Forum › Aya's Shop discussion

joined May 15, 2021

Is it really that concerning to have a species that has rapist tendencies? I mean is just a fictional story, same should go to other stories with whole countries that have homicidal, savage and conquering tendencies but none of them have the same type of moral discussion about it.... i know rape is a delicate matter but cmon is not something that impressive

Btw the shopkeeper is horny :v

last edited at Jun 1, 2021 5:54PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Is it really that concerning to have a species that has rapist tendencies? I mean is just a fictional story, same should go to other stories with whole countries that have homicidal, savage and conquering tendencies but none of them have the same type of moral discussion about it.... i know rape is a delicate matter but cmon is not something that impressive

Btw the shopkeeper is horny :v

When it comes to a fictional story like this I'm not going to say the author can't write what they want, and I'm not saying people can't enjoy it. However I think a discussion about it is also good. Authors that make races geared towards rape is a very weird fantasy fetish thing.

Edit: I think there's some ongoing series about about an Orc that wants to find a bride, and he doesn't want to be like his usual "rapist kin" or something? Again very strange.

last edited at Jun 1, 2021 6:52PM

joined Mar 5, 2016

It's very weird honestly. I think the gist that I can summarize, though I might be wrong, is that at least some of the demons like the woman who went to the brothel are futa, and are a species that "has no concept of rape" but also "are driven by a desire to rape", which is very bizarre for numerous reasons and contradictory.

The demonkind seem to have no concept of "rape" because, when they are among themselves, they don't see sexual assault as different from any other kind of assault, so they don't have an extra word for it. It looks like their society is extremely hierarchical, with a clear pecking order from the strongest to the weakest, driven by a congenital desire to dominate others and established either by beating them in combat or by literally fucking them over. And when they leave their homeland, that desire for physical and sexual domination gets projected onto other species, most of whom are physically weaker -- which is how they become notorious serial rapists, despite not knowing the term.

And if I may engage in some world-building speculation, this dog-eats-dog attitude of the demonkind may be a result of their community having faced a near extinction from an outside threat in the past (not hard to imagine why someone would try to exterminate them). Not justifying rape and murder here, just saying that extreme survival conditions are known to spawn very brutal social institutes that persist for generations down the line.

i would lean more towards it being because they're descended from demons and any ostracism or extermination attempts being based on that, well, they mostly try to kill and rape as they please

at least that is the impression i get from the text

joined Jun 7, 2019

okay but please guys don't go saying "i have a kink rape" say "i like CNC" instead
rape sounds weird
i just wanted to clarify that

last edited at Jun 1, 2021 7:06PM

joined Jul 12, 2012

Seems interesting. Will read.

joined Jan 20, 2014

Erm so normally I'd be fine with rape in a story, it's just one of the things that is a part of life and adds drama. But i am NOT okay with them saying that the victims eventually enjoy it. Yes this is fiction, but saying that is giving validation to ppl looking for it. And to me that's not okay. This is definitely one I'll be giving a pass lol.

joined Dec 2, 2016


joined May 16, 2021

Erm so normally I'd be fine with rape in a story, it's just one of the things that is a part of life and adds drama. But i am NOT okay with them saying that the victims eventually enjoy it. Yes this is fiction, but saying that is giving validation to ppl looking for it. And to me that's not okay. This is definitely one I'll be giving a pass lol.

To be fair this is the kind of story which should be taken with a grain of salt when you read it. Nonetheless kind of want to see where the series moves onto though I think it's likely to be a slice of life with a different cast for every chapter.

joined May 11, 2017

Erm so normally I'd be fine with rape in a story, it's just one of the things that is a part of life and adds drama. But i am NOT okay with them saying that the victims eventually enjoy it. Yes this is fiction, but saying that is giving validation to ppl looking for it. And to me that's not okay. This is definitely one I'll be giving a pass lol.

I feel like it's not so much suggesting the victims eventually enjoy it so much as the perpetrator feels powerful by forcing the victim's body to react to erotic sensation against their will. It's not that the victims are enjoying it; it's that they are specifically not enjoying it but cum anyways because of uncontrolled physiological response to stimulation. It's another part of the power trip, basically. I don't think that scene is especially validating so much as it is one pervert tempting another with their perspective, but I understand it being an uncomfortable read you're free to dislike.

Personally I found this story fascinating; it definitely a has a bit overmuch text (especially those spam filled backgrounds early on) but I think a lot of people here are exaggerating when they say it's unclear, I think it sets an even pace and establishes the running scenario of Aya's amateur prostitution business, as well as today's special customer theme. It's also most quite certainly futa, and it doesn't have to draw undue attention to that for it to be true? It also doesn't really have any bearing on the themes, either.

Something a lot of people are missing getting caught up in the morality of the semi-non-consensual-consent rape play, (which I think is definitely a contentious issue on its own, though the story at least attempts to show it as such with how apologetic she is, the pay bonus, and the uncertainty of the memory suppression), is how the demonkind reacts afterwards? I think the real value in the story here lies in digging into that examining of an underlying kink being the only way she has to experience true sexual pleasure, but having the forethought to experiment in (relative) safety and morality to know for sure, and then have the confidence and informed knowledge to decide to consciously abstain. The difference between her and the criminal lies in her self control and her consideration of other people over selfish singular pleasure.

I think it's certainly possible that there's a world in which she still gets her satisfaction more ethically with BDSM play and other similar arrangements, but she's also realized that she's able to derive similar satisfaction from other things in life and opening a sweets business; and given the choice she'd rather abstain from getting used to something that's hurtful to others; which is something of a statement about personal discipline, self determination, and deciding what pleasure means to you as an individual.

More of a sexual philosophy think-piece than erotica, here, and even-handed enough that it stands out to me as a memorable work.

joined Jan 4, 2021

I was confused throughout the whole chapter, and while I despise having rape in stories, I think I might continue reading to see where it goes because I think this story has a lot of potential

joined Jan 20, 2014

Erm so normally I'd be fine with rape in a story, it's just one of the things that is a part of life and adds drama. But i am NOT okay with them saying that the victims eventually enjoy it. Yes this is fiction, but saying that is giving validation to ppl looking for it. And to me that's not okay. This is definitely one I'll be giving a pass lol.

I feel like it's not so much suggesting the victims eventually enjoy it so much as the perpetrator feels powerful by forcing the victim's body to react to erotic sensation against their will. It's not that the victims are enjoying it; it's that they are specifically not enjoying it but cum anyways because of uncontrolled physiological response to stimulation. It's another part of the power trip, basically. I don't think that scene is especially validating so much as it is one pervert tempting another with their perspective, but I understand it being an uncomfortable read you're free to dislike.

Personally I found this story fascinating; it definitely a has a bit overmuch text (especially those spam filled backgrounds early on) but I think a lot of people here are exaggerating when they say it's unclear, I think it sets an even pace and establishes the running scenario of Aya's amateur prostitution business, as well as today's special customer theme. It's also most quite certainly futa, and it doesn't have to draw undue attention to that for it to be true? It also doesn't really have any bearing on the themes, either.

Something a lot of people are missing getting caught up in the morality of the semi-non-consensual-consent rape play, (which I think is definitely a contentious issue on its own, though the story at least attempts to show it as such with how apologetic she is, the pay bonus, and the uncertainty of the memory suppression), is how the demonkind reacts afterwards? I think the real value in the story here lies in digging into that examining of an underlying kink being the only way she has to experience true sexual pleasure, but having the forethought to experiment in (relative) safety and morality to know for sure, and then have the confidence and informed knowledge to decide to consciously abstain. The difference between her and the criminal lies in her self control and her consideration of other people over selfish singular pleasure.

I think it's certainly possible that there's a world in which she still gets her satisfaction more ethically with BDSM play and other similar arrangements, but she's also realized that she's able to derive similar satisfaction from other things in life and opening a sweets business; and given the choice she'd rather abstain from getting used to something that's hurtful to others; which is something of a statement about personal discipline, self determination, and deciding what pleasure means to you as an individual.

More of a sexual philosophy think-piece than erotica, here, and even-handed enough that it stands out to me as a memorable work.

"enjoy" was probably the wrong word to use. while i can't speak for everyone, because i'm sure it's a different experience for each, i can say from my own personal experience that you don't just suddenly start feeling sexual pleasure from an encounter like this. without arousal the female body does not create lubrication, and it is very painful with the friction. which makes it like a self fulfilling prophesy. the more painful and unpleasurable it is, the drier and more painful it gets.

anyways i went back and read the whole thing, stopped first time after they started talking about it. saw the demon had gone around asking ppl about it and concluded it is painful, so it does help make the first impression more the viewpoint of a criminal. and i actually didn't have a problem with the rape play with the prostitute. since they had consensual agreement before hand i agree it's not really rape. still don't think i'll read any other chapters. the thought of this being a "prostitute solving everyone's problems with sex" seems silly lol. that and i don't much care for the mc.

This first chapter wasn’t bad at all, but I feel sorry for the translators with all this damn text lol

joined May 3, 2016

There's so much text

I had to read this in parts lol.

joined May 3, 2016

Yuri and futa in the same place first time i see that

Lol really?

joined May 3, 2016

I'm just going to say that it's a bad story because the first time i spoke badly about a futa story, i humiliated, so i better keep quiet i just don't want to get in trouble again

Well “bad story” and “futa” aren’t mutually inclusive, so if that’s what you’re implying then I can see why people got on you. Also, you didn’t only say “that it's a bad story” because I was able to figure out your true intentions after reading everything you wrote in the following text.

joined Dec 13, 2013

Suppressing someone's memories

With their consent.

It's a twist on consensual non-consent.

It's not a twist, it's pure nonsense. She consented to the memory suppression that made her forget about consenting, and made her specifically forget about consenting to the rape-roleplay. Meaning the act was no longer roleplay and was just rape. It would cause the same mental trauma that rape would, even with the recontextualization of the events when she regained her memories.

right? i think the author has a kink in dubcon but tried to explain it in a way that could fit the universe.... but thats just me being optimistic

joined Mar 23, 2019

i wonder what happens next?

i'm probably going to see a tentacle tag eventually

last edited at Jun 5, 2021 10:34AM

joined Nov 12, 2017

most unique take on the “monster of the week” formula ive seen yet, and what an absolutely riveting character to open on. it’s awesome to see such nuanced portrayal of empathy even in such fantastical circumstances... & the title is “ayas shop,” so we’re going to get to see her shop develop & flourish in the background! i assume aya will end up being an important character in the final chapter to bring the story full circle... cant wait!

joined Nov 12, 2017

also i’m willing to bet that the “rapist tendencies” of demonkind have way more to do with the prejudices against them influencing their actions than any kind of “biological predisposition” for such things. it’s the vicious cycle that locks impoverished peoples into that very poverty. sure, particularly robust individuals (like aya here) can break the mold with tons of work & no small amount of willpower, but to actually brake the rest of these peoples out of the vicious cycle takes society coming together and making a conscious effort to help them. if you look back at relatively recent history, we’ve seen this process started a few times on a properly large scale (us civil war, initial communist uprising in russia, us civil rights movement, just to name a few), but all of these have been hampered severely by dissenting parties & general burnout of the subject in the media, so the fact remains, at the end of the day, we still have so much work to do. that’s why blaming any individual for their own poverty is so counterproductive; and even in the infinitesimally small chance that it was somehow their fault, they are so clearly stuck, why shouldn’t we help them?

( oh geeze that got a bit preachy, sorry... it’s still info that needs sharing tho so i’m still gonna post this; just know that if you can’t process all that or don’t want to take my exact word for it, i understand. oh, and i should note that by “we” i mean “society as a whole,” tho just by using “we” as a shorthand for that i’ve implicated the background of mild privilege i’m speaking from, so sometimes u just can’t escape the preach)

last edited at Jun 6, 2021 10:55AM

joined Dec 23, 2019

I’ve read the races and it gets pretty interesting, at first I wasn’t too sure because of the prostitution but it’s an okay read. And is it really creepy? It wa quite funny.

joined Aug 29, 2019

Sheesh, this one's a bit of a mess. Seems like we got way too much backstory upfront, the writing wasn't all that great and consistent and thematically, oh boy, this one's really problematic on so many levels. Still, as a thought experiment I found it quite intriguing and wouldn't mind reading more, even if or maybe especially because it doesn't try to really answer the questions tackled in the thought experiments.

joined Feb 14, 2018

is this story on hiatus or something?

joined Oct 26, 2018

owo whats this

joined Mar 19, 2020

Aww cute

joined Dec 16, 2021

Oh nice, the author had make a dozen of chapter so is nice to it continue translated, could be our yuri vertion of Ishuzuko reviewer,
maybe demonkin is like the hyena species who female had different anatomy

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