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joined Apr 30, 2020

Dont complaint bros. Enjoy what's coming. Btw chap21 is in the author twitter for free in JP. Chap22 is behind a paywall so

Thank you for the heads up. I just saw it. BLESSED

joined Jul 20, 2020

Who would Seto cheat on younger Nanasawa with?

ikr? My immediate response to so many predictions about where this story is going is, “How would that even work?”

Sorry if I didn't made myself clear. Remember Seto knew her husband was cheating on her! She however was the one that put effort (read: staying faithful) and wanted her relationship NOT to fall apart. In the end however failure was the only option and they divorced! All her efforts were in vain... and she's a cuck.

What I see right now with young MC is that her efforts will be completly in vain when it comes to her Seto no matter how hard she tries I see NO relationship between them. So yeah I don't want her to become the older MC but someone who values herself ya know not taking that extreme makeover and ditching her glasses because things didn't work out.

joined Nov 17, 2021

I think young Nana and Seto are going to work out just fine. They're both on their way to a better future with each other now, in my opinion. Young Nanasawa no longer has to masturbate to Seto when she has the real thing who is probably more than willing to make her dreams come true. In addition, she probably no longer has any reason to change her appearance when the whole reason for that was because of her failures in the original timeline.

last edited at Jan 14, 2022 4:19AM

joined Jul 20, 2020

I think young Nana and Seto are going to work out just fine. They're both on their way to a better future with each other now, in my opinion. Young Nanasawa no longer has to masturbate to Seto when she has the real thing who is probably more than willing to make her dreams come true. In addition, she probably no longer has any reason to change her appearance when the whole reason for that was because of her failures in the original timeline.

Well I would like that but first I wish that young nanasawa visits the older seto and learns a few bitter pills about growing up and what she decided to become in this timeline plus she encourages older seto to look for love instead of giving up on herself!

joined Nov 17, 2021

I think young Nana and Seto are going to work out just fine. They're both on their way to a better future with each other now, in my opinion. Young Nanasawa no longer has to masturbate to Seto when she has the real thing who is probably more than willing to make her dreams come true. In addition, she probably no longer has any reason to change her appearance when the whole reason for that was because of her failures in the original timeline.

Well I would like that but first I wish that young nanasawa visits the older seto and learns a few bitter pills about growing up and what she decided to become in this timeline plus she encourages older seto to look for love instead of giving up on herself!

I know it's been a while, but I disagree that young Nanasawa needs bitter pills of any kind. She's already met and gotten to know her older self, who by the way is mostly responsible for her getting with Seto at all. And while I would like to see more of adult Seto, one time traveler is enough. There are certain things that young Seto and Nanasawa don't need to know about, and that's too much about the future. Just let them make their own now, and not worry about that sort of thing.

joined Jan 14, 2020

What I see right now with young MC is that her efforts will be completly in vain when it comes to her Seto no matter how hard she tries I see NO relationship between them

Seto literally just proposed having a relationship with her.

joined Jun 10, 2019

I thought for sure there’d be a heartwarming moment where the Future-Nana would resist confessing, and let her past self do what she couldn’t.
Then when she goes back to her time period, feeling bittersweet, she’d work up the courage to finally confess herself.

joined Jul 20, 2020

I think young Nana and Seto are going to work out just fine. They're both on their way to a better future with each other now, in my opinion. Young Nanasawa no longer has to masturbate to Seto when she has the real thing who is probably more than willing to make her dreams come true. In addition, she probably no longer has any reason to change her appearance when the whole reason for that was because of her failures in the original timeline.

Well I would like that but first I wish that young nanasawa visits the older seto and learns a few bitter pills about growing up and what she decided to become in this timeline plus she encourages older seto to look for love instead of giving up on herself!

I know it's been a while, but I disagree that young Nanasawa needs bitter pills of any kind. She's already met and gotten to know her older self, who by the way is mostly responsible for her getting with Seto at all. And while I would like to see more of adult Seto, one time traveler is enough. There are certain things that young Seto and Nanasawa don't need to know about, and that's too much about the future. Just let them make their own now, and not worry about that sort of thing.

Well older MC created a new alternate timeline, doesn't look like her future has changed at all, in which Seto likes older MC and not younger MC they are already different people! Why do I wish younger MC has a brighter future? Because she must realize the brutal reality earlier on than her older self and the only way I see that happening is her visiting older Seto who thinks she should not look for love! I do not see them (young MC and Seto) together right now all I see is older MC grooming Seto and not giving a squat about the people she left behind or her younger self! And this is bad! Younger MC is right now still a failure that's why I wish for her to vanish (travel to older Seto) so her Seto begins to ask where she went I wanna see how that would be like for her!

edit: I haven't read the next chapter so yeah even if what rainbow8 above said is true I still wish young Nana timetravels!

edit2: if rainbow8 meant the chapter 21 that is haven't looked into it

last edited at Jan 17, 2022 2:16PM

joined Jul 21, 2020

Umm why are u people discussing about Seto cheating on Nanasawa? O_o
Afaics Seto is perfectly happy with her two Nanasawas, big & small, and as long as they accept the triangle going-out-together thing she proposed (which they haven't yet, bit of a cliffhanger for now) there isn't a snowball chance in hell that she will cheat.

joined Jan 14, 2020

edit2: if rainbow8 meant the chapter 21 that is haven't looked into it

No, I'm referring to the latest chapter here:

joined Jul 29, 2017

Well older MC created a new alternate timeline

Assumes facts not yet in evidence. I mean, technically, you have to be right--older MC did not exist in the world she herself grew up in, so yes, this is an "alternate timeline."

That being said, the author has shown absolutely no interest whatsoever in developing the mechanics of time travel except to get the MC back into her own past so she can start lewding with her old high-school crush.

So we have no textual evidence to indicate how any of this works (multiple timelines, spilt identities, etc.), nor can we infer anything from the logic of what we are shown, because the author has shown no interest in such logic.

The sum total of what we know about time travel in this series is embedded in the paradoxical title: MC used to be younger than her crush, and now she's older--sexual hijinx ensue.

joined Nov 17, 2021

I think young Nana and Seto are going to work out just fine. They're both on their way to a better future with each other now, in my opinion. Young Nanasawa no longer has to masturbate to Seto when she has the real thing who is probably more than willing to make her dreams come true. In addition, she probably no longer has any reason to change her appearance when the whole reason for that was because of her failures in the original timeline.

Well I would like that but first I wish that young nanasawa visits the older seto and learns a few bitter pills about growing up and what she decided to become in this timeline plus she encourages older seto to look for love instead of giving up on herself!

I know it's been a while, but I disagree that young Nanasawa needs bitter pills of any kind. She's already met and gotten to know her older self, who by the way is mostly responsible for her getting with Seto at all. And while I would like to see more of adult Seto, one time traveler is enough. There are certain things that young Seto and Nanasawa don't need to know about, and that's too much about the future. Just let them make their own now, and not worry about that sort of thing.

Well older MC created a new alternate timeline, doesn't look like her future has changed at all, in which Seto likes older MC and not younger MC they are already different people! Why do I wish younger MC has a brighter future? Because she must realize the brutal reality earlier on than her older self and the only way I see that happening is her visiting older Seto who thinks she should not look for love! I do not see them (young MC and Seto) together right now all I see is older MC grooming Seto and not giving a squat about the people she left behind or her younger self! And this is bad! Younger MC is right now still a failure that's why I wish for her to vanish (travel to older Seto) so her Seto begins to ask where she went I wanna see how that would be like for her!

It's sounding more like you just plain dislike older Nanasawa and are just projecting it onto her younger self by saying she's a failure, is never going to get with her younger self, ect. I don't pretend that this series has much of a plot, or speculate too much about what's going to happen. But if anyone vanishes eventually, it'll probably be older Nanasawa. And younger Nana does not need to be saddled with adult Seto's baggage IMHO, especially if that future isn't set in stone. She just needs to live for the moment and enjoy her time with this Seto right now. And in so doing become a better person than the one she would have become before all this happened.

last edited at Jan 17, 2022 10:30PM

joined Jul 20, 2020

It's sounding more like you just plain dislike older Nanasawa and are just projecting it onto her younger self by saying she's a failure, is never going to get with her younger self, ect. I don't pretend that this series has much of a plot, or speculate too much about what's going to happen. But if anyone vanishes eventually, it'll probably be older Nanasawa. And younger Nana does not need to be saddled with adult Seto's baggage IMHO, especially if that future isn't set in stone. She just needs to live for the moment and enjoy her time with this Seto right now. And in so doing become a better person than the one she would have become before all this happened.

well yeah all the stuff she tries on younger Seto (for a moment let's ignore the age gap thing) she should've done to older Seto's current self which she didn't do! Something tells me she is not going to vanish (hint: A and B) but has to go back to her time instead of messing around. If Seto is important to young Nana not just as a thing of lust then yeah I still want to see older Seto. Will she fix all of that Seto's problems? Hardly! Older Seto is an adult at this point. But she should encourage her not to give up on love and herself something older MC did!

joined Nov 17, 2021

It's sounding more like you just plain dislike older Nanasawa and are just projecting it onto her younger self by saying she's a failure, is never going to get with her younger self, ect. I don't pretend that this series has much of a plot, or speculate too much about what's going to happen. But if anyone vanishes eventually, it'll probably be older Nanasawa. And younger Nana does not need to be saddled with adult Seto's baggage IMHO, especially if that future isn't set in stone. She just needs to live for the moment and enjoy her time with this Seto right now. And in so doing become a better person than the one she would have become before all this happened.

well yeah all the stuff she tries on younger Seto (for a moment let's ignore the age gap thing) she should've done to older Seto's current self which she didn't do! Something tells me she is not going to vanish (hint: A and B) but has to go back to her time instead of messing around. If Seto is important to young Nana not just as a thing of lust then yeah I still want to see older Seto. Will she fix all of that Seto's problems? Hardly! Older Seto is an adult at this point. But she should encourage her not to give up on love and herself something older MC did!

Here's what I think would be best for all of them eventually. After this arc is over, adult Nanasawa should start getting homesick eventually for her real senpai. She's set up her younger self with this Seto. Now she should start at least thinking about if there's anyway for her to get back home. If anyone should be comforting adult Seto, it should be her. Or maybe, she wouldn't have to of she can just let young Seto go to be with her younger self. She may just go back and find herself married to Seto. But that's just speculation on my part.

joined Jul 20, 2020

It's sounding more like you just plain dislike older Nanasawa and are just projecting it onto her younger self by saying she's a failure, is never going to get with her younger self, ect. I don't pretend that this series has much of a plot, or speculate too much about what's going to happen. But if anyone vanishes eventually, it'll probably be older Nanasawa. And younger Nana does not need to be saddled with adult Seto's baggage IMHO, especially if that future isn't set in stone. She just needs to live for the moment and enjoy her time with this Seto right now. And in so doing become a better person than the one she would have become before all this happened.

well yeah all the stuff she tries on younger Seto (for a moment let's ignore the age gap thing) she should've done to older Seto's current self which she didn't do! Something tells me she is not going to vanish (hint: A and B) but has to go back to her time instead of messing around. If Seto is important to young Nana not just as a thing of lust then yeah I still want to see older Seto. Will she fix all of that Seto's problems? Hardly! Older Seto is an adult at this point. But she should encourage her not to give up on love and herself something older MC did!

Here's what I think would be best for all of them eventually. After this arc is over, adult Nanasawa should start getting homesick eventually for her real senpai. She's set up her younger self with this Seto. Now she should start at least thinking about if there's anyway for her to get back home. If anyone should be comforting adult Seto, it should be her. Or maybe, she wouldn't have to of she can just let young Seto go to be with her younger self. She may just go back and find herself married to Seto. But that's just speculation on my part.

Ey look this is the artist that gave us the manga The Taste of Legs so yeah I don't really expect good things for young MC... as for the part with being married to Seto I don't know but ever read the manga "Kirara"? (nope not the cat from Inuyasha^^ but from the artist Toshiki Yui) It has strangely a familiar premise to this one kinda give it a read so yeah I kinda wish the artist tries something new if aware of this manga! So yeah I prefer the A and B realities concept rather then rewriting your own past.

joined Sep 16, 2014

Yeah, she needs the stamina for 2 people now.

joined Aug 12, 2021

you know one thing I really do admire about this series is that it just does not care even a little about the potential drama and implications of having time traveled ten years back into the past. The time travel plot exists solely as a vehicle to give us fun sex scenes between Nanasawa and her senpai and is just completely dedicated to having fun with it.

joined Mar 5, 2019

shame 21 and 22 are in reverse order on the site.

joined Apr 12, 2021

WOW, this become weirdly spicy, is like one old this old madohomu doujins when she Homu sleep with Madoka of differents times

joined Dec 27, 2020

I would just like to take this moment to appreciate having an author give us a threesome for once

joined Mar 5, 2021

holy shit the world is not ready for this

joined Feb 17, 2013

^I was suprised too- and normally i dont like threesomes but because they are the same person basically it doesn't seem to bother me. BUT-

Who expects it to end with this current set up? I hope it will happen but tbh I'm expecting her to get zapped back into the future, which will have changed so they are now dating and have been since back then- and Senpai remembers when the future version of her gf visited.

To thge older version no time will have passed, and her younger self would get to date Senpai and eventually become the older one. Ofcourse there would be hard to sensibly explain problems with that but i'd expect it to just ignore or gloss over them.

I will hope for the ending to stay as is- because I dont think i've EVER seen a yuri where a girl gets to date 2 versions of the same person :)

last edited at Jan 24, 2022 2:12PM

joined Jun 3, 2020

I don't know if it was intentional, but waiting to release two chapters at once instead of one at a time was a great idea, at least for this particular pair of chapters.

joined Feb 28, 2015

Hahaha awesome

joined Nov 28, 2021

This is absolute cotton candy and I love it. Just straight-up shaggin'.

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