Forum › Our Yuri Started With Me Getting Rejected in a Dream discussion

joined May 28, 2021

I wonder what other things she does with that kind of image training ;)

There's definitely a better than zero chance that she's had a few ''late night moments'' while thinking about Hinoka in the past :P

Also, it's kinda cute how she thinks of their new friends from the classroom as people she could bring along to help. They really did get pretty close in a hurry.

joined Mar 26, 2021

I wonder what other things she does with that kind of image training ;)

There's definitely a better than zero chance that she's had a few ''late night moments'' while thinking about Hinoka in the past :P

Kinda doubt it, she was pretty clueless about her feelings until recently.
Hinoka, on the other hand...

joined Aug 21, 2020

See, Hinoka's mom was right, Hinoka is crazy hot and Tsukihi is down bad, if Hinoka gives her any fanservice she'll fold immediately. Or just stop functioning. That seems likely.

Tsukihi's sister is very cute.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Just let your sister have the cookies. She need the sugar to power that single brain cell she has running on furious overdrive right now.

joined Mar 25, 2021

See, Hinoka's mom was right, Hinoka is crazy hot and Tsukihi is down bad, if Hinoka gives her any fanservice she'll fold immediately. Or just stop functioning. That seems likely.

Tsukihi's sister is very cute.

both sisters are adorable as fuck

joined Oct 30, 2021

Baki would be proud of Tsukushi imaginary training

joined Mar 16, 2018

Those poor cookies, they never stood a chance

joined Feb 1, 2021

R.I.P. Tsukushi, died of thinking about her crush

joined May 8, 2017

I wonder what other things she does with that kind of image training ;)

There's definitely a better than zero chance that she's had a few ''late night moments'' while thinking about Hinoka in the past :P

There's no other way to fall asleep eh? ;)

Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

I remember reading the original one-shot and feeling not much of anything, so I did not give the adaptation a chance when I saw it first published. Now I feel nothing but anger at my past self for denying me this absolute gem over superficial impressions. This story is so well paced and enjoyable that I felt giddy all the way through.

Usually I don't consider myself an art critic, I have no eye for such things. A story's strongest merit for me will always be the writing. And yet... this manga most definitely has the best expressions in any manga I have read in the last years. Certainly there are comedic series with exaggerated expressions, but this manga makes it all seem to natural, cute, impactful! You can tell every emotion so perfectly and the shifts are amazing. When it comes to facial expressions and sense for anatomy, I think this author is top of the genre right now. Kudos.
joined Apr 19, 2012

I remember reading the original one-shot and feeling not much of anything, so I did not give the adaptation a chance when I saw it first published. Now I feel nothing but anger at my past self

well, you're here with us now! also, don't be too mad at yourself, the author/artist has mentioned before that they changed up the pacing and added a lot more details to the original one-shot images, so I can attest that really made a difference in the pacing and enjoyment of the serialization

joined Mar 3, 2023

This is what I live for!

joined Feb 3, 2021

Insane Amounts of Lewd Hand-holding in public no less!!! Hinoka is not holding back!

joined Sep 16, 2021

They are so aware of each other, but at the same time SO UNAWARE, HINOKA, C'MON

joined Sep 16, 2019

They are so aware of each other, but at the same time SO UNAWARE, HINOKA, C'MON

Oh, I think Hinoka is fully aware of what she’s doing. She’s switched to attack mode. May God have mercy of poor Tsukushi’s heart.

joined Jul 15, 2016

They are so aware of each other, but at the same time SO UNAWARE, HINOKA, C'MON

Oh, I think Hinoka is fully aware of what she’s doing. She’s switched to attack mode. May God have mercy of poor Tsukushi’s heart.

She has taken her mom's advice to heart and going for raw sex appeal at every opportunity she perceives.

joined Jan 18, 2016

Hinoka upping her game. Now I'd like to see this scene from her perspective and how she was probably losing it on the inside, while acting all unaware.

joined Jun 1, 2020

Hinoka woke up that morning and chose violence, and I wholeheartedly approve. She's gonna kill the poor girl. I'm loving it.

joined Oct 2, 2021

Tsukushi rubs the lotion on the skin or else she gets the hose again.

joined May 10, 2021

Hinoka going on the offensive is amazing. So amazing that Tsukushi had a fairly worrisome case of gay panic attack.

joined Aug 7, 2020

why isnt this chapter tagged as nsfw??

it was too much for my heart

joined Dec 20, 2018

Clever girl... :D

joined May 28, 2021

We now know that Hinoka took her mother's advice to heart :P I can't wait to see what else she tries to keep playing the appeal card, hilarity is bound to ensue with Tsukushi already being on the verge of total gay panic critical mass :P

joined Feb 18, 2013

I love this new dynamic, it's so cute how Tsukushi just doesn't get she's being relentlessly flirted with. (But I'd probably be just as oblivious in her situation, I can't be mad.)

joined Feb 5, 2020

It would be hilarious if Hinoka just confesses first and takes that top title since she has more brain cells and rizz anyway

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