Forum › Miss Sunflower discussion

joined Apr 11, 2016

I'm surprised Miss Sunflower knows the word 'siscon'.

She does read a lot, after all.

Well, what is she reading, though?

Miss Sunflower is an introvert with an old-fashioned style, but she’s not a hermit. She went to high school. Ayame, for example, could have explained “siscon” to her at any time.

Ms Sunflower: Say, what's a siscon?
Ayame: Well...
Kaoru: [walks in]
Ayame: That is.
Ms Sunflower: I see.
Kaoru: What.

joined May 24, 2014

Shiori, huh

joined Oct 24, 2018

Dammit. It ended for real this time.
107 chapters, and we finally know Miss Sunflower's real name. Matsuri visited the previous Miss Sunflower's grave, and a whole page of Shiori saw Miss Sunflower smiling kindly. What a perfect ending for this wholesome journey (if only there was a scene where Shiori said she liked Matsuri back, I wouldn't have any regrets)

We still don't know Nii-san's real name tho...

joined Jan 10, 2022

And here it is, the end. I really loved this story, so me saying what I'm about to say isn't me disliking it. But I really wouldn't mind something more firm at the end. I know, I know. They're basically married by now. I'm fine with how it was presented till the end because that's the kind of story this was. But just a little bit thrown our way at the end wouldn't hurt. Greed is part of human nature, or so they say. Regardless, the only REAL thing I'm disappointed with is that it's already done. What a fun journey this was. I enjoyed it, some bits more than others, but overall from start to finish I had a blast. I'll prolly revisit this story from time to time in the future.

joined Apr 11, 2016

Is Ms Sunflower. Is weak to the sun. That's funny.
And she went and invited Matsuri to live with her. Guess that's about as close to a proper I love you we're getting.
And we got her name, people!

Boy, oh, boy, a decade's worth of precious memories just came to a close. Thanks to the scanlation teams, that brought this beautiful manga to this side of the world. Thanks to Sugano Manami for creating it. Thanks to our fellow readers for their comments and discussions. Thanks yo our mods for keeping it civil.

See you later, everyone.

joined Mar 28, 2021

Leaving these wonderful characters to their imaginary world is sad. I hate to say goodbye to a cherished family even if I can come back any time and see them growing in love, friendship and grace in my mind’s eye.
Thank you to Sugano-Sensei for this masterpiece, and to the scanlators for bringing this unique slice of life to us.
(I do hope Shiori, Matsuri and all these lovely people will come back though.)

joined Jun 21, 2021

*slams desk*

joined Aug 19, 2021

Tears up when she revealed her name, and definitely crying when she propose to Matsuri about living together... Such a blessing ending for this masterpiece that followed us for years. Hoping to see Manami Sugano again in the future and for many works.

joined Jul 1, 2014

I'm honestly disappointed, it just feels I waited years for almost nothing, we didn't even get a chapter of them just hanging out without anyone interrupting them.

Cute name tho.

joined Jun 27, 2017

About what could be expected. Overall nice, certainly the kind of manga that grows on you over time. Might be interesting to read it in one go now that it's entirely done, but I don't think that'd do too much for me.

Wonder whether some other "older" yuri manga are still on somebody's completion list? Kinda makes you wonder what's out there, or what you started reading at various points and kinda forget about since people stopped scanlating ^^;

joined Aug 25, 2021

An era has finally come to a close, and I'm just not ready for it. T_T

joined Jul 29, 2017

And here it is, the end. I really loved this story, so me saying what I'm about to say isn't me disliking it. But I really wouldn't mind something more firm at the end. I know, I know. They're basically married by now. I'm fine with how it was presented till the end because that's the kind of story this was. But just a little bit thrown our way at the end wouldn't hurt. Greed is part of human nature, or so they say. Regardless, the only REAL thing I'm disappointed with is that it's already done. What a fun journey this was. I enjoyed it, some bits more than others, but overall from start to finish I had a blast. I'll prolly revisit this story from time to time in the future.

I'd say that my level of greed is just about the same as yours. This series was exceptionally great--one of my all-time favorites. It started out being fun and charming, and then it got better and better.

And we know beyond all doubt that they're as "together" for the long haul as any two people are going to be. But my greedy monster is wistful for a Miss-Sunflower-initiated hug or just a little more something.

Monsters don't always get what they want, though.

joined Aug 12, 2021

honestly I'm very happy with this and you can say like "oh but they didn't even kiss or oh they didn't even confess in no uncertain terms" but like. Why should things like that be the end all be all signifier of a relationship when this entire story has revolved around Matsuri and Shiori's relationship to one another.

And like sure we don't get the no uncertain terms "I love you Matsuri" from Shiori but we sure as hell do get an assload of romantic symbolism putting their relationship on equal terms as the original miss sunflower grandma and grandpa on top of which they're living together and everyone around them agrees they've changed each others lives for the better. So like even without a kiss or grand confession this the gayest shit imaginable and has been the entire way through.

I'm sad to see this end but I'm also looking forward to whatever else this author decides to make in the future.

last edited at Oct 30, 2022 1:35PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

A lovely ending, and we do get them moving together after all. ^_^

joined Jul 29, 2017

So like even without a kiss or grand confession this the gayest shit imaginable

Totally agreed.

joined Dec 16, 2014

Roommate ending

joined Apr 1, 2015

A lovely wholesome ending for a lovely wholesome series.
Thanks to everyone who brought this to us, and especially the author.
Can't wait to see what we get next from them!

joined Sep 11, 2020

Oh my god they were roommates

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Nnnooo it's over! I cried. It was really nice to see ponytail Matsuri at the end. And the flower girl one last time. And to get her name. The fidgeting after her "proposal" was great, too. Matsuri changed a lot throughout the story. Did Shiori, too? I'm not sure, but it was wonderful nonetheless.

joined May 3, 2022

I just removed 70% of my body through crying, thank you for this wonderful series.

joined Jul 22, 2020

Can't believe it's over, this is the series that made me start reading Yuri/Shoujo ai, I love this characters so much that it's a little bittersweet to think that there won't be anymore but I only have love for this story. Miss sunflower made me laugh and cry till the very end ❤️

joined Mar 20, 2014

So after all this time of Matsuri fawning over Shiori the resolution is ... that they'll eventually become roomies.

Yeah, that was the grand finale I was hoping for. Good grief.

joined Nov 23, 2014

How can I be tearing up simply from learning someone's name jfc

joined Jul 26, 2019

It’s a beautiful ending for a beautiful story, thanks for translating this wonderful story.

joined Jul 29, 2017

It seems to me that the “they’re just going to be roommates—there’s no yuri” reading of this ending really is kind of a kneejerk reaction that doesn’t take into account the series as a whole or the various ways the characters have been developed.

This isn’t a couple of “will they or won’t they?” schoolgirls being given an ambiguous ending—Miss Sunflower has been portrayed as an intensely private, indeed repressed, person who previously has had extreme difficulty opening up to the people around her or expressing affection, and her invitation to Matsuri really is the equivalent of an open confession.

Furthermore, while the series has been quite open about its depiction of romantic love (or at least romantic attraction), mostly focusing on the figure of the first Miss Sunflower, it has never come near including any suggestion of physical intimacy of a sexual nature at all (in fact, even a kiss between Matsuri and Miss Sunflower would be totally out of character for the way this series has worked).

So sure, there’s some theoretical ambiguity as to whether Miss Sunflower and Matsuri will ever “do the deed in the dark of night,” but it’s absolutely clear that the two of them will be together for the rest of their lives because they love each other.

last edited at Oct 30, 2022 3:40PM

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