Forum › Comprehensive Tovarisch discussion

joined Sep 24, 2013

Just re-read the whole thing, still as cute and hilarious as it was the first time round! It gives me a similar vibe to Shinozaki-san, probably because of the whole tsundere protag. liking a girl mainly for her looks... They're both great series!

joined Sep 25, 2013

Just loved this so much. Cuteness overloaded. And lol hard at next volume preview....

Amused hearing about how Comprehensive Tovarisch was planned to have some hard yuri at first, but editor told to tone it down.... So there for your imagination power. it's actually canon for Kanna and Yuu to do much much more than this.

[*shakes fist*]

Have to admit, though, the art style tends to leave a lot of the characters blending into each other at points. I can barely tell them apart in a chaotic scene.

last edited at Nov 8, 2014 1:38PM

joined Jul 8, 2013


When the regular chapters are scanlated, people beg for the extras -_- ...they're doing it in the order by volume so just be patient. Besides, I personally don't see much of a difference between the regular chapters and the extras. There isn't really a "story" and it feels more slice of life to me so the extras do a really good job on developing the characters.

Thanks for the update!

I was unaware that the main story was still being translated. It's just that since somebody went and skipped all the chapters and released a translated version of the last chapter already, I figured that some people considered that to be all that needed to be done since it has been a while since an actual chapter was released (btw I read the last chapter, and trust me, there is still at least some story to be seen). And, trust me, I would much rather take main chapters over extras anyday, altho extras are still nice too.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

[*shakes fist*]

Have to admit, though, the art style tends to leave a lot of the characters blending into each other at points. I can barely tell them apart in a chaotic scene.

I find this to be an issue as well. I find it difficult enough to keep track of names or two somewhat similar characters. In the case of this one though the only two I can usually keep track of are Yuu and Kanna. And even then I sometimes mix up Kanna with one of the other girls who looks somewhat similar. (After having a quick look it appears to be Rika that I mix up with Kanna easily.)

joined Jan 12, 2014

"Actual volume contents may differ slightly from preview"

joined Aug 11, 2011

Ahhhhhhh the extras with Yuu trying to get closer to Kanna was so cute!! Kanna blushing and holding her hand like that at the end was so adorable! And eheh what I wouldn't give to have a fluffy-haired Yuu holding on to my arm like that too~~ And of course the 'preview' was hilarious lol.

So glad that it's still being scanlated! Looking forward to the next chapters!!

joined Sep 25, 2013

I find this to be an issue as well. I find it difficult enough to keep track of names or two somewhat similar characters. In the case of this one though the only two I can usually keep track of are Yuu and Kanna. And even then I sometimes mix up Kanna with one of the other girls who looks somewhat similar. (After having a quick look it appears to be Rika that I mix up with Kanna easily.)

Yeah, I'm exactly same. I can only recognise Yuu with any consistency, and the rest I have to rely on contextual dialogue clues, but even those fail me half the time. I can't remember which character has which personality or who has done which thing.

last edited at Dec 5, 2014 10:48AM

Yuri is the best
joined Oct 3, 2014

" BOOBS " Best topic ever !!!!! XD

joined Nov 11, 2014

Try to stay abreast of things here!

YES. More bad puns, please.

Oh, and I guess this means next update will finally be a full chapter. At long last, the plot returns!

last edited at Jan 28, 2015 2:23PM

joined Jul 26, 2013

I waited so long for an update and all I got was an extra ;_; gdi the tease

Everytime I see the word BOOBS I inconspicuously say "BEWBS" in the voice of the guy that does Honest Trailers lol

joined Dec 5, 2014

I missed them ! I hoped a chapter, well extra is great too.

joined Oct 15, 2013

That 4th wall tho, completely gone.

joined Jul 8, 2013

That was a pretty fantastic special so is it just these that are getting translated or are the other actual chapters getting translated at some point as well? I feel like I've asked this before but I have, either not seen the answer, or completely forgot, so if you could bear with me plz, that'd be much appreciated.

joined Sep 25, 2013

She touched the boob.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I've never had katsudon, but I bet it's good.

joined Apr 20, 2013

That was a pretty fantastic special so is it just these that are getting translated or are the other actual chapters getting translated at some point as well? I feel like I've asked this before but I have, either not seen the answer, or completely forgot, so if you could bear with me plz, that'd be much appreciated.

I've been wondering that for a while, like Holy Zen this manga has so many kind of specials! and we're starting the second volumen with another special, maybe the manga is just meant to be like this, like... these are normal chapters perhaps? idk, I'm lost. I really enjoy it but I feel uneasy

joined Jan 12, 2014

Are you never gonna update the chapters but only the specials? T-T

They said they are going to have the actual chapter in the next release
joined Apr 19, 2012

Ugh. I love these three.

joined May 10, 2014

SHE WENT FOR IT!!!!!!!! I love this.

joined Jan 17, 2014

finally, chapter 5 up next in lot of months

joined Apr 20, 2013

This reminds me when Nagisa from Assasination classroom used his clap to make his opponent lost focus But this time it made go KYAAAAA :3 too bad this is just a special, I want it canon.

Akashic Records
joined Sep 24, 2013

This reminds me when Nagisa from Assasination classroom used his clap to make his opponent lost focus But this time it made go KYAAAAA :3 too bad this is just a special, I want it canon.

Each specials in Comprehensive Tovarisch are canon =D
Let's acknowledge it as canon =D

joined Feb 15, 2013

The way i see it...

  • Actual chapters: drama+comedy+romance.
  • Special (break time): SoL+comedy+romance.
  • Volume extra: Romance +HHNNNNGGG
  • Volume preview: God works

last edited at Feb 3, 2015 1:19PM

joined Dec 30, 2014

I get this manga. Comprehensive Tovarisch.

joined Jan 27, 2015

I'm going with 10,000 yen on Kanna, no way she loses.

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