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joined Sep 28, 2021

Probably not the right place to ask this but since it's related, is anyone else seeing the insane hate that the Anime is already getting because of the silly twist of the start? Dear God...

joined Apr 27, 2013

Probably not the right place to ask this but since it's related, is anyone else seeing the insane hate that the Anime is already getting because of the silly twist of the start? Dear God...

I know there's a few people in the ANN season thread that seem to be really dedicated to hating it, at least. Not sure about elsewhere (and ANN's actual community score for the show is pretty high)

last edited at Apr 3, 2022 1:16AM

joined Feb 3, 2021

Probably not the right place to ask this but since it's related, is anyone else seeing the insane hate that the Anime is already getting because of the silly twist of the start? Dear God...

There seems to be a loud mosquito crying foul but mostly I’ve just seen praise for the first episode; from knowledgeable fans praising a good start to newcomers welcoming a change to the standard fare. I think it’ll die down after episode two airs especially after she tries to kill the second Lost One and they realize it wasn’t “feminist propaganda” though I won’t hold my breath on any of them actually admitting to changing their minds.

joined Apr 27, 2013

I think it’ll die down after episode two airs especially after she tries to kill the second Lost One and they realize it wasn’t “feminist propaganda” though I won’t hold my breath on any of them actually admitting to changing their minds.

I don't think anyone I've seen complaining about the show has actually watched it. So I'd expect people to stop bitching once something else worth discussing airs. Which'll probably be pretty soon, since BRS and MobSeka both premiere on the 3rd

joined Oct 6, 2015

Y'all zip it and enjoy the yuri for fuck's sake

You can't tell me what to do, mom. ;-)

Right? How dare we discuss a series on the forum for it! The audacity!

This is why I always ready my popcorn when I go to comment section. Lol

joined Feb 17, 2013

Damn, they're stopping once the official release hits. Bummer.

joined Mar 25, 2021

Credits page meme is accurate

joined Nov 12, 2020

So no new updates at all until we get a proper scanlator down the line,possibly very soon after,possibly years after.

Standard slow fare for this site.

joined Apr 14, 2022

Wow, this is bad. I read the first 6 or 7 chapters years ago and then totally forgot about this until I watched the first episode of the anime and realised I knew the twist moments before the assassination. So I got hyped and binged this again from the start and holy hell what a let down the newer chapters are.

I originally gave this credit for that murdery introduction, but looking back at it now, it's pretty clear that it was not good writing and more a cheap trick for shock value. This author must have gotten plot twists at a bargain sale for a dime a dozen, considering they dumped four of them on us in the first book. The pacing is insane and I was completely uncompelled by all of the other plot twists, both because I was never given time to grow attached to anything before the constant upheaval and because they all felt like complete asspulls.

The worst offender, by far, is the time travel twist. They didn't even attempt to address the issue of paradoxes, of how Akari could survive the first time without any future Akari yet in existence. And so we're instead left with a protagonist who has the god ability to automatically solve any issue she's in, whenever the author feels like it, by a future Super version of herself retroactively coming back and giving her unlimited power she didn't have at the time. And what the hell is up with her ribbon-cutting power? What does sending a homing (homewrecking?) missile to God knows where have to do with "The Pure Concept of Time"?

But let's not take any credit from the villain twist, which was also swinging for the fences of terribleness. I feel like for turning a Dumbledore-like figure into a cartoonishly evil villain to have any impact, you really ought to give the character more than 5 panels of screen time first. And what the hell was with that motivation? "I dedicated my entire life to saving people, but then hearing people ask me to save them got really annoying, so I started killing them instead"??? What????? One of the worst villains I've seen. And by God, the monologuing... I don't care, lady, your monologue was longer than all of your prior screen time combined so I have no investment in you or your rambling.

One commenter said something like "stop complaining and just enjoy the yuri". First of all why do you have such low standards for yourself? Wouldn't you like to read well-written yuri and not just uncritically accept anything just because it's gay? But I can't even do that anyways, because without warning the author made the protagonist batshit insane as part of the plot-twist-palooza, and I do not ship it. At this point I just want to see Momo x Menou and I would begrudgingly keep reading if there were any prospect of that but it's pretty clear there's not. In fact this might actually be the least compelling concept for a romance story I've ever read, because the relationship doesn't even develop naturally. Why does Akari love Menou? Because Future Akari beamed feelings of love into her from the Fuuuuuture. Wow, so romantic...

last edited at Apr 14, 2022 3:13AM

joined May 28, 2012

Lol Poor Menou-chan at the credit page.
And yeah, the story so far is not amazing at all, but it's still very entertaining especially the yandere.
Gotta buy the novel for sure, along with that Roll Over and Die.

joined Jul 2, 2013

The worst offender, by far, is the time travel twist. They didn't even attempt to address the issue of paradoxes, of how Akari could survive the first time without any future Akari yet in existence.

Future Akari shows up once and you already want the entire mystery explained to you? That's like seeing the dream Madoka has in episode one and exclaiming wow they didn't explain anything about that dream.

joined Dec 31, 2020

protectmomo posted:

Wow, this is bad. I read the first 6 or 7 chapters years ago and then totally forgot about this until I watched the first episode of the anime and realised I knew the twist moments before the assassination. So I got hyped and binged this again from the start and holy hell what a let down the newer chapters are.

I originally gave this credit for that murdery introduction, but looking back at it now, it's pretty clear that it was not good writing and more a cheap trick for shock value. This author must have gotten plot twists at a bargain sale for a dime a dozen, considering they dumped four of them on us in the first book. The pacing is insane and I was completely uncompelled by all of the other plot twists, both because I was never given time to grow attached to anything before the constant upheaval and because they all felt like complete asspulls.

The worst offender, by far, is the time travel twist. They didn't even attempt to address the issue of paradoxes, of how Akari could survive the first time without any future Akari yet in existence. And so we're instead left with a protagonist who has the god ability to automatically solve any issue she's in, whenever the author feels like it, by a future Super version of herself retroactively coming back and giving her unlimited power she didn't have at the time. And what the hell is up with her ribbon-cutting power? What does sending a homing (homewrecking?) missile to God knows where have to do with "The Pure Concept of Time"?

But let's not take any credit from the villain twist, which was also swinging for the fences of terribleness. I feel like for turning a Dumbledore-like figure into a cartoonishly evil villain to have any impact, you really ought to give the character more than 5 panels of screen time first. And what the hell was with that motivation? "I dedicated my entire life to saving people, but then hearing people ask me to save them got really annoying, so I started killing them instead"??? What????? One of the worst villains I've seen. And by God, the monologuing... I don't care, lady, your monologue was longer than all of your prior screen time combined so I have no investment in you or your rambling.

One commenter said something like "stop complaining and just enjoy the yuri". First of all why do you have such low standards for yourself? Wouldn't you like to read well-written yuri and not just uncritically accept anything just because it's gay? But I can't even do that anyways, because without warning the author made the protagonist batshit insane as part of the plot-twist-palooza, and I do not ship it. At this point I just want to see Momo x Menou and I would begrudgingly keep reading if there were any prospect of that but it's pretty clear there's not. In fact this might actually be the least compelling concept for a romance story I've ever read, because the relationship doesn't even develop naturally. Why does Akari love Menou? Because Future Akari beamed feelings of love into her from the Fuuuuuture. Wow, so romantic...

I have to respond for that blessed username alone. Protect Momo indeed.

The manga is mostly a service to LN readers. I'm not saying the writing is top-tier in the LN (it's not, it's a light novel after all), but there are a number of explanations the manga has decided to skip out on. The slower pacing gives Orwell a bit more characterisation, you get to see a bit of Akari's first time in this world and how everything starts to go wrong, Guiding Force gets a bit more explanation, etc.

To answer one of your questions, Pure Concepts can only really be used in ways the user can conceptualise (shocking, I know). Typically, this means being able to see/imagine the effect, but even that still allows for a ton of interpretation from the user. What Akari did was fast-forward time in a small area (Weathering) and then move that area somewhere she knew existed: Momo's ribbons (Teleportation). When Momo put up her shield to protect against the dragon's fire, her ribbons were out of phase and the shield ended too soon around them, allowing the fire to burn them. The idea that Time has some control over Spacetime as an extra benefit is pretty clever/funny if you ask me, and very relevant later on. It's those little explanations that get missed that I have no idea how manga-only readers are supposed to infer (see: the babbling little girl at the start of the most recent chapter).

Finally, if you have any desire to continue reading this as a romance story: do not. It's a (light) grimdark story with lesbian innuendo (a fun one if you don't take it seriously, imo). If you do stick around and the manga does cover what it should, there's little chance that you will continue to hate Future Akari. Her POVs are some of the most entertaining ones in the LNs.

last edited at Apr 14, 2022 4:19PM

joined Apr 14, 2022

Future Akari shows up once and you already want the entire mystery explained to you? That's like seeing the dream Madoka has in episode one and exclaiming wow they didn't explain anything about that dream.

It's supposed to be a mystery? It just looked like plain jane Deus ex to me, which was my problem with it. They didn't even so much as hint at any kind of issue caused by doing this, nor any limitation on her power. If Madoka's dream effortlessly solved the climax of the entire first book, maybe it would be a little more comparable...

number of explanations the manga has decided to skip out on.

I thought that might be the case, particularly since I noticed even the anime had some content in the first episode that wasn't in the manga. Thanks for providing more insight on the source material. It's good to know that at least some of my problems were probably just adaptation woes.

joined Jul 2, 2013

It's supposed to be a mystery? It just looked like plain jane Deus ex to me, which was my problem with it. They didn't even so much as hint at any kind of issue caused by doing this, nor any limitation on her power. If Madoka's dream effortlessly solved the climax of the entire first book, maybe it would be a little more comparable...

Could be the way we approach media but we were told from the get go that Akari had time powers so when future Akari unsurprisingly showed up I didn't think wow deus ex machina, rather I wondered what got her to this point. The fact that she's here at all trying to change the future with a whole new personality brings a lot of questions to be answered and I don't expect them to be given instantly. That makes it a mystery.

joined Jan 11, 2014

Wow, this is bad. I read the first 6 or 7 chapters years ago and then totally forgot about this until I watched the first episode of the anime and realised I knew the twist moments before the assassination. So I got hyped and binged this again from the start and holy hell what a let down the newer chapters are.

Super happy someone agreed that the manga is kinda uninteresting, badly paced, and lacks chemistry between its characters. It’s feels like the writer lost the emotional core at some point.

joined Oct 22, 2018

It's supposed to be a mystery? It just looked like plain jane Deus ex to me, which was my problem with it. They didn't even so much as hint at any kind of issue caused by doing this, nor any limitation on her power. If Madoka's dream effortlessly solved the climax of the entire first book, maybe it would be a little more comparable...

Could be the way we approach media but we were told from the get go that Akari had time powers so when future Akari unsurprisingly showed up I didn't think wow deus ex machina, rather I wondered what got her to this point. The fact that she's here at all trying to change the future with a whole new personality brings a lot of questions to be answered and I don't expect them to be given instantly. That makes it a mystery.

Also, didn't future Akari tell Menou in ch17 "You better do kill me for sure this time"? I wonder what's up with that.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Episode 6 of the anime is out and there's quite a bit of divergence from the manga (especially the ch.17 part). I'm curious which version is closer to the LN, the manga or the anime?

Also, iirc I remember ppl being disappointed of the manga's adaptation of Momo's fight vs the dragon, hoping the anime would do a better job. Idk if the anime took better from the source material but i do have to say that seeing her just straight up pummel that dragons face in was pretty satisfying xD

last edited at May 6, 2022 1:31PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Episode 6 of the anime is out and there's quite a bit of divergence from the manga (especially the ch.17 part). I'm curious which version is closer to the LN, the manga or the anime?

I'm more surprised by the difference in chapter 13, to be honest. The manga is worded way too ambiguously with "that town", making it seem like Menou is an otherworlder as well, while the anime made it quite clear that it was her hometown

joined Dec 20, 2018

luinthoron posted:

I'm more surprised by the difference in chapter 13, to be honest. The manga is worded way too ambiguously with "that town", making it seem like Menou is an otherworlder as well, while the anime made it quite clear that it was her hometown

Wait. She's not!? That's totally how I understood it in the mango. I actually kinda saw twist with Menou being otherworlder as well coming and liked that part.

Same, really. I was honestly surprised they let her live after Orwell who had kept her alive as her material was taken down, but there's clearly nothing for the church to worry about if she's from their world as well.

last edited at May 14, 2022 9:24AM

joined Jan 3, 2020

I felt the first book of the LN was pretty weak too. The characters weren't given enough time to breathe and it just jumps between plot points from the train onwards in a kind of lurching way.

Thankfully, books 2 through 4 were far better paced -and- fixed the "future Akari feels like a Deus Ex Machina" problem.

If anyone else here read book 1, thought "this feels rushed and kind of bleh", I recommend checking out the second book.

The high level of moral ambiguity leading to frequent shifting of alliances makes book 2+ (manga ch 13+) feel like Fullmetal Alchemist in more ways than one.

last edited at Jun 5, 2022 9:35AM

joined Apr 27, 2014

I like Momo and the princess!!! Akari, well I am a sucker for ridiculously overpowered chars so... also time travel and re-living or whatever, I am loving this shit!!!

joined Jun 8, 2022

So uhm... Why did this stop...?
Could someone explain, please?

joined Mar 21, 2019

So uhm... Why did this stop...?
Could someone explain, please?

According to the credits page of the most recent chapter, it's because it was licensed.

joined Jun 8, 2022

So uhm... Why did this stop...?
Could someone explain, please?

According to the credits page of the most recent chapter, it's because it was licensed.

Hmmm... But there doesn't seem to be anything past Chapter 18 even in other sites, or anywhere...

joined Feb 3, 2020

So uhm... Why did this stop...?
Could someone explain, please?

According to the credits page of the most recent chapter, it's because it was licensed.

Hmmm... But there doesn't seem to be anything past Chapter 18 even in other sites, or anywhere...

The translator stopped as it got licensed, so it isn't going to appear on any other manga sites unless someone else picks it up (well it may end up on the more pirate esque sites once the official translation gets ahead of the fan translation, but that is far away)

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