Forum › Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! discussion

joined Feb 18, 2013

RIP stands for Risa in Pieces.

F in chat, etc.

joined Sep 2, 2021

I see, so, Hiroko was once in Ayaka's shoes. But what I don't get is that, she knows she isn'r as cruel as the Senpai she once pursued. So, why is she so afraid of reciprocating Ayaka's feelings?

joined Sep 10, 2022

I see, so, Hiroko was once in Ayaka's shoes. But what I don't get is that, she knows she isn'r as cruel as the Senpai she once pursued. So, why is she so afraid of reciprocating Ayaka's feelings?

Do we know that the Senpai was cruel? She might have suffered from what Hiroko is afraid of. She was apologizing here for getting Hiroko involved in something.

last edited at Jun 17, 2023 4:57PM

joined Jul 4, 2021

I feel like the characters in this series have realistic motivations and hang ups.

Citation needed

"I'm her boss and she still has her whole life ahead of her. I'm sure she'll find someone better than a woman 13 years her senior."

You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

last edited at Jun 17, 2023 5:01PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

I see, so, Hiroko was once in Ayaka's shoes. But what I don't get is that, she knows she isn'r as cruel as the Senpai she once pursued. So, why is she so afraid of reciprocating Ayaka's feelings?

Do we know that the Senpai was cruel? She might have suffered from what Hiroko is afraid of. She was apologizing here for getting Hiroko involved in something.

An apologizing Senpai, eh?

joined Sep 10, 2022

I see, so, Hiroko was once in Ayaka's shoes. But what I don't get is that, she knows she isn'r as cruel as the Senpai she once pursued. So, why is she so afraid of reciprocating Ayaka's feelings?

Do we know that the Senpai was cruel? She might have suffered from what Hiroko is afraid of. She was apologizing here for getting Hiroko involved in something.

An apologizing Senpai, eh?

I actually never got around to those specials and the novels! I really should though. How were they? And hopefully this senpai isn't as much of a creep. The framing seemed sympathetic though.

last edited at Jun 17, 2023 5:30PM

joined Oct 19, 2022

Was this plotline axed? I get a feeling like somebody told Sal Jiang to rush through this arc and move to the next posthaste - to try and salvage the story.

Ikr, where the angst?? I feel we were robbed of the "Awww poor baybees!" that we rightfully deserved!

They should've had at least one date at the lesbian bar. Interact with the older ladies and get us some commentary from experienced lesbians about the way they're dealing with their problems. I suspect the editor told the author to stop playing around and go back to formula asap.


joined Dec 11, 2017

I wish I had a dime for every romance story I’ve read or watched where one of the main characters is pursued by the other one, but Main Character #1 is problematic in one or more ways (you know, conflict) and meanwhile there’s a third, more accessible, character who seems much more suitable for Main Character #2, except Main Character #2 is attracted to Main Character #1. Because then I’d have a lot of dimes.

And then if I had a dime for every audience member who desperately wants Main Character #2 to get together with the third and obviously much nicer person, I’d have more dimes than I’d know what to do with.

But as it is, I only have a moderate number of dimes. They’re in a jar.

Honestly, dimes? Not worth much these days anyway.

joined Sep 20, 2022

I suspect the editor told the author to stop playing around and go back to formula asap.


joined Mar 24, 2015

Damn everyone who left an Ayaka x Risa comment must be reeling right now lol

This was definitely done in a "let's do it to say we did it" type way rather than giving it much effort. I've been cheering for Risa but pushing Ayaka to date her was a weird move (even if she said she wouldn't play nice, doesn't mean she has to go 0 to 100).

joined Oct 19, 2022

I suspect the editor told the author to stop playing around and go back to formula asap.


Wow, ohmygod, haha. XD

joined Sep 10, 2022

Damn everyone who left an Ayaka x Risa comment must be reeling right now lol

This was definitely done in a "let's do it to say we did it" type way rather than giving it much effort. I've been cheering for Risa but pushing Ayaka to date her was a weird move (even if she said she wouldn't play nice, doesn't mean she has to go 0 to 100).

I talked about it in an earlier comment about Risa but she seemed a bit desperate. She knew how Ayaka felt and this uneasiness seemed to be building up behind the scenes throughout the last few chapters. She was growing really envious and starting to escalate, finally culminating in her outburst with Hiroko. So I agree it was aggressive but I didn't see it as sudden (with earlier comments as evidence of that); rather it felt to me like she was at her last straw, knew Ayaka's feelings, and wanted to snatch a chance with her. It's sad that it doesn't work out for her though.

last edited at Jun 17, 2023 6:11PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

I suspect the editor told the author to stop playing around and go back to formula asap.



I had forgotten about this tender moment between Liz & Maki. Lol, did it make the readers angry!

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

No! Risa! That’s too sad, that hurt my little heart

joined Dec 11, 2017

I remember a guy, he once wrote that a certain girl from a certain manga, if she turned real, could seduce any man in the real world. Any man. They would all be powerless to resist her and simply had no chance against her. This made a lot of people very angry. Questions were asked: "What about married men, would they forget their love and break their commitment? What about gay men, would she convert them? Was this girl the cure for homosexuality? What about celibates by choice? What about Catholic priests? What about...?" The guy replied in a huff that when he said "all men in the world would" he of course meant "all men except those who wouldn't" and we were all stupid for not reading his mind and getting that. After several comparable gaffes, always blaming others for his mistakes, he was banned from the forum.

Write clearly. Reread before posting. Mind ambiguity. Remember implied is not the same as stated and context is not the same as text. Don't expect other people to intuit your meanings. Say exactly what you want to say, in no uncertain terms; no more, no less. And if you fail, accept your responsibility; don't throw the blame onto others.

. . . Wait, I'm sorry. That story started, and I earnestly thought it was an example of how absurdly pedantic people can be, but no, you're taking the side of the nitpicky literalist crowd?

When somebody says "They can have anyone they want" that never means literally anyone. There are always people who wouldn't be interested, because they're into someone else, they're not into their gender, they're ace, too old, too young, or they died in the 17th century, or whatever. "They can have anyone they want" is a common hyperbolic shorthand that refers to the fact that someone is attractive enough to have an abundance of options. It's an extremely common turn of phrase and this is the first time I have ever seen someone try to defend taking it literally.

If you genuinely thought it was literal, you had a very glaring gap in your linguistic knowledge. If you knew what they meant and were nitpicking the literal meaning of their phrase despite that, you were being intentionally dishonest.

Same thing with "like". "like" is very commonly used as an expression to refer to romantic interest. Words have more than one definition, (in fact, "like" has, like, several,) and you have to read the context of the situation to understand which usage applies.

In a romance comic, talking about a character who explicitly turned down another character's romantic confession, "She doesn't like her" is extremely obviously intended in the romantic context. I find it very difficult to believe anyone on this forum is unaware of the romantic connotation behind "like."

If you were unaware of the romantic sense of "like" then welcome to Dynasty, you must be very new. If you were aware of the romantic sense of like, and it did not occur to you that that might be how they meant it, that's just pretty poor reading comprehension. If you knew what they meant and are nitpicking anyway, that is intentionally dishonest.

Sorry to everyone else for the rant, I'm gonna drop this now, because it's mostly off topic at this point, but nah, man, people have a responsibility to try and make their language clear, but the reader ALSO has a responsibility to try and take what they said in context in good faith, to seek understanding, not pelt them with nitpicks. Language isn't a competitive sport, you don't get points for dishonestly picking apart somebody's phrasing.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Anyway Hiroko has an angsty rejection backstory of her own woooo

joined Oct 19, 2022

I suspect the editor told the author to stop playing around and go back to formula asap.



I had forgotten about this tender moment between Liz & Maki. Lol, did it make the readers angry!

So... the formula is making the readers angry?

joined Jul 29, 2017

I wish I had a dime for every romance story I’ve read or watched where one of the main characters is pursued by the other one, but Main Character #1 is problematic in one or more ways (you know, conflict) and meanwhile there’s a third, more accessible, character who seems much more suitable for Main Character #2, except Main Character #2 is attracted to Main Character #1. Because then I’d have a lot of dimes.

And then if I had a dime for every audience member who desperately wants Main Character #2 to get together with the third and obviously much nicer person, I’d have more dimes than I’d know what to do with.

But as it is, I only have a moderate number of dimes. They’re in a jar.

Honestly, dimes? Not worth much these days anyway.

A million dimes here, and a billion dimes there, and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.

More than in my jar, anyway.

EDIT: And have I just not been noticing, or is this the first known manga deployment of an anxiety bead icon on a sock?

last edited at Jun 17, 2023 6:41PM

joined Dec 13, 2020

So... the formula is making the readers angry?

Kind of. ^_^

joined Oct 4, 2016

Sorry to everyone else for the rant, I'm gonna drop this now, because it's mostly off topic at this point, but nah, man, people have a responsibility to try and make their language clear, but the reader ALSO has a responsibility to try and take what they said in context in good faith, to seek understanding, not pelt them with nitpicks. Language isn't a competitive sport, you don't get points for dishonestly picking apart somebody's phrasing.

Nice rant. Fully agree. Felt you'd wish to know.

joined Oct 4, 2016

I am really digging the "lesbian bar patrons as Greek chorus" thing they got going on, and also enjoying them deconstructing Hiroko.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Sorry to everyone else for the rant, I'm gonna drop this now, because it's mostly off topic at this point, but nah, man, people have a responsibility to try and make their language clear, but the reader ALSO has a responsibility to try and take what they said in context in good faith, to seek understanding, not pelt them with nitpicks. Language isn't a competitive sport, you don't get points for dishonestly picking apart somebody's phrasing.

Nice rant. Fully agree. Felt you'd wish to know.

Agreed. I didn't have it in me. I write enough here, as it is.

I am really digging the "lesbian bar patrons as Greek chorus" thing they got going on, and also enjoying them deconstructing Hiroko.

Haha never thought of it that way but yeah. Like from Hercules.

last edited at Jun 17, 2023 6:58PM

joined Oct 19, 2022

Nice rant. Fully agree. Felt you'd wish to know.

Agreed. I didn't have it in me. I write enough here, as it is.

For gossake dude how butthurt are you? You're turning the thread into a circus of you you you. Just drop it already.

joined Apr 16, 2020

Author-san did Risa dirty with all that direction.

joined Aug 4, 2018

. . . Wait, I'm sorry. That story started, and I earnestly thought it was an example of how absurdly pedantic people can be, but no, you're taking the side of the nitpicky literalist crowd?

Funny that you said literalist. I remember the episode and I remember his exact words were: "She can literally have any man she wants." Literally, he said. Maybe the poor guy was just trying to reinforce his statement and didn't know what "literally" actually means, but that's what he wrote. So yeah, people were right in taking his words literally and your whole message has no point.

Btw, the side KxY's taking is the side of the moderators. You know, the ones who eventually banned this worthy for angering people one too many times? I guess they can be nitpicky about these things...

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