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joined Mar 25, 2020


joined Feb 8, 2019

I hope this is Citrus but with actually good writing and without the dark haired girl becoming a total softie.

joined Feb 21, 2021

Reiko comes off as a massive hypocrite, arrogant, and a jerk. Unless there's more to her than meets the eye then I would be rooting for the MC to either just end up alone or with someone else.

joined Jul 20, 2018

I feel like same vibes as Citrus.

joined May 7, 2017

More like Failed Blackmail or (Not) Blackmail?

last edited at Jun 22, 2021 12:26PM

joined Apr 12, 2021

Wow, that was too easy, she had so much confident that could repeal a blackmail but i also think that will be easy give an excuse saying that lady was her familiar or something.
But wow, take the yuri consort very naturally

joined Jun 4, 2018

Do it, MC. Give the photo of her entering a love hotel with another girl to the school. She won't give up first place? She might not even be at that school anymore to take the test.

Don't fall for that hypocrite. Reiko rubs me the wrong way.

last edited at Jun 22, 2021 6:17PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

this forum: "oh noes something morally questionable is happening in my mango, call the... the police! the... the fire brigade! the... the salvation army!"
also this forum: "oh noes the putative victim called bullshit on it and walked out, the bitch needs to SUFFER!"

Now excuse me while I go find my eyes, I think they rolled under the bed.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Nice strawman there, love.
joined Jan 7, 2018

I think the author read Citrus and thought to themselves: "I could do better!"

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I hope they start resolving their issues soon so the third girl can come along. I swear I thought this was a Strawberry Panic! doujin when I saw it.

last edited at Jun 22, 2021 10:03PM

joined Jan 3, 2017

I hope gyaru girl get on top of black haired girl *wink. No seriously tho, I don't like that black haired girl....

last edited at Jun 23, 2021 1:19AM

joined May 9, 2021

this forum: "oh noes something morally questionable is happening in my mango, call the... the police! the... the fire brigade! the... the salvation army!"
also this forum: "oh noes the putative victim called bullshit on it and walked out, the bitch needs to SUFFER!"

Now excuse me while I go find my eyes, I think they rolled under the bed.

well the "victim" in this case is just a massive hypocritical ass from what we see so far tbf. The gyaru did the wrong thing here, but reporting the morals committee president to the school for compensated dating would be very entertaining, so thats what im hoping for. Besides, I hate "ohohohoho im perfect in every way and am also a narcissistic dickhead" type characters.

last edited at Jun 23, 2021 1:26AM

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Why is every new Yuri so edgy? That's fine if that's what you're into, but there's been such a drought of nice wholesome romances. I guess the arts pretty good though.

Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Bets on the two side characters hooking up?

joined Aug 28, 2016

I want to see someone actually release the pics for once, but it won't happen.

It happened in Netsuzou Trap, although the fallout from it ended up being pretty mild compared to, well, everything else that happened in that series.

joined Jan 27, 2016

this forum: "oh noes something morally questionable is happening in my mango, call the... the police! the... the fire brigade! the... the salvation army!"
also this forum: "oh noes the putative victim called bullshit on it and walked out, the bitch needs to SUFFER!"

Now excuse me while I go find my eyes, I think they rolled under the bed.

You: "Bitches and moans no matter how people react."

last edited at Jun 23, 2021 7:00AM

joined Dec 6, 2013

It's gucci I'm liking this o///o

joined Jun 3, 2021

I think the author read Citrus and thought to themselves: "I could do better!"

This is exactly what I thought, haha. That start makes it impossible not to think of that… piece of work…

I’m really excited to see what this series turns into! The art is spectacular and the characters are pretty interesting so far! Serina isn’t just some sass-ridden, dumb blonde gyaru and I’ve always wondered about the potential of Mei from C*trus if her storyline explored her character a tiiiny bit more.

Thank you for uploading!

joined Dec 17, 2017

Did I read the same same thing as most of you did?
How is the moral comitee member a horrible, arrogant person when she's just doing her job? And she literally just explained the problem and since the mc wasn't being compliant, she told her to deal with, you know, the ones in charge of the rules in the first place.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the uniform rules they got going on in Japan are good. It's an absolute shitshow of an oppressive system. We barely know Reiko's character and she's shown not to be very preoccupied with anyone's crap? Like, yeah sure, compensated dating is bad but the mc had some gall to do blackmail in the first place, and was pretty bad at it. She didn't commit completely and Reiko called her bullshit, basically establishing that she's not taking anyone's shit and sealing it with a simple manoeuvre of intimidation.

And who's to say Reiko isn't as deserving of that 1rst place to begin with? These types of people are pretty much workaholics without any life outside their commitment to their goals. We don't know why she's doing the compensated dating. Maybe she needs the money to escape her shitty family; maybe she just simply uses sex as an escape to her shitty monotonous life because she doesn't know how to deal with this in a healthy way.

I like these two characters. They're a subversion of their usual tropes - a gyaru who has great grades and a public morals committee member who engages in some... Dubious activities outside school.

last edited at Jun 23, 2021 11:35AM

joined Aug 16, 2014

You just answered your question. Whatever her reasons, I doubt whatever she is doing at night would be approved by the school's public morals. And yet, she's still rude and inflexible in her own enforcement of such rules: they're good for the others, but not for her. The fact she's also established to be some rich kid who doesn't even need to work just adds insult to injury, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised that in Japan, like the rest of the world, rules don't apply to rich people as they do to us, mere mortals.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Not sure what your point with comparing the two is, but I never once said a single word about nor defended MC (furthermore, you're entitled to "shit on her" for whatever reasons you see fit); I never said Reiko didn't deserve to be at the top of the class either.
What I literally said -- and the thing that rubs me the wrong way -- was that she enforces rules that she herself don't seem to follow. She (probably) chose to defend and enforce public morals, and yet I doubt any other person enforcing public morals would approve Reiko's own "extracurriculars" -- whatever they may be.

last edited at Jun 23, 2021 4:49PM

joined Jan 9, 2017


joined Jan 9, 2017

I hope this is Citrus but with actually good writing and without the dark haired girl becoming a total softie.

Just because youre dissapointed in Citrus doesnt mean you should slander it, its writting is just fine

joined Jul 7, 2017

there’s no romance tag so :(

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