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joined Feb 23, 2014

this wasn't really yuri.
i liked it though.

joined Jan 8, 2014

Y'all are crazy this was defo yuri!
Anyway, I hope we get more, if not from this story, then from the artist ^_^

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Well I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a sequel, and I've noticed that isn't too uncommon in the yuri publication world. So IMO there's hope for a second story where they take that subtext and bring it up into the light and give us a good solid smooch.

joined Feb 3, 2013

The resoluton of the drama was interesting to say the least. She was more worried about not being able to fulfill the promise more than the fact she was being used by her "friends"? That's rather curious. Specially when you consider she was becoming completely antisocial out of a misunderstanding.

Is it yuri? I mean it's great and all and I really like it, but who's got romantic feelings in this? It seems like the closest is the one who lies about them being friends, everyone else is just friendly with each other.

The best you could do to assume that the admiration the other girl felt for Sakura was actually love, and tried to lie to Yae in order to push her out of the way, but that'd require to use quite a lot of imagination.

joined Aug 21, 2014

it's so great
the drawing is awesome
the story is lovely
I really want to read more (>w<)/ <3

joined Feb 8, 2014

She's like a monkey with her funny face and personality.
I got trolled by the boyish girl xd

joined Feb 5, 2013

Like it, different artist and really good :3 though I call for more xD And there needs to be a separate one for the other two, obvious right? :3

joined Jan 20, 2014

I read this and then reread this and all I could really think about was how exhausting it must be to have a friend/girlfriend (I'm going off yuri tag, subtext or not) like Yae who seems like an ADD incarnate to me.

i have to strongly that childhood friend..yae? was way over the top to me. either that or it was just that very first image of her being so melodramatic that ruined her image for me lol. tbh i didn't even really like any of the characters. maybe the short haired chick, but her friend with the side ponytail pulled the bitch card with what she told/way she behaved towards yae, then the i'm better than you girl was quite the bitch too at the start, and yae was just dumb lol. shame cause the art was good (when it wasn't going overboard with yae's expressions). if the artist does more, i think it'd be good if the girl with the ponytail leans toward her friend more instead, kinda like how she behaved at the very end lol.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jan 8, 2014

Yae actually reminds me of this:

And this:

+1 !!!! your right ^_^

joined Dec 8, 2014

Sweet story, not Yuri though. I remember my best friend from high school now. I miss her :'(

joined Dec 14, 2014

Wait...that's a girl?

Hahaha I said the same thing at the end, then realized Keiko is a girl name... I think..

joined Aug 21, 2014

Oh my god I want more. Sakura is fucking GORGEOUS. This would be a cute ass couple omg I'm crying inside.

joined Jan 22, 2014

This was confusing. I though the girl at the start was supposed to be the protagonist, but the perspective switches to Sakura after a few pages.

Manga, no, really, any story operates on a first come first served basis. The first character that gets introduced, narrates, starts a monologue, or does anything to face the readers, automatically becomes the protagonist of the story. Introducing a side character first, that has no important role, especially in a short story like this? That just doesn't work really well, I still wanted to root for her, even though I realized she isn't gonna be the love interest.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Thanks Nezchan ^^
I really enjoyed Beyond the feeling, as well as this one. I like this type of goofy, yet soulful character very much.
Want to see more stories like this.

last edited at Jan 6, 2015 8:42AM

joined Oct 6, 2014

Sakura is so pretty and her facial expressions are just so heartbreaking. <3

joined May 1, 2014

Impressed by the facial expressions.
Is it a one-shot? -Why so much hurry?
We may have a potential romantic mess here : Keiko being into Nobuko, Nobuko being into Sakura, Sakura being into Yae, Yae being the oblivious chick not even knowing the power of yuri...

+1 to this.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

This was confusing. I though the girl at the start was supposed to be the protagonist, but the perspective switches to Sakura after a few pages.

Manga, no, really, any story operates on a first come first served basis. The first character that gets introduced, narrates, starts a monologue, or does anything to face the readers, automatically becomes the protagonist of the story. Introducing a side character first, that has no important role, especially in a short story like this? That just doesn't work really well, I still wanted to root for her, even though I realized she isn't gonna be the love interest.

I don't disagree that maybe it was a bad idea for a short one-shot like this but consider something like Madoka where Homura is at least as important a character (if not more so since she's the one who set everything in motion and is directly the reason Madoka ended up with so much potential) as Madoka but if the show was from Homura's perspective then it wouldn't have the same pacing and would reveal a lot of things far too quickly.

joined Dec 16, 2013

beautiful friendship.

joined Aug 19, 2018

Wow, it's so weird seeing so many people say it's not yuri. I honestly don't know how I would define yuri, but this definitely felt like it, even if it is nothing but friendship. It's sad too because I avoided reading it because it had the Subtext tag. I almost missed reading this amazing story. Also, I'm really glad that the other two girls went to try to become friends with them by the end, so there is definitely friendship there

joined Jul 21, 2024

This was a fun little read, and it was funny, though the relationships were a bit confusing, and the yuri elements were subtle. Still, I'd definitely consider it a yuri :D

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