Forum › Maou to Yuri discussion

joined Feb 21, 2019

Feel like Maid is the only one who would be any good for her tbh. The Priestess and Brave should end up together and the Witch and Princess should be thrown in horny jail

joined Jul 23, 2017

The moment I saw the vote on 2.6 I knew Maid was gonna win it.

last edited at Sep 20, 2021 2:32PM

joined Apr 16, 2017

It's kinda one sided since it's obviously written in a way where the maid will end up winning since every other girl is written as a comic relief.

joined May 30, 2020

Whoever wins the Demon King's heart is all coolsies with me, the best part so far for me are the good boi wolf-doggos man. I love them so much!

joined Jul 23, 2017

It's kinda one sided since it's obviously written in a way where the maid will end up winning since every other girl is written as a comic relief.

Well, Witch seems like the kind of character that might be hiding an ulterior motive, but other than that, yeah.

joined Mar 19, 2020

It's kinda one sided since it's obviously written in a way where the maid will end up winning since every other girl is written as a comic relief.

Well, Witch seems like the kind of character that might be hiding an ulterior motive, but other than that, yeah.

Murder girl isn’t really comic relief either tho is she?

joined Jul 23, 2017

It's kinda one sided since it's obviously written in a way where the maid will end up winning since every other girl is written as a comic relief.

Well, Witch seems like the kind of character that might be hiding an ulterior motive, but other than that, yeah.

Murder girl isn’t really comic relief either tho is she?

Depends on the page

joined Dec 15, 2016

Ante la duda (?

La mas tetuda ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Apr 20, 2013

The princess being 12yo is shocking at first but not so much when you read further an realize that the others are like 2 or 4 years apart, surely the witch is older.

But yeah we don't know how old the demon king is (or did I miss the character sheet?) most likely 16

last edited at Sep 20, 2021 3:13PM

joined Aug 28, 2018

I'm going to give the author the benefit of the doubt and guess that the princess Knight's boobs are a part of her armour and there'll be a bit down the line where she takes it off and reveal that she's a normal 12 year old on stilts.

joined Jul 23, 2017

I'm going to give the author the benefit of the doubt and guess that the princess Knight's boobs are a part of her armour and there'll be a bit down the line where she takes it off and reveal that she's a normal 12 year old on stilts. What armor?

joined Jun 24, 2021

wooow a yuri harem

joined May 15, 2021

Wtf im reading and why i cant stop reading? Is like a twitch linked game where the chat can either help or troll the streamer XD

joined Jul 23, 2019

Ante la duda (?

La mas tetuda ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mis pensamientos exactamente. XD
En otras palabras, hay que ser tonta del culo para no elegir a la bruja!

La duchesse de Pecquigny
joined Jun 7, 2021

I kinda get the feeling that whoever wrote this manga just took the run-of-the-mill plot of a super typical, ordinary, lamestream harem romcom (the type you find by the hundreds in shounen magazines) and replaced the stereotypical male mc with a girl. Heck, if it wasn't for her hairstyle, you wouldn't even notice the gender switch.

And this is a bad thing because...?

joined Dec 23, 2020

Wtf im reading and why i cant stop reading? Is like a twitch linked game where the chat can either help or troll the streamer XD

I honestly have no idea, myself. The girls are all varying levels of attractiveness, but the tired plot of "taking a fantasy harem story and making it satirical or humorous with next to no stakes" is wearing on me a little.

Still, I've only read the first chapter, so I might change my mind.

joined May 15, 2021

Ante la duda (?

La mas tetuda ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mis pensamientos exactamente. XD
En otras palabras, hay que ser tonta del culo para no elegir a la bruja!

Hermanos mios....

joined Jul 23, 2017

Ante la duda (?

La mas tetuda ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mis pensamientos exactamente. XD
En otras palabras, hay que ser tonta del culo para no elegir a la bruja!

La unica eleccion correcta.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Demon Minister is the best consort, hands down... if she had only not disqualified herself by limiting the selection to humans. :-/ Other than that, I get a feeling that the Maid will also turn out to be some kind of princess and win in the end.

joined May 28, 2013

The Maid, forgetting her past, has got to be the hero who defeated the previous demon king

It's just a guess but I decided to tag it anyway.

I hope the king ends up with either the Maid or Witch. Or both.

last edited at Sep 20, 2021 4:23PM

joined Dec 23, 2020

Wtf im reading and why i cant stop reading? Is like a twitch linked game where the chat can either help or troll the streamer XD

I honestly have no idea, myself. The girls are all varying levels of attractiveness, but the tired plot of "taking a fantasy harem story and making it satirical or humorous with next to no stakes" is wearing on me a little.

Still, I've only read the first chapter, so I might change my mind.

Grm, I've caught up but I still haven't changed my mind. It's a fun world, and a zany cast of characters, not unlike what Mage and Demon Queen tries to do. But unlike M&DQ, there's no real...sense of connection. Maybe it's because the characters themselves are unnamed, but it's hard to bring myself to like any of them. It's like the trope they're trying to represent is all there is to their character, while leaving next to no room for possible character development. Even the maid, who Her Majesty seems to have started feeling for, hasn't shown any change since the "date."

I dunno, maybe I'm just too biased. But there's definitely something missing from this story that M&DQ has...

joined Jun 1, 2016

well the only two that I'm interested are the priestess and the maid. The other are written like stereotypes. Hungry Genki girl, Ara Ara Witch, Naive princess. I hope the author gives them more development so the voting doesn't seem so one sided. That being said, I'm honestly surprised the underwear didn't win lol

joined Apr 20, 2013

Azero25 posted:

well the only two that I'm interested are the priestess and the maid. The other are written like stereotypes. Hungry Genki girl, Ara Ara Witch, Naive princess. I hope the author gives them more development so the voting doesn't seem so one sided. That being said, I'm honestly surprised the underwear didn't win lol

I wouldn't write off the princess as just naive or comic relief, let's state the facts that her family willingly gave her away and doesn't care if they torture her, this means that she wasn't loved or caused lots of trouble but despite being so young, she's trying hard to be a good proper princess (from a strange book) and as we know from the intermission, she cares a lot for the country too despite being given as a convenient sacrifice... it seems she's a true princess but lacks the ability or proper guidance.

It could be that someone is trying to get rid of her and it might not be her parents. We simply don't know much yet :(

Also Kaguya maid was really cool

joined Jul 23, 2017

The Maid, forgetting her past, has got to be the hero who defeated the previous demon king

Priestess is the Hero's childhood friend, so not sure about that one, as she would know who the Hero is.

joined Aug 23, 2021

Seems like a fun series, the author's Twitter handle is wrong on chapter 4.1 though

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