Forum › Exiled From My Old Party For Being A Woman, Me And A Legendary Witch Formed The Ultimate Tag Team discussion

joined Sep 16, 2014

This is the closest I've seen any protagonist to be literally a hero from dragon quest.

joined Mar 28, 2021

Nice art, and the first chapter is fun to read. Lovely dynamics between Laplace and Magisabre, I LOVE the French (« ma chérie! ») in Laplace’s lines ( appropriate, considering Laplace was a French astronomer), and I hope the duo will squash the former partners! Very cathartic!
The premises of the story are somewhat realistic: female players and devs being harassed and demoted are not uncommon. Whatever, very likable a priori.

joined Feb 14, 2016

It's not exactly a deep conceit but given the setting's adjacency to your goblin slayer-y shows that are like "no, no these women want to be kept as slaves so it's okay" it'd still be funny even if the story weren't tied to justified anger over real-world sexism. I'll keep an eye on this one

joined Jan 19, 2019

Aight I'm sorry but Sexiled was the best name ever smh

I bought and read both of the LNs (unless they released more if so I'm unaware). It is exactly what you think it is from start to finish. Was fun cuz I was into it, but it's power fantasy through and through.

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 12:40PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Oh, I remember this WN. It absolutely should not be taken seriously. Just enjoy the yuri and the comically stupid douchebags being put in their place.

Yeah I think this sounds about right.

I should note I'm not complaining about the series so far. I honestly know very little about it, and have mostly only heard loose things about the original source material. I did say that the men are cartoonishly evil and that the series does feel like it's intentionally slanted in that direction, which I believe to be a likely correct statement, but I don't believe I ever said that was a bad thing. Fiction exists to express all sorts of feelings and ideas, and if the author is feeling wronged by all the crappy sexism in the world and is using this narrative of cartoonishly evil men getting their asses kicked as catharsis, more power to the author I say.

Edit: Plus I know also know cartoonishly evil people do actually exist in real life as well. Though I don't believe they're the norm, as the average person is just trying to keep their head down and get by day to day. There's also people that are constantly striving to improve and make the world a better place. Lots of people in the world and all that.

And you know what not every man is depicted cartoonishly evil in it, seriously though have these people even read the LN before complaining?

Well a lot of people, including myself, are stating our views based off the manga alone. I don't think people need to read the LN to have a valid opinion on the first chapter of the manga. A lot of takes here are going purely off what the manga has presented so far. Which I believe is perfectly fine.

As Serenta said in response to this comment: "I suspect most of these complaints - if not all - are coming from people who haven't yet read the LN even once."

But that's normal, while I believe people who are taking this too seriously are wasting their time and should reconsider how they enjoy a fictional manga, we still have the right to comment about THE manga, and yeah there's a light novel... But even light novel readers didn't have 10 or 50 chapters from the very start to have a "valid" opinion before commenting what they think of the introduction.

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 2:22PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

[Reading Ch 1] This is really cool, I like this! (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
[Reading Ch 1 pg 30] This is really cool, I love this! ✪ ω ✪

joined May 7, 2017

Me likes, here's hoping her reasoning to "adventuring" evolves from chasing the dummies to something else entirely, doesn't necessarily needs to be salving the world or something like that, we'll see.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Moderator Note

Going to add spoiler tags to LN comments made prior to this post. If you insist on posting about the LN, use spoiler tags. From here on, comments with little relevance to the manga posted thus far may be removed indiscriminately.

As an aside, regardless of one's views, it'd be best to not take this manga or other comments here too personally. Everyone here is here to have a good time. Thank you.

joined Sep 6, 2018

What a comment section, eh? Guess this hit a nerve.

For my part, this seems like it’s about mid web novel tier, but instead of being some more harem shit, it’s gay and anti-patriarchal and angry. Love me some lesbian rage. And it’s really cool to see a form and style like this that is typically so ingrained in a heterosexual male perspective, with its female-figure cardboard dolls meant to hold the character’s feelings towards women without being full people in and of themselves, turned on its head like this.

Let women have trashy, fun manga too!

joined Aug 4, 2016

But that's normal, while I believe people who are taking this too seriously are wasting their time and should reconsider how they enjoy a fictional manga, we still have the right to comment about THE manga, and yeah there's a light novel... But even light novel readers didn't have 10 or 50 chapters from the very start to have a "valid" opinion before commenting what they think of the introduction.

Oh, I absolutely agree. I'm not sure if you didn't quite understand me, but I was just criticizing Yurification's poor assumption that everyone has already read the LN.

And you know what not every man is depicted cartoonishly evil in it, seriously though have these people even read the LN before complaining?

No. No, they haven't. Why are you assuming they have?

joined Jun 7, 2020

"I’d heard modern Mages had lost their touch"

Ok Witch, but who’d you hear that from while being sealed away for centuries? Regardless, subscribed!

joined Jul 1, 2020

But that's normal, while I believe people who are taking this too seriously are wasting their time and should reconsider how they enjoy a fictional manga, we still have the right to comment about THE manga, and yeah there's a light novel... But even light novel readers didn't have 10 or 50 chapters from the very start to have a "valid" opinion before commenting what they think of the introduction.

Oh, I absolutely agree. I'm not sure if you didn't quite understand me, but I was just criticizing Yurification's poor assumption that everyone has already read the LN.

My comments were directed towards the one those who said they have read some parts of LN and making others believe its bad and all men are cartoonishly evil in it which is not the case as for those who have only read the first chapter and complaining I hope they find something to read what they like and not complain on every single chapter if they have the problem with premise itself. Complaining once and moving on is totally fine.

joined Apr 12, 2021

Wow, i read the novel year ago and see getting a manga seen so magical.
The author had a interview on ANN she know all the topics of this stories

joined Apr 20, 2021

Mm finally~~ been waiting for this for quite some time now, thanks for the trans

joined Jan 4, 2021

Her old group are sexist pieces of shit. Also, I'm looking very forward to this couple. Probably because I love the laidback, airheaded but actually OP characters
joined Apr 19, 2012

"I’d heard modern Mages had lost their touch"

Ok Witch, but who’d you hear that from while being sealed away for centuries? Regardless, subscribed!

lol! I thought the same
through the sound vibes ig haha

joined Apr 20, 2013

onyxpanda posted:

"I’d heard modern Mages had lost their touch"

Ok Witch, but who’d you hear that from while being sealed away for centuries? Regardless, subscribed!

lol! I thought the same
through the sound vibes ig haha

Well, the panel made it seem like she could see some short of window thought the rocks or floor, so maybe she was sealed but not unconscious (like the stones in Dr Stone) so maybe moving was impossible but doing a simple trick like clairvoyance shouldn't be impossible... well, just guessing! and you know how many years passed? seeing some partys come and go doesn't sound so rare.

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 6:45PM

joined Oct 30, 2018

Oooooooooooooooh I didn't realize this had a mange adaptation! Is there any more, is there gonna be a physical release!? I must have it! Though I should probably get around to reading volume 2 of the light novel...

joined May 20, 2013

Let women have trashy, fun manga too!

but the naaAaAArRrRaaaAaaTiiVee (;´༎ຶ Д ༎ຶ `)

[Reading Ch 1] This is really cool, I like this! (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
[Reading Ch 1 pg 30] This is really cool, I love this! ✪ ω ✪

oh i just realized I meant pg31, ehehe...

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 7:20PM

joined Mar 24, 2021

Women. Heh. Am I right?

joined Feb 17, 2018

Adventuring party allegory for workplace sexism? I am extremely into this

joined Sep 8, 2019

The Infamous manga for having a controversial and somewhat unrealistic setting where men are an asshat but ironically despite saying this I enjoyed the LN thoroughly.

joined Aug 19, 2019

I’ve actually met countless of guys that like to act this way through the internet. It’s honestly really funny, because in the real world people like this are quickly shut down and ridiculed, they wouldn’t dare say things like that in real life.

Well anyways, this does look like it’ll be kinda dope, I haven’t read the LN yet, so i’m not really sure what to expect, I honestly like MC so far, she actually stands up for herself, that’s nice. I just hope this won’t turn into one of those yuri where all men are evil for some reason, it’s fine if the majority are, but cmon atleast make one guy good.

last edited at Apr 21, 2021 12:53AM
joined Jun 6, 2020

Man you gotta love how pissed people get about the anti-sexism angry lesbian allegory for Japanese work culture where this belief is literally so commonplace that it is culturally accepted to pay you less because you might get pregnant and therefore might cost the company

Still, this is so awesome
joined Jun 6, 2020

Well anyways, this does look like it’ll be kinda dope, I haven’t read the LN yet, so i’m not really sure what to expect, I honestly like MC so far, she actually stands up for herself, that’s nice. I just hope this won’t turn into one of those yuri where all men are evil for some reason, it’s fine if the majority are, but cmon atleast make one guy good. <

I mean there are, but that's not the point of the story. It's angry Japanese lesbian venting. It's why making a family is the big focus of her rage. People ACTUALLY believe this shit in Japan. Like. As a normal thing.

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