I agree with people who said they kind of rushed the final and Miorine and Suletta’s relationship was a victim of it. I can say their relationship was really good-written and is one of the best things of the show but they didn’t give them a proper conclusion due to the lack of episodes, it doesn’t necessarily ruin it but it’s one of it flaws. Though I disagree with people saying it could be read as “platonic” or that the fact they didn’t kiss or had sex ruined it, the show did good establishing their mutual feelings, my problem was that they didn’t exactly convey it to one another, the audience understood it and both characters make it clear but individually we never had a scene where they tell each other how they feel about one another just that one time in episode 17 where Suletta explicitly tells Miorine to choose her but then they separated them for 6 episodes and when they reunite we still don’t get a respond to Suletta’s feelings(we as audience know ofc how Miorine feels but both characters still don’t say it)or smth that tells us “OH! they are dating now” it didn’t have to be a kiss just something that makes u think they “confessed and started dating” even if it was indirectly the hold handing was cute but it weighed more to Miorine’s resolution than their romantic relationship.Instead we get a time skip which give us the confirmation they got married and that’s great! I mean it! And this is definitely not me making less the fact we got a married queer-couple on screen but it’s impossible to not think: What happened in the middle?