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joined Jan 17, 2021

Since the manga doesn’t have any negative tags (yet), one of my theories is that Aizawa is in a coma/indefinite state of sleep due to some supernatural incidents that is probably the future plot and the school is a theory many others made and I agree to as well, which is place she couldn’t come to but wanted to so bad that she became attached.

Like that Reese Witherspoon movie.

Not with this thing around. And even outside extras, pretty sure the school would not have her photo and flowers on her desk if she wasn't actually dead, nor would it be announced in the news.

Her guardians could be hiding that she's in a coma. So when she wakes up, she can be a normal student.

Personally, the ending depends on the success of the manga. If it sucked, platonic human and ghost. If it did great, yurification and handholding.

joined Apr 16, 2022

Aizawa's death was announced by her parents, and they didn't provide any details. It's certainly possible she's still alive and they just lied about her death for unknown reasons.

joined May 7, 2022

Not with this thing around. And even outside extras, pretty sure the school would not have her photo and flowers on her desk if she wasn't actually dead, nor would it be announced in the news.

Her guardians could be hiding that she's in a coma. So when she wakes up, she can be a normal student.

Personally, the ending depends on the success of the manga. If it sucked, platonic human and ghost. If it did great, yurification and handholding.

Yurification and handholding w/ a ghost, huh?
What comes to my mind is Michi just suddenly developing that much power to be able to touch a ghost and Honami's poltergeist stuff coming in handy. Idk idk

Or it could go for the reicarnation route with Aizawa being 15 years younger than Michi now (Age gap) or somehow the soulless body of a high school girl becomes conveniently available for ghost Honami to claim.

joined May 7, 2022

Ngl, this part is where it hit me that it’s not all fun and games. Was almost like a jumpscare when I was reading the extras and laughing.

Like, yeah, we know she’s dead, we see the picture, the table where people pay their respects for the deceased classmate w/ flowers and candies, there is the weird pentagram, but damn, the way it is shown in that page reminded me the real grim undertones of what seems to be a fruity little comedy about ghosts at first glance.

I am replying to my own comment because I just noticed the previous image is also pretty unsettling. Is that... blood?

joined Jan 9, 2017

Last panel gave me a jumpscare. Bad author! Bad! Aizawa is not like that!

She is already haunting the girl who's afraid of ghosts

joined Jan 17, 2021

Yurification and handholding w/ a ghost, huh?

No, either both human or both ghost (a bit tragic?).

Seta is my spirit animal

joined Dec 20, 2018

Possession successful.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Wait what happened at the end there? Can she see Aizawa?

joined Nov 14, 2022

Wait what happened at the end there? Can she see Aizawa?

Absolutely, that same girl spotted her in a window in an earlier chapter. Maybe she’s just realised she’s a ghost.

joined Oct 9, 2016

Ooookay. A lot happened suddenly. Interesting.

BLAMEY Uploader
joined Oct 9, 2021

So hey it turns out nothing happens if Aizawa finds out you see her.

One of my favorite things about this manga is how Aizawa effortlessly defines the tone. Despite being the source of the tragedy, she can defuse a situation and bring it back to goofy in an instant. Or she can take something sweet and make it bitter, all with just her expression. Her emotions are painfully readable through Kasumi. Getting to touch Michi for the first time, getting Michi to look her in the eyes, and knowing just how fleeting that is.

Then there's all the mysteries. It's probably no coincidence the ghost kept going for Michi's neck. This is likely the first time a ghost attacked her unprompted and she's running out of excuses to ignore the mark. On the plus side, if ignoring ghosts no longer works, there's no reason to keep ignoring Aizawa. No idea how to interpret kid Michi(?) operating independently of normal Michi but that's a question for another day.

Most supernatural stories start with either the protagonist having a firm grasp on the supernatural or meeting a mentor figure who can guide them. They don't often go this long in the dark. Maybe Senpai will fill that role, as soon as she stops seeing red. She's awfully possessive of Kasumi despite seeming way more aloof in her last appearance. Love's in the air all over this chapter. And she must have some kind of reputation to scare Reona like that. Also neat detail Senpai has the same fuzzy eyes Michi does.

But there's a ton of directions this confrontation can lead now that Aizawa knows someone can see her. It's also not unreasonable to think Michi and Aizawa's relationship will change, since her being completely unable to speak is enough of a weird barrier on its own. While last chapter was nice and subdued, it being the calm before the storm is exactly what I was hoping for. The storm being extra yuri is just a nice bonus.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Wait what happened at the end there? Can she see Aizawa?

See and touch, apparently.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I was personally hoping for a POV switch to Aizawa when I saw the chapter title, "I want to touch Kurotori-san but I'm dead." It would have been interesting to actually see Aizawa's thoughts rather than just seeing her through the eyes of Kurotori and the others who can see her.

joined May 7, 2022

Aizawa-san trying to kiss Michi surprised me because I thought she wasn’t interested in the MC that way YET. Gay ghosts gonna gay, I guess.

Also, I agree 100% with you, @BLAMEY. Wonderful analysis.

I wonder if the senpai will be able to continue seeing Aizawa next chapter or if the fact that during her first appearance she only saw her briefly despite the ghost still being there means she’s not as aware of her ability as Michi since it’s not as “strong” of a thing.
It’s still chapter 8, so I think it’d be better for the plot if she just suddenly asks “Hey, what happened to the blondie that was here?”. Aizawa will know she was seen, Michi will know someone saw her (not like she does since Aizawa-san is still there), and since Honami didn’t turn hostile her course of action would probably be 1) trying to get the Senpai to acknowledge her again 2) trying to find ways for Michi to see her (if she doesn’t suspect yet) UNTIL Michi gives in since there is no (obvious) danger in revealing she can see.

joined May 23, 2014

Every chapter of this manga is exciting and unpredictable. Making you want to read more as the plot thickens. A rare gem like this deserves more attention really...

joined May 23, 2014

Every chapter of this manga is exciting and unpredictable. Making you want to read more as the plot thickens. A rare gem like this deserves more attention really...

joined Jan 17, 2021

Damn this ghost... Once the MC was awake she immediately chose to be gay. Dedication right there. I could see this as an anime if they kept the pace of the story.

joined Apr 19, 2020

This is the only manga I can't decide which is my favorite chapter.

joined Oct 16, 2021

I love these ghost romance stories. When I die, I want to become yurirei.

joined Jun 1, 2020

That was a lot to take in, but it only makes me all the more curious. And excited, shit's getting good, I feel. I think the senpai seemingly seeing and touching Aizawa is going to be something of a bait and switch, similar to how it was played with the dude whose name I cannot remember right now. Another likely route would be that she is able to see Aizawa, or spirits in general, but her ability will be less potent than Michi's. Also I do not know how Michi's gonna save herself from what she's gotten into, but I wish her luck.

I want to note how well Aizawa could emote through Kasumi while still distinctly being Aizawa, and all this without a single word uttered. I really liked that entire sequence, there was an entire rainbow of emotions - relief, beaming happiness, what I read as satisfaction from getting to do something she's wanted to for a long while now but couldn't, which also made that part somewhat cathartic to me, and then what I read as a tinge of horny, or a bit more seriously, as a crescendo of sorts of what is most probably Aizawa being in love with Michi. Also concretely establishing that Aizawa can interact with living people and even possess them intrigues me to no end.

I also want to note page 21's "it's too early for that" joke that caught me off guard.

...No idea how to interpret kid Michi(?) operating independently of normal Michi but that's a question for another day...

I read it as Michi getting shadow realm'd/astral projecting herself unconsciously, either as a result of the blow, a result of the particularly eerie atmosphere in the room she was feeling, or a combination of the two. I don't think it's her younger psyche operating independently, but rather actually her operating unconsciously, and I think the lead up here is to actually build and flesh out her "power". Also generally note that I like the observations you made in your comment. Senpai having similar eyes to Michi is particularly curious.

last edited at Apr 13, 2023 1:40PM

joined Mar 22, 2021

Wow I thought Aizawa was bordering on Yandere level of obsession but when she got a chance to touch her she went for it. Really am interested to see how this goes now that she can posses people.

joined Sep 21, 2019

Ngl, this part is where it hit me that it’s not all fun and games. Was almost like a jumpscare when I was reading the extras and laughing.

Like, yeah, we know she’s dead, we see the picture, the table where people pay their respects for the deceased classmate w/ flowers and candies, there is the weird pentagram, but damn, the way it is shown in that page reminded me the real grim undertones of what seems to be a fruity little comedy about ghosts at first glance.

I am replying to my own comment because I just noticed the previous image is also pretty unsettling. Is that... blood?

...oh my God that's actually terrifying, I didn't notice at all

I'm mildly worried about the next chapter and all the implications we've seen so far but more importantly YOU GO AIZAWA YEAAAHHHHHH

last edited at Apr 13, 2023 3:55PM

joined Jan 9, 2017

So Aizawa is the jealous type

joined May 7, 2022

So Aizawa is the jealous type

Well, given she started breaking chalk and made Seta-kun's script explode, I think it's already been a known fact.

Wow I thought Aizawa was bordering on Yandere level of obsession but when she got a chance to touch her she went for it. Really am interested to see how this goes now that she can posses people.

I wonder if she'll try possessing the super fan. It would be funny to see the Honamin Stan acting like Aizawa.

last edited at Apr 13, 2023 5:55PM

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