serious Business.
To: Admin
Please upload the KyouSaya doujin last yesterday again because many wanted to read it.From: Fan of KyouSaya
If you're a true fan, you would've been able to find these readily available elsewhere already.
I was being facetious.
It's a short way of saying "I don't care who is shipped with who". Because the couplings I like, I'll read; and the couplings I don't like... Well, I said it above. Crazy logic, I know!
Oh I'm aware. I was being serious when I said I found it hilarious. Not the sarcastic, douchenozzle way of finding something hilarious
If you're a true fan, you would've been able to find these readily available elsewhere already.
hype horn
At the end we did end talking talking about his ranting, yare yare daze!
Long live Kotori x Nico (...)
Long live HomuSaya.
Long live HomuSaya.
Surely you mean HomuSayaMami
It's a short way of saying "I don't care who is shipped with who". Because the couplings I like, I'll read; and the couplings I don't like... Well, I said it above. Crazy logic, I know!
Isn't this really just common sense though? The fact that it even needs to be explained to anyone is kinda rather sad.
At the end we did end talking talking about his ranting, yare yare daze!
The doujins where taken down because the moderator didn't want his ranting here, but people talked about the ranting anyway, so wasn't it meaningless to take them down...?
Long live Alice x Everyone
At the end we did end talking talking about his ranting, yare yare daze!
The doujins where taken down because the moderator didn't want his ranting here, but people talked about the ranting anyway, so wasn't it meaningless to take them down...?
Not quite. The "credit" pages (which contained no actual credits) were edited to remove the rants because we don't want to be used as his personal blog. They were taken down because the main reason he wanted them uploaded was so a site he apparently hates would be stuck hosting his bullshit, and when that didn't work he took his ball and tearfully ran home.
Talking about his rant isn't the same as hosting it, and discussing isn't the same as endorsing.
It's a short way of saying "I don't care who is shipped with who". Because the couplings I like, I'll read; and the couplings I don't like... Well, I said it above. Crazy logic, I know!
Isn't this really just common sense though? The fact that it even needs to be explained to anyone is kinda rather sad.
I dunno, this crazy dude's rambles suggests some people don't have that supposed common sense at all!
Same with the occasional hate I get for releasing doujins of pairings with Nico or Maki that aren't NicoMaki, for example. Mostly this is just hilarious for me, mind you, but yeah, some people take this shit way too seriously
last edited at Mar 18, 2015 4:05PM
I dunno, this crazy dude's rambles suggests some people don't have that supposed common sense at all!
Same with the occasional hate I get for releasing doujins of pairings with Nico or Maki that aren't NicoMaki, for example. Mostly this is just hilarious for me, mind you, but yeah, some people take this shit way too seriously
Apparently! It's really sad how frequently people take it that seriously. It's just so much easier and less stressful to ignore the ones you aren't a fan of. This doesn't even apply to just doujin pairings either but really anything. People get way the hell too worked up over things they dislike when that only serves to end up making them see more of it than they would otherwise.
last edited at Mar 18, 2015 6:10PM
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