I mean, the constant "conveniently inconvenient" events that prevented progress between our lead characters in Can't Defy The Lonely Girl almost turned me off that series for a while before it shifted gears and is now slowly progressing a developing relationship.
I might be biased since ロンカル is one of my all-time favourites, but I never understood the complaints about it. They literally kiss in the first chapter, steadily making progress until they officially become girlfriends. And then the manga continues! Turns out it's possible to tell a story about two girls being in a relationship! It is an incredibly refreshing change of pace from every other mangaka who are so fundamentally incapable of writing anything other than "will they won't they" that they resort to incredibly forced cliches, not because the cliche makes logical sense or contributes positively to the story in any way but because they need to stall at all costs, as though their very life depends upon never having to write about girlfriends.
Edit: I just re-read the first volume of ロンガル to see if there was anything I was forgetting. Nope, still just as good as I remember. Chapter 1, they kiss. Chapter 2, they go on an arcade date and Ayaka starts getting expectations. Chapter 3, they hold hands, cuddle and sleep together. Chapter 4, they make out a bunch, Ayaka can't stop thinking about Sora, and gets her a gift. Chapter 5, amusement park date and Ayaka is in deep introspection over her feelings for Sora. No "convienently inconvenient events" at all, let alone "constant". Just tons of gay goodness while Ayaka realises she is, in fact, gay AF.
Edit 2: Reading volume 2, and now it's more like "constant convienently convienent events". A bit heavy on the tropes, but they're all pushing Ayaka forward on her baby gay growth, not artificially stalling the natural development of their relationship. While I'm still thoroughly confused by the comparison/criticism, I'm enjoying this excuse to re-read.
last edited at Aug 29, 2022 4:31AM