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joined Sep 6, 2018

Looks like relationship isn’t gonna last. The manager is moving onto bigger and better things. So who gets custody of the cat?

joined Jan 22, 2022

Well that was a great read, I caught up haha.
Man that was definitely angst-y I have no idea what's going to happen now

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I bet reading Girlfriends month to month as it was released was incredibly frustrating.

Why yes, yes it was.

last edited at May 18, 2022 11:31PM

joined May 3, 2014

In fact, I'd say Girl Friends had way more angst than Kisses. I guess it's probably because Kisses is way shorter so they had to be more focused and get to the point faster, unlike Girl Friends that spend way too much time on stupid misunderstandings and both characters angsting about liking girls and thinking other person doesn't like them, before actually hooking up near the end. Yes, I consider Kisses way superior to Girl Friends and it annoys me to no end that it seems like almost nobody read it stare.

I think people liked Girl Friends more? OR as some one said, they read Kisses after they read Girl Friends :3 but for me I for sure like Girl Friends way more that Kisses and for sure I was waiting for other Morigan manga after GF :3

joined Sep 26, 2020

I went and reread all the Milk Morinaga stuff and I gotta say angst and anxiety are themes that run through all her work (except maybe Gakuen Polizei, which I've never finished because it's really not very good IMO). Morinaga-sensei has read a lot of Rumiko Takihashi and she loves to use misunderstandings and peoples' inability to communicate and lack of self-awareness to keep the motors of her series running. I think it feels a little harsher here because the scenario is more grounded and the protagonists are (theoretically) adults. But these two are nowhere near as messed up as the protagonists of, say, The Secret Recipe, who consistently made me want to give them both noogies.

Kisses was a lot better than I remembered it being, but my favorite of hers will probably always be Hana & Hina After School. Hina is maybe my all-time favorite disaster lesbian. Cool beauties who are secretly total dorks are my kryptonite.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I went and reread all the Milk Morinaga stuff and I gotta say angst and anxiety are themes that run through all her work (except maybe Gakuen Polizei, which I've never finished because it's really not very good IMO).

Oh, don't worry, that one gets its share as well...

joined Jul 29, 2017

When I talked about Morinaga Milk's occasional thematic "darkness" in my original post, I wasn't talking about garden variety "angst" (which in most fluffy yuri amounts to a bunch of dithering and indecision) or misunderstandings due to lack of communication, I was talking about people and things that are truly fucked-up (hence my reference to Mare), and suggesting that Yuna at least hints at that possibility--events and circumstances that ordinarily solve problems in fluffy yuri series (including this author's) don't seem to work that way with her, and in fact seem to make her anxieties even worse.

On the one hand, that may just mean that Yuna is a slightly tougher knot of insecurities and anxieties to untangle than your average yuri character, and Morinaga Milk has set herself a higher degree-of-difficulty useless lesbian character challenge this time. But I also see at least the possibility that Yuna's problems come from a rather darker place, and she's more than just the usual fretful yuri mess.

last edited at May 20, 2022 9:56AM

joined Apr 1, 2015

Aah, just re-read Kisses, Sighs... and it's still great. Not as dark as Blastaar was looking for when I commented on it, but plenty angsty and cute.

Also posted Nevri's chapter list over in the Kisses, Sighs... forum since it's so handy.

joined Apr 28, 2021

Everytime every few months I remember this story exists with a new chapter release and I've reread it 3 times over. It's good, I like this one a lot.

joined Jan 14, 2020

How did something so cute turn so dark?

joined Aug 19, 2021

Bring back the light

joined Jul 29, 2017

Yuna’s character bio: “At core a bright and cheerful person . . .”

Um, that’s not really what I’m seeing. At all.

joined Mar 25, 2021

Ah, self-deprecation... my good ol' friend.

joined Mar 23, 2022

that is some deep shit problem she got there.
her self esteem is beyond zero I hope her bae will notice it though it's most unlikely if she will never tell a word with her insecurities to her partner.

joined Jun 19, 2014

its like they have no issues so new ones just got made

joined Nov 11, 2022

How did this cute story become so angsty ;-;

joined Sep 11, 2019

Sudden existential crisis?

igenetycs Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

While the irregular release schedule makes the reactions here expected, I'd encourage people to reread the story.

This is both an expected and an inevitable reaction from Yuna. She's someone who is very neurotic, struggling with deep insecurity issues and possibly an emotionally abusive past. Her thoughts consistently show her lack of self worth, and she only seems to find it in being loved by Rena. Naturally, any hint of that wavering will send her spiraling, because she has nothing else to pull from. I guess it's fair to say the series is melodramatic, but it also feels like a pretty realistic depiction of someone who is entirely too codependent on their partner and has no healthy coping mechanisms.

last edited at Nov 12, 2022 9:05PM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

While the irregular release schedule makes the reactions here unexpected, I'd encourage people to reread the story.

This is both an expected and an inevitable reaction from Yuna. She's someone who is very neurotic, struggling with deep insecurity issues and possibly an emotionally abusive past. Her thoughts consistently show her lack of self worth, and she only seems to find it in being loved by Rena. Naturally, any hint of that wavering will send her spiraling, because she has nothing else to pull from. I guess it's fair to say the series is melodramatic, but it also feels like a pretty realistic depiction of someone who is entirely too codependent on their partner and has no healthy coping mechanisms.

Yeah, I remember some people like that back in my university days.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Chapter 15: “Holy lesbian bed death, Batman! They didn’t put the NSFW tag in this chapter!”

“This chapter is for moving the plot forward, Robin.”

“What plot? It’s two pussies, who own a pussy, who have gotten tired of licking pussy!”

“I’ll need you to give me a dictionary to translate what you just said, Robin.”

joined Dec 20, 2018

At least Chibi is trying to help.

joined Jan 11, 2022

I like this story a lot but 3 months between chapters like these are agony!

I hope MM can get a new manga serialized, I love her work.

joined Jan 11, 2022

That's what I said? That everyone know and like Girl Friends and barely anyone read Kisses? I was saying that I personally consider Kisses superior and I say it as someone who was pretty much introduced to yuri through Girl Friends.

I was introduced via Girl Friends as well, I wonder how common that is?

I would guess it's fairly common since you're not the first person I've seen say Girl Friends introduced them to yuri.

joined Jun 13, 2012

That's what I said? That everyone know and like Girl Friends and barely anyone read Kisses? I was saying that I personally consider Kisses superior and I say it as someone who was pretty much introduced to yuri through Girl Friends.

I was introduced via Girl Friends as well, I wonder how common that is?

I would guess it's fairly common since you're not the first person I've seen say Girl Friends introduced them to yuri.

I would say, most people that now are between 25 and 35 years old probably grew up with Morinaga Milk's work (me included). I remember when I was an early teenager and started to realize that yuri is just the thing for me, there was not that much variety out there translated in English as it is today. So, works from Takemiya Jin or Morinaga Milk were just bound to pop up on my screen and Girl Friends was of course one of them. It was also one of the first yuri manga that was translated into my mother tongue, shortly accompanied by Kisses. It therefore does not surprise me that other people also started to read Morinaga Milk's works early.

I also remember being very eager to purchase every yuri piece that was released in either English, French or my mother tongue back in the days, even if I thought the story was not that great (it was yuri and that was enough for me). But now, there are so many works translated that I cannot even afford to buy, speak alone have space for every piece on the market :) I am so proud to see to what extend the yuri genre increased in popularity in the last 15 years outside of Japan and I am looking forward to seeing where the journey goes in the future!!

last edited at Nov 12, 2022 6:28AM

joined Dec 16, 2021

Oh, she is having a existencial crisis

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