Forum › Their Secret Time discussion

joined Aug 29, 2019

Cute. And naughty.

Also: Holy shit that image size.

joined Sep 6, 2018

I think “Dick Move” applies here…

joined Jan 1, 2019

There's a fine line between 'play' and 'non-consensual' and this feels like its on a tight rope (at least going by the panels of Sakura's face). A little more context is needed, I think.

Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

This is so cute!

joined Aug 29, 2019

Kinda rapey. Not a fan.

Definitely poor communication by real world standards. The story thankfully isn't the real world and Sakura's expressions. I also think that the internal monologue is hers and not Asahi's, so that kinda throws the doubt overboard and makes it just your usual I said no, baka! kinda thing.

joined Jun 19, 2014

uhh this is a little scary and I think its supposed to be read that way?

At first I assumed the narration was by the black haired girl Sakura but on re-reading, I'm going to go with it being the other girl's POV. Yes, they have a secret but its not exactly consensual and she's using Sakura's reputation as the class president to blackmail her. :(

Just my interpretation tho.

joined Oct 16, 2013

uhh this is a little scary and I think its supposed to be read that way?

At first I assumed the narration was by the black haired girl Sakura but on re-reading, I'm going to go with it being the other girl's POV. Yes, they have a secret but its not exactly consensual and she's using Sakura's reputation as the class president to blackmail her. :(

Just my interpretation tho.

No I think it's just the typical "you say no, but you actually like it" stuff in hentai. I think they are in a consensual (for a manga) relationship and the comment about being class president is like the "ooo you're such a naughty girl" type of dirty talk and not blackmail or anything like that. Teasing to the point of tears is too much tho since it doesn't even looks like she enjoys the teasing (I do think it's implied Sakura does enjoy their hidden groping sessions though which is why she goes along with it). I never liked these pushy asshole types.

Overall this was something we've seen millions of times (unfortunately).

joined Jul 29, 2017

A whole lot depends on how you read the narrative voice in the caption boxes:

We have a secret.

If the statement truly is a shared attitude about habitual actions, that strongly suggests that this is mutual play, and Sakura’s resistance is a submissive role she’s playing, and is used to playing.

On the other hand, it could just be Asahi’s voice, which would make the her seem quite predatory.

I don’t think we’re given enough evidence to say definitively one way or the other. But without those captions at the beginning and the end the whole tone shifts dramatically.

last edited at Jul 20, 2022 5:05PM

joined Aug 29, 2019

Yeah, but Waterlemon and Roodypatooty aren't exactly wrong in saying that the story is creepy and rapey if they read the internal monologue as coming from Asahi. While eeven then it's not particularly unusual for a manga relationship, it's a lot creepier IMO than if we assume that it's Sakura's thoughts that are laden with desire.

joined Jun 19, 2014

Teasing to the point of tears is too much tho since it doesn't even looks like she enjoys the teasing (I do think it's implied Sakura does enjoy their hidden groping sessions though which is why she goes along with it).

Kinda just looks like she got dragged away after refusing tho.

Peer pressure is a thing, especially when you're still young and haven't dealt with enough BS to learn to stand up for yourself.

A whole lot depends on how you read the narrative voice in the caption boxes:
We have a secret.

Maybe Asahi considers herself royalty and uses the royal 'we'.
We have no evidence to say one way or another.

On a more serious note tho, I enjoy the 'unreliable narrator' trope so I really like that the author made this work ambiguous enough to be interpreted either way.

last edited at Jul 20, 2022 5:24PM

joined Oct 16, 2013

Yeah, but Waterlemon and Roodypatooty aren't exactly wrong in saying that the story is creepy and rapey if they read the internal monologue as coming from Asahi. While eeven then it's not particularly unusual for a manga relationship, it's a lot creepier IMO than if we assume that it's Sakura's thoughts that are laden with desire.

i don't disagree with the creepy and rapey undertones. it definitely is rapey no matter whose internal dialogue if this took place in a real life setting, but since it's an ecchi manga and i saw it from Sakura's point of view, I'm not gonna think too much about it and it just becomes another tasteless hentai-y oneshot lol (plus like other's said there's not enough context of their background to see how their relationship dynamic truly is).

Teasing to the point of tears is too much tho since it doesn't even looks like she enjoys the teasing (I do think it's implied Sakura does enjoy their hidden groping sessions though which is why she goes along with it).

Kinda just looks like she got dragged away after refusing tho.

Peer pressure is a thing, especially when you're still young and haven't dealt with enough BS to learn to stand up for yourself.

I don't disagree with this either, but again I'm just comparing it to a lot of other stories that have played this trope to its death and that's usually how those relationships are meant to be read, even if I don't like it.

I can see your points if the story is read the way you read it, but I just think it wasn't what the author intended (which maybe this discussion is pointless since only they'd know anyway lol)

Oh I do think some "evidence" as to it being a more lighthearted consensual relationship is the last page where Sakura says they should prob go and find the others, Asahi whines and then Sakura just goes "Ah geez...". It reads a lot more lighthearted than everything else and comes across more playful between the two.

last edited at Jul 20, 2022 5:44PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

no means no

joined Feb 7, 2022

I can tolerate arguments around these parts. My view of this doujin is the two being naughty together with Asahi being more nervous about it.

joined Jul 29, 2017

A whole lot depends on how you read the narrative voice in the caption boxes:
We have a secret.

Maybe Asahi considers herself royalty and uses the royal 'we'.
We have no evidence to say one way or another.

Or even just that Asahi rationalizes that Sakura is actually into it together with her, although she really isn’t.

On a more serious note tho, I enjoy the 'unreliable narrator' trope so I really like that the author made this work ambiguous enough to be interpreted either way.

The Japanese love ambiguity, and this is pretty good at it—there’s some evidence that leans one way (the tears = negative) and some the other way (Sakura slumping in apparent submission).

joined Jun 19, 2014

Or even just that Asahi rationalizes that Sakura is actually into it together with her, although she really isn’t.

That is what I meant by calling it an unconsensual secret but in hindsight that is the wrong word. I should have used reluctant or unwilling instead. My ESL lol.

I did originally consider it to just be the usual tsun tsun stuff but Sakura's face on the first panel of pg 4 and last panel on pg 7 is just really not selling lovey dovey to me.

joined Aug 29, 2019

Gotta say, you could easily read Asahi as a Yandere.

This may be an even greater story if read that way (if you're not overly bothered by it then) :D

joined Jul 29, 2017

Gotta say, you could easily read Asahi as a Yandere.

This may be an even greater story if read that way (if you're not overly bothered by it then) :D

I’ve been accused of claiming that there’s only one way to read a story (implicitly mine), but this is a very good example of a story that can legitimately be read in a number of different ways, several of them diametrically opposite to one another, and (the most important thing) all based on plausible inferences from evidence in the text.

Of course, those multiple valid interpretations depend on the fact that this is a one-shot, and so (failing any eventual sequel) there will be no further evidence to clarify the open questions.

Just another panel or two at the end could swing the reading of this story in any of several wildly different directions.

joined Mar 25, 2021

God I love the strife these types of stories bring in discussions.

joined May 5, 2022

dynasty scans comment section once again playing grade-a feminists lmaO

joined Oct 16, 2013

dynasty scans comment section once again playing grade-a feminists lmaO

Oh please these types of comments are so annoying. I cannot roll my eyes any harder. Ya'll already know how the forums are so it gets really old to see "durr look at dynasty scans forums go again" shit like this in every discussion. And you're saying it as if being a feminist is bad.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

allmarbleslost posted:

dynasty scans comment section once again playing grade-a feminists lmaO

The discussion till now has been perfectly reasonable. Comments like this only serve to rile up folks who weren't in the first place. Don't do it again, thanks.

Chikaon posted:

dynasty scans comment section once again playing grade-a feminists lmaO

Oh please these types of comments are so annoying. I cannot roll my eyes any harder. Ya'll already know how the forums are so it gets really old to see "durr look at dynasty scans forums go again" shit like this in every discussion. And you're saying it as if being a feminist is bad.

Please report comments like this in the FAQ or rules threads rather than responding to them. Thanks.

joined Dec 17, 2021

I can't say this story is doing something different than other stories where you have an aggressive partner and a reluctant one. But the thing that stuck out was Sakura crying when she was called "naughty". The way it was shown she was upset enough to cry about it feel more serious than anything else, and in turn it upset me too.

I don't know, the story made me uncomfortable but I think I liked it.

joined Mar 4, 2018

Not sure what I'm supposed to take away from this story. Def didn't like it.

joined Aug 29, 2019

I think this story could legit be used in a literature class to illustrate how one story can, without any alteration, evoke different reactions not only from different people, but even actually the same people.
I mean, get a classroom of 30 high schoolers, have/make them read it, make them swallow their homophobic proclamations, ask them to raise their hand if the story was cute and then if the story was creepy. Then ask one student from each group to explain why. Make them read it again and see if their outlook has changed or if they at least understand the other viewpoint.

Not the most elaborate ploy, but I think it wouldn't be the worst thing to do with a lesson. Except if you're in a rather prudish country where the mostly-over-the-clothes action would cause a shitstorm... I mean we watched La Boum (for French class) and The Name of the Rose (for German (native) class) in like 8th grade...

joined Oct 21, 2013

In Japanese there are different kinds of "no', but there's no equivalent to convey this in English, so we have this unfortunate situation that people who are unaware of this will find the majority of sexual depictions in manga 'rapey' as a result...

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