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Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

When she made the seduction declaration I imagined her making a pose and being all, I'll show her the power of a gigolette!

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Tfw you forgot to run a control before introducing the variables

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

I've been wondering about the whole spirited away element.
So apparently, there's been multiple people who have been spirited away at this point. But at some point, wouldn't there be some kind of major news or something surrounding this phenomenon, if a significant enough individual disappears? It could be that this is a rare phenomenon, but if that's the case then it seems odd that suddenly there's a bunch of people who've experienced it all in the same place (if they have, indeed, also been spirited away).
Alternatively, the phenomenon only occurs in this town...but if that's the case, you would think that a trend of people disappearing on tanabata would be noticed by someone.

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Ooh, a new serialization! Though it seems the first chapter's pretty much the same as the one shot

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Good to see this author again, I remember looking forward to blues are cool each week

joined Jul 24, 2018

Hm, the story seems kinda familiar...was this on kakuyomu or something?

Edit: okay yeah this was a story on kakuyomu, looks like it got adapted

last edited at Oct 27, 2024 9:44PM

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

It was nice, but felt kind of like...wasted potential? The previous chapters seemed to hint the hero was hiding something, the witch has her background with the other nation, the maid's amnesia is barely touched upon...all these potential plotlines went nowhere in the end.

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Oh snap, an update! Is the author still doing the poll thing?

joined Jul 24, 2018

This was a fun ride, my only disappointment is we never got to see Reimu play

joined Jul 24, 2018

So, I've enjoyed Arioto/100 days and I've just gotten into the light novel version of Buying a Classmate. They seem to have similar premises, but are also pretty different, and I wanted to blather about it without filling the Buying manga thread with tons of spoiler bars.

So if you clicked here by mistake, shoo. Spoilers for at least the first few chapters of Classmate.

Right. So Arioto seems pretty straightforward. You see how the deal starts, and the motivations make sense: Mari wants more money and was already flirting with the idea of selling her companionship; a 'bet' over not falling for a girl seems like easy money. Meanwhile Aya is a rich predatory lesbian out to corrupt and seduce her for fun. (What's actually going on might be different, but that's where it starts.) And, going on, Aya's enjoying herself, while Mari wants the money... and is maybe also enjoying herself more than she wants to admit.

While with Classmate... we start in media res, though the start of the arrangement gets flashbacked in short order. But even with Miyagi's POV the motivations seem obscure. Like even to herself, it's just something she did on a whim. The girl getting paid doesn't actually need the money. And neither one seems to actually enjoy the interactions that much, unless both girls are overly competent at lying to themselves.

We do start getting glimpses, though. Miyagi seems to have real friends at school, though they don't come up much outside of it, but her home life is dead and lonely: mother 'gone', father working all the time. While Sendai does have a family life but doesn't like it, toxic parents who keep comparing her to her older sister. So despite having nothing in common (except a growing taste for ero manga), nothing to talk about, and annoying each other a lot, Sendai provides Miyagi with something like companionship and gets a safe-ish space to hang out in return.

It kind of makes sense. But the energy is very different from Arioto...

An interesting point regarding their friends: Miyagi's friend Maika remains a character as the story goes on, while Sendai makes new friends in college and her high school friends are pretty much never mentioned again.

joined Jul 24, 2018

As someone who's been following the WN since it first got fantl-ed I've been looking forward to this.
Art-wise it's good, but somehow I feel like it doesn't quite match the vibes the story has at later chapters.
I heard it's a monthly manga, and considering it seems like they're covering one WN chapter per manga chapter and we're at chapter 340 now, we're in for a long ride.

last edited at Jun 20, 2024 3:01PM

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Yakumo Momo, lmao
Now I want to see the other summits

Mistress Trupin
Laundry Cat discussion 30 May 14:47
joined Jul 24, 2018

Ngl now I want an orkacat plush

joined Jul 24, 2018

Wow, I checked the LN translation progress and coincidentally, it last updated exactly one year ago as of this chapter release

last edited at Feb 15, 2023 6:09AM

joined Jul 24, 2018

Ngl the black frames are a little confusing since I usually see them for flashbacks

joined Jul 24, 2018

I think we've seen these chapters before? Author doesn't seem to have changed much content...

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Yay, nice to see more lycoreco content

joined Jul 24, 2018

Oni's probably not her, but it would be cool if a certain hermit showed up

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

The rules:
- Every day repeats an average of 5 times, the amount is entirely random.
- When tomorrow does come, a random day from those repetitions is chosen as "canon" to reality.
- Only Ayaka is aware of this, and remembers everything in perfect detail.
- More rules to come. It gets wild. Read and enjoy :)

So it's not always the last day, then? That's interesting. That suggests the criteria is not trying to get a specific thing to happen.But rather something is taking a large sample size and picking the best one.

If by best you mean worst for Ayaka, you'd be right

Mistress Trupin
Make a Mark discussion 20 Aug 14:57
joined Jul 24, 2018

I feel like normally I would be able to see this kind of ending coming, but somehow with the way the first half went I dunno, I guess I expected something different

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

I guess you might say the princess became the mane character

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Wow, just in time for the tau Herculids meteor shower

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

The armor transforms into a sword, and a sword that transforms into a staff kind of like a switchaxe?
Ngl, I really like the weapons in this series

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Aquariums and yuri, a classic combination
Also I loved the deep sea fish comforting each other lmao

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

I dunno how practical that helmet is but I kinda like the way it stows itself back in the armor