Forum › A Mangaka who Draws Sister Yuri Gets a Stepsister discussion

joined Aug 19, 2018

Man, I hope there's not a "stuck in the washing machine" scene

joined Oct 22, 2018

welp, I was kinda iffy from the title, but it looks like it's gonna be a comedy, so I think I'll keep my eyes on this

EDIT: when the comment was originally made, yuri was the only tag on the chapter.

last edited at Dec 17, 2022 8:52AM

joined Apr 20, 2021

Drawing genre of stepsister yuri? I thought manga most of the times just ignores the "step" and goes straight to incest without any dilemmas

joined Jan 27, 2016

Drawing genre of stepsister yuri? I thought manga most of the times just ignores the "step" and goes straight to incest without any dilemmas

Eh one of the most big name yuri series is stepsister yuri.

joined Jun 12, 2021

A disciple of Mochi, then?

joined May 8, 2018

Well, this is going to be fun.

joined Oct 17, 2021

Y'all have that one moment, like, sudden urge to eat a sour fruit for some reason?

joined May 20, 2013

To hell with the plot just give me more adorably awkward (pseudo-incest) yuri. Gogogo!

joined Nov 13, 2022

All right, let’s GOOOOOO!

joined Mar 30, 2021

let's go,another comedy pseudo-incest yuri!

joined Apr 26, 2022


joined May 1, 2015

I like where this is going

joined May 7, 2022


joined Aug 7, 2020

i dont know why
it wasnt even that funny

but i somehow ended up laughing by the end of the chapter

joined Oct 15, 2021

are yuri otakus even a real thing

joined Apr 23, 2021

I can very much relate to momiji thinking her new sis hates her the second she meets her.
Who needs social skills anyway

joined Mar 19, 2022

are yuri otakus even a real thing

No. Cease your investigations.

joined Apr 20, 2013

SEEEEGGS!!!! WUOOOOOOOOOOOhh ahem sorry... I .. I think is cute

joined Aug 12, 2019

Oh dear, they're both bottom dorks.

joined Jun 12, 2015

So it's a mutual love already? Okay then.

joined Apr 20, 2013

h3x posted:

So it's a mutual love already? Okay then.

Not really? the mangaka is clearly scared more than anything.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

are yuri otakus even a real thing

No. Cease your investigations.

What she said.

Also: just the subject is fan-service for yuri otakus - or would be if they existed outside the pages of magas.

last edited at Dec 17, 2022 10:56AM

joined Mar 13, 2020

A disciple of Mochi, then?

Damn I miss her works

joined Apr 20, 2021

Drawing genre of stepsister yuri? I thought manga most of the times just ignores the "step" and goes straight to incest without any dilemmas

Eh one of the most big name yuri series is stepsister yuri.

What i meant i can u really call it a genre? When in manga there is often no distinction made between "step" and blood relatives

joined Oct 17, 2021

are yuri otakus even a real thing

No. Cease your investigations.

Not on this Family Friendly Christian website they aren't.

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