Forum › My Girlfriend's Not Here Today discussion

joined May 29, 2019

Comming out is not easy. Is not like Nanase could just go "Hey! I'm gay!" like it had no consequences. It's something far more serious than Yuni's unhealthy craves for attention. And in that very festival Nanase held her hand and let herself be kissed, let alone they were intimate several times in private and even hugging in public and at school. So is not like Yuni was completely deprived of her girlfriend's affection. Far from it. Yuni always had the mentality that she should be Nanase's number one priority since the festival and is not only between voleyball and herself... Yuni always had this mindset with basically everyone in Nanase's life. Her best friend, her colegues in her club. It's suffocating. In this case, I wouldn't be susprised if Nanase would actually WANT to put some space between them. Someone as toxic as Yuni demanding validation in this matter is a mental tool. I'm sure Nanase feels more at ease with her club members than with Yuni and I can't really blame her.

And, despite being really unconfortable with exposing their relationship, Nanase still came out to her best friend. This is doing something already. Nanase went to the pool with her, went to the festival with her, is intimate with her in private, but, no... to Yuni, if everything is not 100% PERFECT all the time, then is justifiable to go fuck the sociopath. No... I'll say again. No justification for cheating and no comparation. Nanase made her mistakes, Yuni is a 100 times worse.

It's not even about coming out. Nanase refuses to even hold hands with Yuni in public or to let her upload photos of the two of them to social media, despite her being willing to do that stuff with her friends. And Yuni put up with it for months, putting more effort and compromise into their relationship than Nanase ever did. Coming out to her best friend (who I'm 100% sure wants to get into Nanase's pants) is good personal growth for Nanase but too late to save her relationship with Yuni.

joined Aug 16, 2018

Midnightgunner posted:

I mean no one is saying it's good or complex. It's fucked but that's why it's kinda fun?

Nah... Not really... It's just a mess.

For someone who dislikes this series, you sure comment a lot.

That he does. Too bad he doesn't make much sense.

There must be a zillion movies and tv shows with a male lead who has a girlfriend and then, at some point, a rival character appears and comes on to the male lead's girl so artfully that she's seduced and starts wavering between the two. When this happens, the male lead is expected by EVERYONE to fight with everything he has to win back his girl! Because if he said "Oh so she's attracted to some other guy? How dare she? What a slut! He can have her!" all the other characters and the viewers would see him as an idiot and a loser. This is just common sense.

Somehow a new school of thought has developed lately—that claims that if you start dating someone then that person belongs to you and any display of attraction towards someone else is an unforgivable sin. I dunno how to call it, the dumb ass school? In opposition to the common sense school that says that if you want to keep somebody at your side your whole life then you'll have to keep working at it your whole life.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Midnightgunner posted:

I mean no one is saying it's good or complex. It's fucked but that's why it's kinda fun?

Nah... Not really... It's just a mess.

For someone who dislikes this series, you sure comment a lot.

That he does. Too bad he doesn't make much sense.

There must be a zillion movies and tv shows with a male lead who has a girlfriend and then, at some point, a rival character appears and comes on to the male lead's girl so artfully that she's seduced and starts wavering between the two. When this happens, the male lead is expected by EVERYONE to fight with everything he has to win back his girl! Because if he said "Oh so she's attracted to some other guy? How dare she? What a slut! He can have her!" all the other characters and the viewers would see him as an idiot and a loser. This is just common sense.

Somehow a new school of thought has developed lately—that claims that if you start dating someone then that person belongs to you and any display of attraction towards someone else is an unforgivable sin. I dunno how to call it, the dumb ass school? In opposition to the common sense school that says that if you want to keep somebody at your side your whole life then you'll have to keep working at it your whole life.

Am I not allowed to comment? To reply? Have a conversation in a COMMENT SECTION? Now that's what doesn't actually make sense. And no... This idea that you'll have too fight for the girl (or guy) unconditionally no matter what is plain idiotic. Fighting for someone who is not worth it and doesn't value you as much as you value them is not a sign of strenght or devotion and, let alone love. Is a sign of low self-steem, because someone who value themselves would not waste their energies on someone who dosen't deserve it. Any character who does that doesn't deserve respect. I'll say it again: You can't love anyone if you don't love yourself first. Relationships are a two way road. You must give as much as you receive. If only one person is "chasing after" then is not love, is simply obssession. And nothing good comes out of that unless in bad writting.

So I will actually love to see a cheated MC realizes they were cheated on and just went: "Well, you made your choice and since i deserve better than you, I'll make mine." Not an unidimensional "UuUr ShEs A sLuT! He CaN hAvE hEr!". Nope... Inside, they are hurting, yes, but outside, is just cold indiference. And this reaction susprises the cheaters to an unnerving degree. The MC will suffer, sure, but they'll priorize themselves and their feelings and then they'll actually find someone better, someone loyal. And the viewers will see the reactions of the others involved, specially the cheaters. (It'll actually be better if the cheaters are also complex with more than just the cheating act that defines them).

Unconditional love is such a trainwreck plot point. I would love to see a MC that will value their SO honestly, but is willing to drop them the moment they realize the feelings are not mutual. "You want me to fight for you? Fight for me as well.".

Now that's something unique. Not like these "A zillion stories" you mentioned and sure not like this NTR overused cliche here that I've had the displeasure of seeing many times before... If everyone expects the same as you said, it means the story is predictable and boring...

And that's all I had to say. This story sucks, but let see to what disapointing end this will take us. Till there, I'm out.

last edited at May 18, 2023 7:09PM

joined Sep 30, 2017

Comming out is not easy. Is not like Nanase could just go "Hey! I'm gay!" like it had no consequences. It's something far more serious than Yuni's unhealthy craves for attention. And in that very festival Nanase held her hand and let herself be kissed, let alone they were intimate several times in private and even hugging in public and at school. So is not like Yuni was completely deprived of her girlfriend's affection. Far from it. Yuni always had the mentality that she should be Nanase's number one priority since the festival and is not only between voleyball and herself... Yuni always had this mindset with basically everyone in Nanase's life. Her best friend, her colegues in her club. It's suffocating. In this case, I wouldn't be susprised if Nanase would actually WANT to put some space between them. Someone as toxic as Yuni demanding validation in this matter is a mental tool. I'm sure Nanase feels more at ease with her club members than with Yuni and I can't really blame her.

And, despite being really unconfortable with exposing their relationship, Nanase still came out to her best friend. This is doing something already. Nanase went to the pool with her, went to the festival with her, is intimate with her in private, but, no... to Yuni, if everything is not 100% PERFECT all the time, then is justifiable to go fuck the sociopath. No... I'll say again. No justification for cheating and no comparation. Nanase made her mistakes, Yuni is a 100 times worse.

It's not even about coming out. Nanase refuses to even hold hands with Yuni in public or to let her upload photos of the two of them to social media, despite her being willing to do that stuff with her friends. And Yuni put up with it for months, putting more effort and compromise into their relationship than Nanase ever did. Coming out to her best friend (who I'm 100% sure wants to get into Nanase's pants) is good personal growth for Nanase but too late to save her relationship with Yuni.

Nanase only told her BFF. There's a difference between telling someone you trust and just being out there in the open. And that difference is massive. What if a family member sees those photos? Or see them embraced in public? Have you stopped to think of the serious implications this can cause? Japan is not as accepting of gay people as the western is... Comming out to FAMILY and SOCIETY is far harder....... And I doubt Yuni ever considered that. SHe just wants Nanase to be the perfect image of a girlfriend she envisioned in her head.

And any "effort" Yuni put in their relationship lost all value, significance and importance the moment she slept with Fuuko. I've told you, if she really valued Nanase, she would break up with her before cheating on her, because she would not want to cause the pain she is causing her now. The one who destroyed the relantionship was Yuni, plain and simple. Now sure as hell is too late to save the relantionship because Yuni cheated. But since this author lacks the basic talent as a writter, I'm sure they'll find a moronic and poorly executed way to "save" it.

I said my piece.... And made my views very clear. You can reply if you want, but I'm done for now.

last edited at May 18, 2023 7:11PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Nanase only told her BFF. There's a difference between telling someone you trust and just being out there in the open. And that difference is massive. What if a family member sees those photos? Or see them embraced in public? Have you stopped to think of the serious implications this can cause? Japan is not as accepting of gay people as the western is... Comming out to FAMILY and SOCIETY is far harder....... And I doubt Yuni ever considered that. SHe just wants Nanase to be the perfect image of a girlfriend she envisioned in her head.

Tbf she only denies that kind of skinship to yuni, she doesn't seem to have a problem doing it with her friends or the volleyball team. Yuni is not asking to be treated especially she just doesn't want to be treated like a stranger by her girlfriend

joined Jul 21, 2020

And that's all I had to say. This story sucks, but let see to what disapointing end this will take us. Till there, I'm out.

He said, and then wrote another huge wall of tl;dr... XD

joined Oct 26, 2018

Y’all cringe at in the comments

joined Aug 12, 2018

I love how polarized people are lol. You can't point out the mistakes a character made or the stupid decisions they made without someone else jumping at your neck for "justifying" the other one's actions

PSA: Saying how bad Nanase was as a girlfriend does not mean you're justifying Yuni's cheating
Saying how stupid Yuni is does not mean you're defending Nanase
Not everything is black and white in life, and especially not in this story lmao

joined Jul 29, 2017

I love how polarized people are lol. You can't point out the mistakes a character made or the stupid decisions they made without someone else jumping at your neck for "justifying" the other one's actions

PSA: Saying how bad Nanase was as a girlfriend does not mean you're justifying Yuni's cheating
Saying how stupid Yuni is does not mean you're defending Nanase
Not everything is black and white in life, and especially not in this story lmao

Keep that stuff up and you’re going to put the Yuri Manga Fictional Character Moral Tribunal out of work, and then where would we be?

E. Vigée Le Brun
joined Jun 8, 2021

I think of tags' purposes either as warning folks away who don't want that type of content -

the purpose of the tags on this site in this regard is to call all those who hate the tag into the comment section to tell how bad it is and how bad everyone is for reading.

It's astounding how many people have rushed to this thread & worked hard to prove you right.

And that's all I had to say. This story sucks, but let see to what disapointing end this will take us. Till there, I'm out.

He said, and then wrote another huge wall of tl;dr... XD

Lol at tl;dr but actually you are quite correct. I suspect most of us who look at the comments, when we come upon one of his messages, we think 'oh yawn another tirade on morals and cheating' and we jump to the next one without reading it.

last edited at May 18, 2023 10:02PM

joined Feb 10, 2022

Nothing that a 3some can fix

joined Feb 16, 2016

I think Fuuko's quite slay

joined May 31, 2020

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

Huh? it was clear as day NTR since chapter 1, what do you mean?

for real like? the title is literally "my girlfriend is not here today" and she cheats right off the bat, what did people think they were gonna get?

but anyway, this is actually pretty entertaining to me. it's quite clear that none of them are in the right so i'm just enjoying the shit show lmfao

last edited at May 18, 2023 8:46PM

E. Vigée Le Brun
joined Jun 8, 2021

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

Huh? it was clear as day NTR since chapter 1, what do you mean?

for real like? the title is literally "my girlfriend is not here today" and she cheats right off the bat, what did people think they were gonna get?

Welllllll.... there is a difference between cheating and ntr... but yeah this is a series where it was evident that the cheating would lead to ntr sooner or later.

These 3 pages leave no room for disbelief. You're placed in Nanase's pov and you have to watch your girlfriend mock and humiliate you with cruel worlds while another person kisses, fondles and gropes her. We're now in ntr up to our ears.

joined Mar 18, 2023

Anyone who hasn't yet, do read all the chapters, because otherwise 17 will seem utterly insane, instead of just crazy and Nanase having a brain seizure from overstimulation.

Right now chapters 10 and 11 aren't here, and those have a bunch of context to understand Fuuko and Yuni bit better.

context wont fix bad writing though?

This is pretty trashy but it's not particularly bad written. The pacing is good, the characters are consistent in their behavior, the tone is also pretty consistent in its silliness.

It's silly and trashy and the characters' behavior and reactions aren't realistic but fiction doesn't have to mirror real-life so this isn't a problem.

it isnt realism that i was regarding to though?

this stories problem in my opinion is that its characters lack believable motives due to a lack of elaboration making their actions make no sense and causes the narrative to become less than convincing as a plausible conflict.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Somehow a new school of thought has developed lately—that claims that if you start dating someone then that person belongs to you and any display of attraction towards someone else is an unforgivable sin. I dunno how to call it, the dumb ass school? In opposition to the common sense school that says that if you want to keep somebody at your side your whole life then you'll have to keep working at it your whole life.

Words of gold.

Nanase is the poster girl of taking your lover for granted.

And the story shows us what are the costly consequences of this mistake.

last edited at May 19, 2023 12:08AM

joined Feb 10, 2022

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

I'm sure you were not even skimming this manga

joined Jan 17, 2021

Nothing that a 3some can fix

They're all pretty. I can understand now the struggle of my grandma when she watch her telenovelas.

joined Mar 18, 2023

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

I'm sure you were not even skimming this manga

am i going insane or has some people not realized that there is a difference between cheating and ntr?

how has the fact that they exist as distinct words not given them a clue of this great profound truth at all?

joined Aug 12, 2018

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

I'm sure you were not even skimming this manga

am i going insane or has some people not realized that there is a difference between cheating and ntr?

how has the fact that they exist as distinct words not given them a clue of this great profound truth at all?

I understand there is a difference, but from the very beginning it wasn't just cheating. Straight from chapter 1, Fuuko was trying to steal Nanase's girlfriend, and that's literally the basis of netorare

joined Oct 14, 2014

Fighting for someone who is not worth it and doesn't value you as much as you value them is not a sign of strenght or devotion and, let alone love. Is a sign of low self-steem, because someone who value themselves would not waste their energies on someone who dosen't deserve it.

Stop posting then lol I thought you disliked this manga. You've gotten your point across, which means you can safely blacklist it and forget it ever existed

joined Nov 23, 2014

Also I dont care much about cheating, never thought it was that big of a deal personnally so... shrug

Even when it is happening right in front of you? I mean not to knock on anyone's kink of course!

Words of gold.

Nanase is the poster girl of taking your lover for granted.

And the story shows us what are the costly consequences of this mistake.

Jesus Christ some of you talk about this teenage love drama like we are dealing with earth shattering events here. xD

Ten years down the line these three -- Nanase playing her ball games or whatever, Fuuko scoring with some hot sugar mama, Yuni in a trash heap somewhere -- look back and think to themselves, "that sure happened in high school huh? Oh well"

last edited at May 19, 2023 1:10AM

joined Mar 18, 2023

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

I'm sure you were not even skimming this manga

am i going insane or has some people not realized that there is a difference between cheating and ntr?

how has the fact that they exist as distinct words not given them a clue of this great profound truth at all?

I understand there is a difference, but from the very beginning it wasn't just cheating. Straight from chapter 1, Fuuko was trying to steal Nanase's girlfriend, and that's literally the basis of netorare

thats still just cheating though,even if it was leaning into becoming ntr,it hadnt become so until this most recent chapter.

by the way the basis of ntr is about the baby bird finding out about the bull taking something precious from them and being too weak and powerless to stop it.the bulls intentions doesnt matter at all nor does the precious thing stolen since the basis of ntr is all about the baby birds pain and anguish at having lost something.

joined May 3, 2014

I love how polarized people are lol. You can't point out the mistakes a character made or the stupid decisions they made without someone else jumping at your neck for "justifying" the other one's actions

PSA: Saying how bad Nanase was as a girlfriend does not mean you're justifying Yuni's cheating
Saying how stupid Yuni is does not mean you're defending Nanase
Not everything is black and white in life, and especially not in this story lmao

you lot EXAGERATE Nanase fault here tho >.> like this crap of blaming Nanase for something like “neglect” becaus ONLY YUNI see it as neglect! in an healty relationship you discus the issue and fix it by compromising or changing or ANYTHING! then if all fails Yuni is in the rights to break up due to difference in relationship priorities such as Nanase puting the relationship AND club activities! you all acting as if the neglect was SO SEVEAR but I literaly fail to see how that is the case and forget me but Yuni definition of neglect is twisted in an narcisistic way, it’s like people think every relationship doesn’t have an form of “neglect” but since the ADULTS reach an understanding that they can’t spend to much time together who is to say that is “neglect”!!! this is the core issue in this depiction of relationship!

Yuni NEVER really tryed to do the right thing but chose cheating as the most stupid way to fix something that will fail the moment they are caught cheating, PUTING more wffort in cheating that fixing the damn relationship! and what is Nanase soo called “sin”? oh She thinks club ativities and her lover to be BOTH precious!!! like WHAT EVEY adult does!!!

I fell this will end with Nanase being the bloody cock in the relationship OR forgiving the disgusting Yuni right there and there as an werid form for “redemption”

I hope the ending will be Nanase breaking up and move on, or it will end in the most disgusting way and leave me with shit taste in my mouth :/

joined May 3, 2014

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

Huh? it was clear as day NTR since chapter 1, what do you mean?

for real like? the title is literally "my girlfriend is not here today" and she cheats right off the bat, what did people think they were gonna get?

but anyway, this is actually pretty entertaining to me. it's quite clear that none of them are in the right so i'm just enjoying the shit show lmfao

what in green earth make you think EVERY cheat story is NTR?? lol what a wierd hung up on the fact people didn’t expect NTR since I DID read cheating story but only a HANDFULL of them were NTR

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