Have to say that I have no idea what is going on
Suicide-chan's life was saved by Amnesia-chan because A-chan demanded she give her life away to her for the night. They both spent a long time naked kissing (though no sex actually confirmed...just a lot of naked kissing). S-chan woke up to find A-chan gone with a thank you note.
S-chan then started a mini-business to take in people like her: suicide failures that had no were to return to (you can read each character's description of how they got there in ch2...that's literally half of the chapter).
S-chan finds A-chan stumbling aimlessly one night on the road and takes her in, probably out of a mix of gratitude and care. A-chan however has had amnesia (reason unknown). S-chan kisses her while cleaning her up to try and see if she might remember something.
Suicide-chan = Youko