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joined Aug 30, 2020

So far the premise is nifty, I'm looking forward to it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

So, so far it's two girls who both know they're trapped in an endless loop of redoing the same day ? it's somewhat similar to Fragtime no ?

joined Oct 31, 2021

So, so far it's two girls who both know they're trapped in an endless loop of redoing the same day ? it's somewhat similar to Fragtime no ?

More like endless eight from Haruhi Suzumiya

last edited at Aug 22, 2022 9:36PM

joined Aug 1, 2021

this is one of the greatest light novels that ever existed. so glad to see a manga adaptation for it . you guys are in for an amazing read .

joined Jun 25, 2019

So, so far it's two girls who both know they're trapped in an endless loop of redoing the same day ? it's somewhat similar to Fragtime no ?

More like endless height from Haruhi Suzumiya

I'm afraid i don't have the reference.

joined Aug 1, 2015

Kyon-kun, denwa!

joined Apr 16, 2022

So I guess the idea is that most people forget the "previous day" when it repeats, but the protagonist remembers everything due to her photographic memory? That certainly would drive most people crazy; it's honestly pretty impressive this girl just has an antisocial personality.

joined Jul 28, 2019

So, the concept is, if I understand correctly, that the world reruns each day until some unknown thing determines the day came out how they wanted it to, and Ayaka who has perfect memory has broken the system somehow by remembering the days that never existed. Either Michiru is a time travelling witch doing this, perhaps to get some outcome with Ayaka or some unknown goal, or she's privy to more information and somehow also exists outside the system.

joined May 28, 2012

Endless Eight, the good(and yuri) edition?
And great writing from the author, especially that memories part.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Groundhog day Yuri edition yes please. This concept is always really fun as long as it doesn't start getting riddled with plot holes. Art is nice and i really like both MC from the little bit we've seen so far this should be a fun interesting read.

joined Mar 25, 2021

no way this got adapted

joined Aug 11, 2019

So the Narrator/MC Ayaka has been living bona fide Groundhog Day loops since birth, i.e. uncontrollably repeating a day over and over and over, each loop might contain some minor differences, until there's an iteration fulfilling some unknown criteria, then she gets to move onto the next day and the whole process repeats.

On top of that, she doesn't forget. That itself is already a curse for people in normal timeflow (speaking from my personal experiences of having the "forgetting" function not working very well, my mind gets cluttered and idle thoughts can easily trigger random old unpleasant memories (because the unpleasant ones are apparently tagged "important" and thus exempted from being forgotten) to be dredged up to the forefront of consciousness, and that pretty much destroys my ability to really focus or efficiently recall things I acutally want to recall), but Ayaka here has to endure that multiplied by however many times she has to repeat each day of her 15 years of her life so far. It's a wonder she has not gone insane from all those piled up mental strains.

joined Jun 8, 2020

the character art style is from rizu to aoi tori from hibike euphomium movie?

joined Feb 20, 2021

So far the premise is nifty, I'm looking forward to it.

Me too

joined Jan 11, 2014

This is such an awesome premise. I love to see what kind of person the MC has become living such a twisted life, repeating over and over again with an inability to forget. I'd imagine she has a much harder time moving on from the past and holds onto the past much tighter than other people because she can recall and relive things much more vividly.

joined May 18, 2019

Holy shit this got a manga adaptation, I'm strapping in, I'm fucking ready for this story again

joined Jan 13, 2021

Oh, hey, I read the LN for this and it was v. nice. I love how Ayaka's like "I am CURSED to recall every excruciating aspect of my life in unavoidable detail and TORTURED by the sheer dreariness of daily life and HOPELESS in the face of the randomness of the universe and DETACHED from the dreary labyrinths of social conventions and NOBODY can fully understand my plight" and then Michiru comes in like, "Hi, so I'm a WITCH, like, a really cool, mysterious, liberated user of magic, but also more special than the other witches because I have DEJA VU abilities that I cannot currently define in detail because I'm still obsessed with the VIBES of it all" and then Ayaka's like, "I have EMOTIONS? DESIRES? HOPES? There are people LIKE ME in this world? There are people who actually LIKE ME? There are people I might possibly talk to for hours, uninhibited, about my unique and unconventional, but not entirely incomprehensible experience of LIFE, and they'll GET IT?"

Full speed ahead for Autistic Girl Autumn :)

joined May 20, 2014

Full speed ahead for Autistic Girl Autumn :)

Can you pls spoiler for people who haven't read the ln? Thanks.

Also there's a small mistake on p24, should be April, not October, I'll fix it in the morning.

last edited at Aug 23, 2022 12:10AM

joined Apr 29, 2019

I didn't know this was getting a manga adaptation, I can't wait to read this!

joined Jan 22, 2022

Man this reminded of a game with time loops too, ended up with yuri as well =w=

The game is here

joined Aug 21, 2017

This looks really interesting, I'm excited to see what happens next.

joined Mar 28, 2015

This is not a infinite loop, like groundhog day.

As far as I understood, it loops until some "undefined power" decides the outcome is what it should be (see page 27).

And she doesn't forget anything of what happened in those loops.

So no, she won't be stuck forever on entrance ceremony day.

joined Oct 7, 2017

The rules:
- Every day repeats an average of 5 times, the amount is entirely random.
- When tomorrow does come, a random day from those repetitions is chosen as "canon" to reality.
- Only Ayaka is aware of this, and remembers everything in perfect detail.
- More rules to come. It gets wild. Read and enjoy :)

joined May 29, 2021

The rules:
- Every day repeats an average of 5 times, the amount is entirely random.
- When tomorrow does come, a random day from those repetitions is chosen as "canon" to reality.
- Only Ayaka is aware of this, and remembers everything in perfect detail.
- More rules to come. It gets wild. Read and enjoy :)

So it's not always the last day, then? That's interesting. That suggests the criteria is not trying to get a specific thing to happen.But rather something is taking a large sample size and picking the best one.

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

The rules:
- Every day repeats an average of 5 times, the amount is entirely random.
- When tomorrow does come, a random day from those repetitions is chosen as "canon" to reality.
- Only Ayaka is aware of this, and remembers everything in perfect detail.
- More rules to come. It gets wild. Read and enjoy :)

So it's not always the last day, then? That's interesting. That suggests the criteria is not trying to get a specific thing to happen.But rather something is taking a large sample size and picking the best one.

If by best you mean worst for Ayaka, you'd be right

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