Forum › My Girlfriend's Not Here Today discussion

joined Jun 27, 2022

This reminds me of my youth, I had a girlfriend like Nanase and it was hard. She was mainly focused on her hobbies and friends even though she made a move on me. I came like third place while I put my partner on first place after family. It's really unhealthy when one side doesn't have as much to fill her life, if Yu had more hobbies and stuff to do, to grow as a person she wouldn't be as vulnerable to fukos manipulation. This story kinda hits home. But yeah there's no real winner here, Nanase will be heartbroken, Yu suffered of her guilty conscience and Fuko will only score an unhealthy relationship.

There's no greater currency in a relationship than trust and they don't have it. Tbh it's hard to care about the characters here because they all suck lol, I really dig the art though it's simply erotic. Oh yeah it doesn't matter what Nanase did, cheating is wrong. Yu should break up and that's that, but yeah they are just kids so what are you gonna do

joined Jun 15, 2021

Yeah. That is the word I keep trying to use but somehow I cannot find it in my memory. "they all suck". But I do care about the characters because I want to see the eventual train wrecks and who "win" in the end. Judging by the story so far, they are all on the way to be perished in a train wreck. Oh, of course, all three of them are ridiculously pretty.
That's their ONLY common redeeming quality. The final pages do make my jaw drops, but on the other hand, you see it coming all the way back to that festival chapter. Finally SOMEONE manages to put two and two that person will have a large burden of whether to zip it or not.
Moral of the story so far: If you are desperate for money, you should be prepared to make an exchange with a sugar something by repaying in another currency currently not on the stock market floor. (ok, maybe it is available in a dark cyber space...)

Oh, if citrus is famous for sexual assault, this manga will not disappoint you in that department. I mean there are more liquid after chapter 11 of this manga than Citrus' 14+ tankoubon, despite the title being a fruit. (plum, citrus. jasmine..). Oh wait, there is no liquid in Citrus in the first place other than the crying type..

Yes, I have caught up RAW wise, at 11. I have a subscription. Now that someone sort of translate it up until 11, I have a bit more freedom to write here. Maybe when 7-11 are uploaded, then I will write more with freedom.

Tip: Practice your drawing of fingers. Panels and panels of just four things: moving fingers, unknown liquid with interesting viscosity, absolutely lack of any other background including the location of said fingers, and finally, bubbles after bubbles of "incomprehensible words or sound" That will help your Yuri career in multiple folds. Or at least someone will buy your Doujin.

I will be surprised if this series ended up as a tragedy. Iwami, to the best of my knowledge, has never drew something with a tragic ending. Unless you consider polyamory or throuple being tragic.... It is also relatively rare to have a tragic story printed in Comic Yurihime. I would say "I like you Cruddy" is the only one for the last 2 years which I read, "Kimi to Tsuzuru Utakata" is set up as a tragedy once it started doing. I don't think きみが死ぬまで恋をしたい (My Wish Is To Fall In Love Until You Die) will end up in tears, one major character has already died. Life goes on.

As for translation done by a non-English and non-Japanese speakers, I don't know. It is entirely possible that a third language is actually involved. For example, what if there is a GOOD Thai scanlation, and someone else translate that into English with some help from the internet translation websites... Someone actually go ahead and do it. I would say thank you even if it may not be an ideal translation. Semelparous is also behind...for another reason.

last edited at Jul 28, 2022 10:57PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Masina posted:

Yes, I have caught up RAW wise, at 11. I have a subscription. Now that someone sort of translate it up until 11, I have a bit more freedom to write here. Maybe when 7-11 are uploaded, then I will write more with freedom.

If something isn't uploaded here, you still have to use black bars, even if it's uploaded elsewhere.

As for these machine translated chapters, they'll NEVER be uploaded here.

For one, unless the previous group announced it dropped a manga, Dynasty never change group. For two, Dynasty has standards and rarely, if ever, uploads MTL or Re-translates from a 3rd language.

As for Semelparous, it's behind for the same reason as this one, since it's the same person translating it. And anyway it's in hiatus.

last edited at Jul 29, 2022 2:33AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm not sure you can post this link

joined Mar 6, 2021

why does the comment section of every pirate site full of CROOKS and THIEVES and PERVERTS always spoil series, is it just in the contract of being an e-criminal

no quarter for MTL tho all my homies hate MTL

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

If anyone interested in reading chapters 7 through 11 here is the link [REMOVED]

Don't make me tap the sign, by which I mean rule 5.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Seems like someone picked this series up, translated chapters 7-11 on facebook so far and will upload them to mangadex soon

I looked: it's deepl machine translated by someone whose native language isn't English.

IE, it's trash translation. Read at your own risk.

On one hand, it's normal that someone would pick it up since Noca is semi comatose, on the other hand it's sad that's it's been picked up by an individual who knows neither Japanese nor English.

not that i doubt you but where do they say that it's a MTL? i did a cursory look over their facebook page and couldn't find anything alluding to that

last edited at Jul 29, 2022 1:28PM

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Seems like someone picked this series up, translated chapters 7-11 on facebook so far and will upload them to mangadex soon

I looked: it's deepl machine translated by someone whose native language isn't English.

IE, it's trash translation. Read at your own risk.

On one hand, it's normal that someone would pick it up since Noca is semi comatose, on the other hand it's sad that's it's been picked up by an individual who knows neither Japanese nor English.

not that i doubt you but where do they say that it's a MTL? i did a cursory look over their facebook page and couldn't find anything alluding to that

It's obvious for any translator, because some sentences in his translation don't make any sense in context. I remember having looked at ch 7 when he first put it on FB and I read a sentence that looked it came from outer space.

I looked at the original and wrote it in Deepl : it was exactly what he had written. Ie, that "translator" doesn't really understand what he's translating.

joined Jun 21, 2021

It's obvious for any translator, because some sentences in his translation don't make any sense in context. I remember having looked at ch 7 when he first put it on FB and I read a sentence that looked it came from outer space.

I looked at the original and wrote it in Deepl : it was exactly what he had written. Ie, that "translator" doesn't really understand what he's translating.

Gotcha, thanks. I hadn't read any of the chapters yet so i was wondering, that makes sense.

joined Dec 19, 2020

The translation of ch7-11 isn't that bad honestly, and it looks pretty good in terms of text integration in the speech bubbles, so definitely more than readable in my opinion (I didn't even realize that it was MTL).

joined Jan 15, 2020

Oh man the way Fuuko just kinda preys on Yuni-chan's insecurities with her relationship with Nanase and then swooping in when Yuni'chan's at her most vulnerable/emotionally unstable....yikes. I'm getting flashbacks to when a toxic ex-partner of mine tried to do the same and almost drove a wedge between me and my family (saying things like "I'm all you need, they don't care about you, etc"). Watch out for them manipulation techniques people....although it can be hard when you're in/on the verge of a meltdown.

joined Jun 15, 2021

Masina posted:

Yes, I have caught up RAW wise, at 11. I have a subscription. Now that someone sort of translate it up until 11, I have a bit more freedom to write here. Maybe when 7-11 are uploaded, then I will write more with freedom.

If something isn't uploaded here, you still have to use black bars, even if it's uploaded >elsewhere.

That is why I did not say much about the plot at all. After 11. those three still suck, hence nothing changes.

As for these machine translated chapters, they'll NEVER be uploaded here.

How does one use a machine translate? Does it mean that someone has to manually copy and type into a program?

The current translator did say s/he would delete own facebook translation when the team is back. Either way is fine for me, while I have no ability to translate, I can read enough to know the plots. To be honest, I feel more uncomfortable about people uploading the RAW. I don't mean a few pages as teaser, I mean the entire chapter of a manga. That definitely will have some copyright issues. OK, I am selfish because I subscribed, so I don't care, but still...
I always consider translated copy is OK because it is not for profit, but RAW is a no no. When I was in graduate school, the rule is that you can copy whatever you want as long as it is less than 10% of the book or magazine, and also no-profit. Anything more you have to get a direct OK from the book or magazine. Because at that point it is plagiarism. If you go to graduate school, the very first class you take is about plagiarism.

For one, unless the previous group announced it dropped a manga, Dynasty never change >group. For two, Dynasty has standards and rarely, if ever, uploads MTL or Re-translates from a >3rd language.

Its a bit odd when I read those, it seems something is missing. grammar and tenses are also odd. Some are pretty bad, I use the RAW and even I can see that it is a complete mis-translation. We are not talking about a few words here and a few grammar mistake there, we are talking about a bubble that has a dialogue line that has absolutely nothing to do with the RAW.

As for Semelparous, it's behind for the same reason as this one, since it's the same person >translating it. And anyway it's in hiatus.

No info about Sensei Ogino, including the latest issue. I think at the quickest will have to wait until November, which is almost an entire year assuming he handed in his draft before taking a hiatus. We never did know the health reason for him to stop, but that is personal info, and if he, the editor (Nakamura, ie. Ritsuchii) and the assistant editor Saito want to share it, they will. We are not that far behind. and frankly. being a Sci-Fi action manga, you pretty much can bypass most of the translation. Also, maybe a lot of you just want to see boobs and eggs. Only clowns love those balloons.

joined Jun 15, 2021

Oh man the way Fuuko just kinda preys on Yuni-chan's insecurities...I'm getting flashbacks to when a toxic ex-partner of mine tried to do the same and almost drove a wedge between me and my family (saying things like "I'm all you need, they don't care about you, etc"). Watch out for them manipulation techniques people....although it can be hard when you're in/on the verge of a meltdown.

Hey ,at least you did not marry one, I did. It was hell. I think I only talked to my family two or three times in a 2 year marriage.
It does not matter whether it is a same sex, hetero, or poly...those people are always there. My parents hate the ex, but with a wrong reason. The right reason was 1000% worse.

joined Jun 15, 2021

why does the comment section of every pirate site full of CROOKS and THIEVES and PERVERTS always spoil series, is it just in the contract of being an e-criminal

no quarter for MTL tho all my homies hate MTL

You HOPE there are crooks and thieves because they are not around you. But what you REALLY hope is reading those pirate sites mean you will not catch all sort of virii, and you have no choice but to wipe out your entire computer hard drive. And if you have a network at home, that is more trouble. If you read it while at work, be prepared to pack your bags, because the poor IT guy has to clean up hundreds of computers.

last edited at Jul 30, 2022 9:57PM

joined Feb 10, 2022

Saw ch7~11 somewhere else but yea the translation is kinda eh... Anyway I will still support the author by buying the chapters as soon as they're released. Hopefully it won't get axed a d force the author to force an ending she wasn't planning so in the future I can buy the physical copies of all volume cause I really like this manga, and I'm not a fan of ntr tho this one is acceptable due to the circumstances of the characters. Anyway.

Regarding to semelparous, ogino said quite some time ago that the manga was planned to continue back in march but talked to yurihime so it can prioritize the medical treatments. Haven't checked the Twitter account

last edited at Jul 31, 2022 11:11PM

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Masina posted:

Yes, I have caught up RAW wise, at 11. I have a subscription. Now that someone sort of translate it up until 11, I have a bit more freedom to write here. Maybe when 7-11 are uploaded, then I will write more with freedom.

If something isn't uploaded here, you still have to use black bars, even if it's uploaded >elsewhere.

That is why I did not say much about the plot at all. After 11. those three still suck, hence nothing changes.

As for these machine translated chapters, they'll NEVER be uploaded here.

How does one use a machine translate? Does it mean that someone has to manually copy and type into a program?

There are OCR programs that can extract text from images, including Japanese. Not 100% reliable though.

And the translation engines usually don't understand context very well (DeepL tries, but it's often a shot in the dark)

A lot of MTL'ers just massage the results into something readable and that makes sense, but as Japanese is heavily context dependent, mistranslations occur more often than not.

Hell, even "real" translators make mistakes because they miss some cultural references. MTL'ers usually don't have staying power (ie, they do a few chapters and then disappear) because it's a lot of efforts for a mixed or trashy result. and typesetting is even more tedious. And serious typesetters don't want to do MTL.

So, in the end, you have ugly TL and TS.

last edited at Aug 1, 2022 6:02AM

joined Apr 2, 2017

Just..... WOW
I just read up to chapter 6 and all I can say is WOW.
I went trough so many emotions in every chapter. I hated Nananse in first chapters 'cause of how Yuni described her, then the blame was on Yuni for beign selfish and putting her own happines over her girlfriend's happines and then it turned out to be Fuuko's plan all along and Nanase is the good one here and I... I.... WOW.
This manga is A M A Z I N G. Really freaking sad and disturbing, but that's part of what makes it amazing

last edited at Aug 1, 2022 6:35PM

joined Jun 23, 2015

I read this elsewhere but came running when I recognized the artist. Can't wait for the actual translation. That machine stuff can get the point across but I'll happily reread when it drops here.

I think this story's pretty fantastic. Instant fave even though everyone sucks. Some of the imagery absolutely blows me away. Iwami really has a way with visual symbolism that leaves you speechless. My poly ass has dreams of a happy ending, but that's obviously not happening. Most we can hope for is that no one gets murdered.

joined Aug 17, 2022

When will the chapter11 be updated?

joined Jun 15, 2021

FIRST (I'm done with 12).
I like the artist style, most of it is like a traditional manga style drawing, but also managed to draw a style that is more of a nude sketching, ie I guess those first year art college Nude Art Classes do pay off.
Spare a thought for Yuki, she is struggling to deal with the fact that she is the only person other than the readers knows what is going on but does not know what to do. I mean, what will YOU do if it is you instead?
Oh, the almost obligation of Foot fetish is shown in 12 again. I mean the artist, not the characters.

last edited at Aug 22, 2022 10:10PM

joined Feb 10, 2022

I just love her art style. Ch12 was good tho it felt shorter than the previous ones.

joined Jun 27, 2022

In the latest Twitter post of author Iwami, she herself said that Yuni truly is a bad Person. Can't agree more, theres no excuse for what she is doing. Fuko is a manpulative cunning bitch but don't blame the Player.

Nanase might have neglected her but shes trying her best, I hope once she finds out she blasts Yuni straight up to the moon. Love this trainwreck

joined Jun 15, 2021

Nanase has no business of getting angry or jealous. She chose sport over Yuni. She chose to ignore Yuni, She does not even know how to treat a lover, as in, she is supposed to say "cute" when asked, but instead "You look different today". Fuuko actually answered the question correctly and more (You are ichiban cutest), without seeing Yuni's phone. She may be a manipulating bitch. but at least she did not harm Yuni.
There are two panels on this chapter show the major difference. Panel one shows Yuni now standing up by herself; Meanwhile the very last panel shows Fuuko (after kissing Yuni who cried over Fuuko's shoulders) and says "I guess it will be OK". Compare the last panel in the (parate) translation, what Fuuko says is different from my own understanding of the text.

joined Jun 27, 2022

Nanase has no business of getting angry or jealous. She chose sport over Yuni. She chose to ignore Yuni, She does not even know how to treat a lover, as in, she is supposed to say "cute" when asked, but instead "You look different today". Fuuko actually answered the question correctly and more (You are ichiban cutest), without seeing Yuni's phone. She may be a manipulating bitch. but at least she did not harm Yuni.
There are two panels on this chapter show the major difference. Panel one shows Yuni now standing up by herself; Meanwhile the very last panel shows Fuuko (after kissing Yuni who cried over Fuuko's shoulders) and says "I guess it will be OK". Compare the last panel in the (parate) translation, what Fuuko says is different from my own understanding of the text.

Ah yes, she didn't call her cute so all the cheating and backstabbing is ok. Nanase is at fault for neglecting her, but she realizes that and is trying to change for the better. Yuni didn't even give her a chance, instead of communicating she started an affair. Nanase has every right to be angry.

Yuni is incredible flawed and tbh pretty scummy, she knows full well what she doing is wrong and is absolutely torn by guilt but still uses Fuko to fill her emptiness. She doesn't love Yuni but has no problem fucking her. There's nothing wholesome about fuko either, the low key blackmailing, exploiting Yunis insecurity, using economic power to pressure her, she's is a big yikes.

Yuni could have ended the relationship before doing all of this, but now they prolly break up with Nanase heartbroken and scarred for quite some time. It just baffles me how people can defend Yuni or like Fuko. Even the author admitted that Yuni is a trashy person.

I enjoy this manga a lot, but I think it's important to realize that what Yuni is doing is inexcusable and damaging her. This won't end well for both of them, and don't see a happy end for Fuko either since chances are slim Yuni will ever love her. It's a huge trainwreck, and I love it

last edited at Aug 27, 2022 10:12AM

joined Jun 15, 2021

Nanase has no business of getting angry or jealous. She chose sport over Yuni. She chose to ignore Yuni, She does not even know how to treat a lover, as in, she is supposed to say "cute" when asked, but instead "You look different today". Fuuko actually answered the question correctly and more (You are ichiban cutest), without seeing Yuni's phone. She may be a manipulating bitch. but at least she did not harm Yuni.
There are two panels on this chapter show the major difference. Panel one shows Yuni now standing up by herself; Meanwhile the very last panel shows Fuuko (after kissing Yuni who cried over Fuuko's shoulders) and says "I guess it will be OK". Compare the last panel in the (parate) translation, what Fuuko says is different from my own understanding of the text.

Ah yes, she didn't call her cute so all the cheating and backstabbing is ok. Nanase is at fault for neglecting her, but she realizes that and is trying to change for the better. Yuni didn't even give her a chance, instead of communicating she started an affair. Nanase has every right to be angry.

Yuni is incredible flawed and tbh pretty scummy, she knows full well what she doing is wrong and is absolutely torn by guilt but still uses Fuko to fill her emptiness. She doesn't love Yuni but has no problem fucking her. There's nothing wholesome about fuko either, the low key blackmailing, exploiting Yunis insecurity, using economic power to pressure her, she's is a big yikes.

Yuni could have ended the relationship before doing all of this, but now they prolly break up with Nanase heartbroken and scarred for quite some time. It just baffles me how people can defend Yuni or like Fuko. Even the author admitted that Yuni is a trashy person.

I enjoy this manga a lot, but I think it's important to realize that what Yuni is doing is inexcusable and damaging her. This won't end well for both of them, and don't see a happy end for Fuko either since chances are slim Yuni will ever love her. It's a huge trainwreck, and I love it

Yuni is a nasty person, no doubt I am sure we all agree. Her looks is her only redeeming quality. "I think it is about time" (the current translator) and "I guess it will be OK" (My personal understanding of "Soro Soro Iikana."). The difference is huge. "about time" indicates that Fuuko has set things up and know before hand what would happened as if she has further plans in store. Soro Iikana to me is actually fuuko speaking to an asleep Yuni. Maybe I am romantic, that last panel Fuuko actually shows her affection. Whether it was kissing Yuni's head, or holding Yuni's hand I have never seen an expression like that before from her. She has no clue what happened.
They all suck. Now let see who in after the trainhreck.

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