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joined Nov 23, 2014

"Dat ass" -Yamada

joined May 23, 2013

This what citrus should be about.

joined Aug 24, 2014

This what citrus should be about.

Eh....Citrus has a reputation for having a love-hate relationship with it's readers due to it's Drama and stretched dialouge, while Kase is all about love and fluff. If Citrus were like Kase, it wouldn't get as many views. Why does everyone know Justin Beiber?Because they love to hate him Same jist applies. Can't we just love both manga for there beautiful differences?

joined Oct 15, 2013

Aw, thought it was a new chapter... ended up reading it anyways, haha.

This what citrus should be about.

Eh....Citrus has a reputation for having a love-hate relationship with it's readers due to it's Drama and stretched dialouge, while Kase is all about love and fluff. If Citrus were like Kase, it wouldn't get as many views. Why does everyone know Justin Beiber?Because they love to hate him Same jist applies. Can't we just love both manga for there beautiful differences?

Two Different mangas.

One is good at what it is, and the other is terrible what it is trying to be.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

can we not do this here

can we not ;_;

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Thank you so much Yuri Project, I am a desperate refugee bathing in the curative wonders of Kase-san to recover from The Feelings We All Must Endure (or rather The Feelings I Foolishly Chose to Endure). I needed this release, I really did.

joined May 10, 2014

This what citrus should be about.

Obvious troll is obvious they are completely unrelated.

can we not do this here

can we not ;_;

+1 please!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

EHM... WTF with chapter 9!?!?!?! It wasn't like when I saw it in the raws, why are there 2 different versions!?

It was explained earlier on this page. The magazine and tank versions are different.

joined Nov 19, 2014

Awesome to see an extended version of this chapter! The original seemed sort of choppy, but this fills in the gaps very nicely.

Little Bits Of Mini
joined Nov 8, 2013

Damn Kase is sexy <3

joined Jun 6, 2014

can we not do this here

can we not ;_;

Now if only people would just not do it ever, that would be the dream.

joined Jul 8, 2013

Words cannot grateful I am...that I am I saved this for after The Feelings We Must Endure and Fragments of Love...I always save the fluff for last when I can....but this is the most I have ever recovered from damage dealt by other series thanks to the fluff...Its true what they say...Fluff makes the world go round and the world cannot survive without fluff. If it wasn't obvious. "They" is me.
Also, is this the end of it? Are there no more chapters left after this one?

last edited at Feb 6, 2015 1:52AM

joined Dec 7, 2013

Also, is this the end of it? Are there no more chapters left after this one?

Ch10-13 are still untranslated (translations skip from 9-14). Ch14 is the final currently released chapter but more are hopefully going to be released this year.

joined May 3, 2014

Yamada looks pretty innocent but I don't think that she really is XDD

......well if you mean that she thinks of SEX!!! then yeah.....^^

joined Dec 18, 2013

I don't about you guys, but I liked the original version better.

This one is packed with so much things that it feels...flat

The original version felt more natural and spontaneous, this is calculated and in some aspects it feels like is overcompensanting thus taking away a lot of the charm from the story.

last edited at Feb 6, 2015 2:17AM

joined Oct 29, 2014

this was too damn cute and kase san was hot i can understand why yamada almost passed out lmao

joined Jan 8, 2014

The original version felt more natural and spontaneous, this is calculated and in some aspects it feels like is overcompensanting thus taking away a lot of the charm from the story.

I like both versions but I felt the original had more impact, in the sense of trying to figure what all the characters were going thru...
But this "extended version" is awesome! It kinda expressed the characters more in depth...
Ya know?

Btw still waiting to read that last ch. So cant wait until the next scantalation ;)

joined Sep 19, 2014

I liked the other version but this one is really awesome!! It is more complete and I can understand more things.
But it always makes me happy when I see a chapter of Kase so thanks for the release and keep up the good work ^^

joined Jul 8, 2013

I see, so this is a newer version! I could have sworn I read a different one, and I was really confused for a second there.

But this one is a lot better, I liked how Yamada's insecurity lied actually in the fact that she's embarrassed of her own body, rather than having seen Kase's.

Agggh Kase-san needs an anime... it'd be the cutest SoL yuri out there...

joined Jul 26, 2013

God damn it I wanted a new chapter not an old one but I love Kase-San so much I reread both new and old versions of chapter 9 LOL. KASE IS SO HOT!! Wish I had a girlfriend like that ayyy lmao

Cryssoberyl Uploader
Zefiberyl Translations
joined Apr 11, 2011

Hm, this was interesting. Generally I greatly dislike late-coming "revisions" to existing work, and so I was pretty biased against the new version of chapter 9, but as I compared the two, I really think it ended up much better for the extra additions.

One thing that I did prefer in the original though, is that Kase looks right at Yamada with a wide open and steady gaze as she reveals herself. It really gave me a sense that she was trying to be bold in advancing the intimacy of their relationship. To me that gaze is saying, "You are looking, right? Good. I want you to look."

In the new version, she does it with eyes averted. We soon learn why, and while self-consciousness may certainly make more sense for a teenager, it's very different from how I originally perceived Kase's mindset, and I think I preferred my own headcanon in that particular case.

Thanks as always for your hard work, Yuri Project.

last edited at Feb 8, 2015 10:19AM

joined May 28, 2014

The power of pads..
Thanks Yuri Project, this version is absolutely perfect.

joined Jan 27, 2012

This makes up for that chapter of The Feels We Must Endure.
Also glad for the revision, we got more yummy Kase-san. ^-^

joined Jan 19, 2015

So you see yamada, hot ...and fit girls and hmm... sexy girls have it rough too

joined Jan 8, 2014

This makes up for that chapter of The Feels We Must Endure.
Also glad for the revision, we got more yummy Kase-san. ^-^


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