Forum › Sensual Novelist and High Schooler Yuri discussion

joined Mar 15, 2015

I personally think this should have gone on longer than a few pages. It might have been nice to have been shown the information from the characters' biographies in the story rather than told about it in two paragraphs at the end.

joined Aug 30, 2020

I personally think this should have gone on longer than a few pages. It might have been nice to have been shown the information from the characters' biographies in the story rather than told about it in two paragraphs at the end.

It would be nice, it'd make for a longer story, but honestly this is already longer than the other two things the artist has posted so I won't complain much.

joined Feb 1, 2021

Kinda creepy even before the character bios, not gonna lie

joined Jan 15, 2021

Not sure what y'all are going on about. They're a college student and a high schooler (who is a minor). From that they could even be 19 and 17 years old (though I guess it's probably more like 21-16).

Agreed. Not to mention, nothing happened. No objectionable physical contact, at least. The author did give her phone number but that isn't a crime. Creepy? Yes, a little. While I wouldn't encourage her behavior, I don't quite get all the outrage some have had over this. I'm starting to get the "I want to be upset over something, and this is conveniently here" vibe from some of the other commenters.

joined Dec 2, 2017

A shame it didn't last longer

joined Apr 20, 2013

But I need part 2 where she gathers first hand reference for her books

joined Aug 4, 2018

But I need part 2 where she gathers first hand reference for her books

Hee hee hee, I was just thinking that it's refreshing to see a yuri oneshot that won't be met with a barrage of "where's the rest?" and "I want more" and "I need a series" comments. You are the exception that proves the rule.

joined Sep 6, 2018

That next-to-last panel is not, at all, in no manner nor way, in any measure, like totally Ally from Sunstone. Never. Perish the thought.

By no means she’s not Ally because Ally is a programmer, not a writer (although her partner is).

This looked at little creepy and the text on last page cemented my opinion: it’s creepy… but I’m not complaining. These two puzzling characters are a perfect fit for each other.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Wow, that’s kind of hot. I’m a big fan of the vibe of someone enticed by the thought of a predator going to meet them, and finding exactly what they were looking for.

Also the intensity in her eyes is so sexy. There’s so much potential in manga to draw the sharpest, most intent gazes, that seem to crush you with their gravity. I’m really a fan.

I would love if this work were to—


last edited at Jun 7, 2022 1:11PM

Alice Nightrose
joined Feb 9, 2021

Moar !!!!

joined Mar 8, 2022

bro half the story was in the last page

joined Jul 8, 2019

Generally speaking, that's why the age gap tag exists. It's very seldom used for cases of a sizeable age gap between two adults and more commonly is used in a relationship between an adult and a minor.

Age gap is for exactly what it says on the tin. Age gap. It does not imply that an adult has been actively predating a minor, and we have quite a few rather wholeshome titles to prove it. Hey, we have whole SERIES based upon that NOT being the case.

Plus, an active predator doesn't even need the age gap tag - an adult may perfectly be a predator of other adults... a fact which you should be IRL warned against if you were not already aware ;-)

joined Jan 18, 2021

This is marvelous. I, for one, would like to see the story continue.

joined Oct 10, 2018


joined Aug 30, 2020

Generally speaking, that's why the age gap tag exists. It's very seldom used for cases of a sizeable age gap between two adults and more commonly is used in a relationship between an adult and a minor.

Age gap is for exactly what it says on the tin. Age gap. It does not imply that an adult has been actively predating a minor, and we have quite a few rather wholeshome titles to prove it. Hey, we have whole SERIES based upon that NOT being the case.

I made a note of the other use of it at the end of the statement. It's much more common here for age gap to be representative of an adult and a minor. If I had to assume you're referring to "The Two of Them..." then that's the primary one I had in mind when I was thinking about the relative scarcity of age gap series and one-shots that don't focus on an adult-minor gap.

Plus, an active predator doesn't even need the age gap tag - an adult may perfectly be a predator of other adults... a fact which you should be IRL warned against if you were not already aware ;-)

I'll yield to that being a fair point, but would prefer it if you wouldn't insinuate that I'd be ignorant enough of it to need a warning.

joined Aug 29, 2019

The way I understand it tho, predators don't exactly ask for consent and don't put their cards on the table upfront. Sensei here most definitely does.
Hell, my biggest gripe with the story is that Kanako's character bio states that she "likes rape"... No she doesn't. She likes rape fantasies. And yes, that's me being petty.

joined Jan 17, 2017

If that novelist were an ugly fat guy, we would be screaming that is a sexual predator. She is certainly easier on the eyes than an ugly fat guy, that goes without saying, but shouldn't there be a tag for that tipe of "sexual predator" content? Just like we have tags for loli, futanari or het.
If that tag were to exist, she would be taking two of them, thank you ;-)


joined Apr 14, 2022

Hell, my biggest gripe with the story is that Kanako's character bio states that she "likes rape"... No she doesn't. She likes rape fantasies. And yes, that's me being petty.

The real crime is that the "messed up sexual tastes" are "yuri" and "rape", as if yuri was a degeneracy and not both perfectly normal & the way things should be. Unacceptable

joined Aug 29, 2019

Hell, my biggest gripe with the story is that Kanako's character bio states that she "likes rape"... No she doesn't. She likes rape fantasies. And yes, that's me being petty.

The real crime is that the "messed up sexual tastes" are "yuri" and "rape", as if yuri was a degeneracy and not both perfectly normal & the way things should be. Unacceptable

True, that's a terrible equivalency. Besides, I'm not a fan of kinkshaming, so everything except "rape" (not "rape fantasies") isn't messed up, but merely kinky. They'll probably learn that when they get a bit older. Should do her self-image some good. :D

joined Jun 21, 2021

This feels appropriate here

joined Aug 30, 2020

We don't have time to ask about "why," we only have time to ask "why not" and jump into a mess of degeneracy and perversion the likes of which will make baby jesus cry

joined Mar 14, 2014

Daddy should hide his porn better... She's a fan since elementary school, huh.

joined Nov 13, 2017

There is nothing wrong with this.

joined Mar 30, 2022


Weeb Depression
joined Sep 12, 2021

Oh my, this seems very dark, I'm interested.
I just wish there was a bit more of warning about the content in this story, I don't think the age gap tag is enough.

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