Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Jan 10, 2022

Mr. Jones posted:

When you're named after an airport you have no choice but to become a wingman.

Oh my god that's so funny! :)

Hahaha, now I can't help thinking calling him Airport- kun.

joined May 26, 2016

everyone was shittin on this man but here he comes with those wings again

joined Jan 19, 2020

And jerkface evolved to...Airport-ku- I mean Narita-kun!

joined Mar 6, 2021

Okay, I get that it's a joke, but I can't help but think, isn't Narita airport named after the city? So, technically, it's unlikely that he would be named after the airport itself (not that he would be named after the city, but still).

joined Jun 27, 2017

The Durarara writer author is also called Narita. Seems to be a reasonably normal name; there's a few known people with it.

joined Apr 1, 2014

Aya should just get with the dude since he actually cares about her.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Aya should just get with the dude since he actually cares about her.

Them's fightin' words xD

joined Sep 17, 2022

Aya should just get with the dude since he actually cares about her.

I hate that this has some truth in it.

joined Mar 21, 2017

He seems to care more about Mitsuki than he does Aya.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Aya should just get with the dude since he actually cares about her.

Sir, this is a yuri.

joined Jun 3, 2015

He seems to care more about Mitsuki than he does Aya.

Right? has he ever interacted nicely with Aya in a way that wasn't a ploy to push her and Mitsuki together?

joined Jun 21, 2021

He seems to care more about Mitsuki than he does Aya.

Right? has he ever interacted nicely with Aya in a way that wasn't a ploy to push her and Mitsuki together?

he's a clear case of the well-meaning meddler kind of friend. The kind who goes "ugh those two are clearly into each other but just can't get their act together, guess i'll have to give them a push (read: meddle) equally for their sake and my own amusement" and honestly i'm perfectly fine with that :D

joined Jan 6, 2021

What a nice guy haha

joined Jun 12, 2014

He seems to care more about Mitsuki than he does Aya.

Right? has he ever interacted nicely with Aya in a way that wasn't a ploy to push her and Mitsuki together?

Well, remember that his only interaction with Aya involved her calling him out for being a lame jerkface so they didn't get off on the right foot.

Also, Mitsuki impressed him a lot with her cool "manliness" and made him respect her as a friend and fellow pursuer of the manly arts xD

joined Mar 21, 2017

He seems to care more about Mitsuki than he does Aya.

Right? has he ever interacted nicely with Aya in a way that wasn't a ploy to push her and Mitsuki together?


joined Dec 11, 2017

Also what happened to her fingers? Is she biting them?

Nah, she started playing guitar. Remember a couple a chapters ago where her uncle bought her a guitar to cheer her up?

Not in the sense of learning it- not sure if you mean that or not. She's been playing guitars for years but this was her first brand new one, so i guess she really got into playing it.

I have no idea how it works since I am a bassist, but it looked like she only had an ACOUSTIC guitar (ch.8 ), and this is her first electric one. The strings are made of different materials as far as I'm concerned, so the transition might be this painful.

I'm pretty sure the implication is that before this, she learned to play a bit on her uncle's guitar, but never owned one of her own (he said as such) and she's probably practicing a lot to get good for the purposes of a romantic gesture where she plays for Aya. Hence, she's playing a lot more than she has previously, and doesn't have her callouses built up yet.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Anybody else kinda feel like this is reminiscient of Tamen de Gushi?

Um, not really at all? Maybe the tiniest bit in the character designs, but Sun Jing is a boisterous slacker tomboy who aggressively pursues Qiu Tong, who isn’t a gyaru, but a rather shy high achiever.

Where do you see the similarities?

High school romantic comedy webcomic about two girls, one cool one girly, discovering their sexuality, punctuating the current drama with fluffy hops forward on the timeline to reassure the reader that "Yeah, don't freak out, they're totally gonna end up together, they're just not there yet."

I think in that case the author started with the spot illos of the two of them obviously together (I especially recall a slinky bar scene with the pair up close and personal) before launching into the extended “will they or won’t they?” getting-together narrative.

So those forecasting scenes were less sops to the reader about where the story was going than the originary visuals of the character designs. (There was at least a flash-forward Christmas scene of the two of them living together, but that happened after the two of them became a couple in the main narrative, IIRC.)

Well, it's mostly that they would jump ahead of the current storyline for the "holiday" episodes, whenever they happened. Pretty sure some of them were made before the characters actually got together in the main story. But yeah, I mean, I wasn't saying they're exactly the same, just that I was feeling a similar vibe/mindset. Like, here you have this author who has a clear idea of where these two end up, and the storyline is kind of them exploring how they get there.

joined Nov 13, 2018

Aya is starting to annoy me tbh. Crazy how it's making me ship fuckboi with Koga now because of that.

joined May 7, 2022

Also what happened to her fingers? Is she biting them?

Nah, she started playing guitar. Remember a couple a chapters ago where her uncle bought her a guitar to cheer her up?

Not in the sense of learning it- not sure if you mean that or not. She's been playing guitars for years but this was her first brand new one, so i guess she really got into playing it.

I have no idea how it works since I am a bassist, but it looked like she only had an ACOUSTIC guitar (ch.8 ), and this is her first electric one. The strings are made of different materials as far as I'm concerned, so the transition might be this painful.

I'm pretty sure the implication is that before this, she learned to play a bit on her uncle's guitar, but never owned one of her own (he said as such) and she's probably practicing a lot to get good for the purposes of a romantic gesture where she plays for Aya. Hence, she's playing a lot more than she has previously, and doesn't have her callouses built up yet.

She still didn’t get the idea of playing for Aya, since she has no idea Aya found out and is disappointed/mad at her.
The idea will come eventually (probably with a push from Narita because Mitsuki is a dumbass), but for now she is simply practicing because she was given an electric guitar of her own. The only guitar in her room was an acoustic one, so I still stand by the theory that she’s putting extra effort in practicing because she is not as skilled in the electric guitar (and now has easy access — in the form of ownership — to it, as opposed to, maybe, having to play with her uncle’s from time to time).

Aya is starting to annoy me tbh. Crazy how it's making me ship fuckboi with Koga now because of that.

Don’t think Aya is 100% in the wrong. She was deceived, and had developed feelings for Mitsuki (not knowing it was a girl but so far this didn’t seem to be the major issue for her??? like, not once she questioned her sexuality, she is just saddened that the person she was interested in knew who she was, led her own, while pretending to not know her at all, while being her desk neighbour). She is not wrong by not being able to talk to Mitsuki at all. It’s hurtful. They could be friends (Aya thought so herself — regarding school Mitsuki, she was noticing they were quite similar).
Still don’t think she’s 100% correct either, but imo she has the right to not want contact for now

last edited at Oct 12, 2022 7:10PM

joined Apr 12, 2018

I think the beauty of this is that I can understand and sympathize with both sides of this. Is Aya being a little unfair? Sure, but so was Mistuki. Ultimately, they're dumb teenagers making mistakes and dealing with the consequences, but it's nice to have a certain assurance from these flash-forwards that it'll work itself out eventually, so I can have fun seeing how that happens.

joined May 7, 2022

^^^^^ agreed

joined Apr 4, 2014

Aya should just get with the dude since he actually cares about her.

Scorching take there. If jerkface was a girl, this would be a legit ship for the audience.

joined Feb 17, 2013

I'd guess she did already own an electric- or multiple- its not like we could see all her room or in her cuboards etc.
the uncle said 'you only ever got my second hand stuff'. That indicates he's give her multiple guitars- I doubt they'd ALL be accoustic. But a brand new one is a lot more exciting- and also she probably got the others years ago, and besides the acoustic a little, I guess she hasnt kept up on playing them, to the point her fingers softened.

last edited at Oct 13, 2022 10:47AM

joined Jul 4, 2021

Little tired of the "Dynasty readers are so misandrist!" take. Comes up every time there's any criticism of male characters, especially if it's in the context a character being called out for acting misogynistic.

Narita was introduced as being a self-centered jerk who felt entitled to manipulate girls, and the instant it failed him he began verbal abuse. People are allowed to not like him, and if his gender is a part of that? Well, I'd say it's because "guy who thinks girls are just there to be of use to him" is a pretty common thing in real life.

It's nice that he's turned out to be not so bad, but it doesn't vindicate or erase his previous behavior. The people who disliked him then aren't wrong because he's been shown to have more layers or be capable of growth. A negative impression was alright then, and a positive impression is alright now. Both can be true.

last edited at Oct 13, 2022 5:22PM

joined Mar 21, 2017


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