Forum › Our Yuri Started With Me Getting Rejected in a Dream discussion

joined May 28, 2021

TBH, the fact that Tsukushi somehow still thinks she's getting rejected might be the biggest dense moment of them all :P Also, she obviously didn't factor in that her crush is going to be in a freaking bathing suit at the beach, which isn't exactly going to make it easier for her to think straight (pun very intended) :P

Amazing Despair
joined May 12, 2019

Tsukushi's mind is stuck in a pretty bad loop, Hinoka might have to do something intense to break through all that fear lol. I wonder if the wingwomen tell her about it or keep quiet

joined Dec 20, 2018

Also, she obviously didn't factor in that her crush is going to be in a freaking bathing suit at the beach, which isn't exactly going to make it easier for her to think straight (pun very intended) :P

Maybe that's exactly her point. :P

joined Jul 15, 2016

Tsukushi's mind is stuck in a pretty bad loop

That's actually a great description of the main crux of this manga. Tsukushi's brain is caught in a recursive self-reinforcing anxiety about fictitious scenarios of getting rejected. This ultimately pointless exercise consumes so much of her brain energy, the brain subsystems responsible for observing and interpreting the social situation around her are starved into atrophying, leading to an almost complete disconnect from reality -- particularly from that of how down bad Hinoka is for her...

joined Jun 1, 2020

Tsuc is good in school, kind, athletic, tomboy-pretty. If you buy all these perks with your points when you create your character, you have to get some serious -4 yuri intelligence flaws too to fit it all in.

Y'know, I haven't thought about it like that, but I like this idea. Girl's gotta have dump stat of sorts.

In any case, even if it were as obvious as could be both in-universe and to us readers, I still appreciate Sara directly telling Tsukushi about her and Yuu. Actually, I'm not so sure it was as clear in-universe as it was to us, especially considering how hard both Tsukushi.exe and Hinoka.exe have been malfunctioning. So I definitely do appreciate this being explicitly mentioned. Now I'm looking forward to the double date(s).

...Also, she obviously didn't factor in that her crush is going to be in a freaking bathing suit at the beach, which isn't exactly going to make it easier for her to think straight (pun very intended) :P

Oh my god I have not thought about that. This will be torturously amusing.

last edited at Apr 6, 2023 9:18AM

joined Feb 17, 2022

Shouldn't this latest chapter have Coming out and Gyaru tags since Sara just admitted she was dating Yuu and she's usually tagged as as Gyaru?

joined Jul 13, 2015

Another couple will inspired both to go quickly

joined Aug 4, 2018

Surprise! Surely no one could have seen that coming! :P

At first I thought for sure Tsukushi was going to say: "Well yeah even the fishes know that!"

Then she went: "WHAAAT!?" Oh, so she didn't know. Right, okay, makes sense.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Yeah, I think it's important to remember that:
1) Dramatic irony is a thing. The characters don't have shot framing, an omniscient view of the situation for events they weren't present for, nor all the time in the world to review the situation. Their information is pretty imperfect.
2) On top of that it's also very hard to gauge situations you yourself are in're in them. Not to mention the characters in question are teenagers who have all sorts of weirdo things going on with their brain chemistry going crazy, and their brains actively in the process of growing entire new sections.

joined Apr 24, 2022

plot twist of the day wow

joined Oct 2, 2021

Hammer to the head for Tsukushi

joined Aug 29, 2019

I think it absolutely makes sense that Tsukushi and probably Hinoka are clueless about Sara and Yuu's relationship.
Sara and Yuu may not exactly be hiding it, but they'd obviously not openly announced it previously and close (s)kinship is to an extent less conspicuous among girls, which is an excuse Tsukushi herself very often uses. When they more or less explicitly stated that they were going out by asking about a double date, Tsukushi was in no position to actually notice what was being said and completely absorbed in rumination and self-doubt.

As such, I'd say LTalon's points are particularly applicable here.

last edited at Apr 7, 2023 7:54AM

joined Dec 16, 2017

always love a good yuri side pairing

joined Feb 18, 2013

Goddamn, I was just making a joke... ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

joined Jul 30, 2020

I remember at least a couple people mentioning getting this mixed up with "How Do I Get Together With My Childhood Friend?" I can't imagine them both releasing beach chapters close to the same time will help with that.

joined Feb 18, 2013

HDIGTWMCF has Hinori, the competent one, to act as wingwoman. That's an important distinction.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I remember at least a couple people mentioning getting this mixed up with "How Do I Get Together With My Childhood Friend?" I can't imagine them both releasing beach chapters close to the same time will help with that.

I honestly had to take a moment again with that one's latest chapter and remind myself that it does not, in fact, follow the events over here. :D

joined Oct 22, 2018

joined May 8, 2017

I remember at least a couple people mentioning getting this mixed up with "How Do I Get Together With My Childhood Friend?" I can't imagine them both releasing beach chapters close to the same time will help with that.

You mean they're not the same??!!

joined Oct 22, 2018

I always forget people have trouble making a distinction. But in their defence, I'm probably in the minority regarding downloading one series but not the other.

joined Mar 20, 2022

On the one hand, it's interesting how many seriously analyzing situation here. Like... in cute manga about a couple of idiots. I like it.
On the other hand, everything is simple if you think bout it. Into a cute yuri manga about a couple of girls, added one more couple of girls. Two and two more... Twice as much. If I understand something in math.But what I know for sure is that I love more yuri. I truly love this...

joined Apr 16, 2020

I love all of them :3

joined Aug 21, 2020

Oh wow she admitted it to another human

joined Mar 16, 2018

Must be something in the water

joined May 28, 2021

Yuu is just '' oh hey, I'm the girl you'Ve been dreaming about your whole life, your hair is nice by the way'' levels of smooth. I wish I could have been one of those highschool prince type when I was that age (^^)

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