Forum › Even If It Was Just Once, I Regret It discussion

joined Oct 1, 2014

they make me believe and hope in love

joined Oct 15, 2014

Dude, you translated "コンシューマーゲーム" to "consumer game", among other things. A quick search would have given you the accurate translation, but you chose to not do that.

Ah, the old "did you not think to look up what this English word is in English?" remark. We meet again.

Wasei Eigo is not English. "Consumer game" means "console game" in English. Just like how "compliance" means "terms of service" or "etiquette", or "viking" means "all you can eat buffet".

I know how wasei-eigo works, I just didn't know that particular term was a wasei-eigo (and judging by the general silence in the TL thread between translation and release and no mention of it in the 200 odd Mangadex comments, a lot of other people didn't either).

Also, we all know what the true definition of "viking" is

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Also, we all know what the true definition of "viking" is

Man I wish more of that anthology had been scanned/scanlated. Do scans for it exist?

Just wanna say thank you both for your contributions to the world of yuri scanlation, we'd be a lot worse off without you. I hope things work out.

joined Aug 12, 2017

How awesome, yet another manga which ends one chapter after the confession.
These mangaka are genuinely slaves to the pre-determined formula of romance writing, disappointing but expected.

last edited at Mar 14, 2021 4:35PM

joined Oct 15, 2014

How awesome, yet another manga which ends one chapter after the confession.
These mangaka are genuinely slaves to the pre-determined formula of romance writing, disappointing but expected.

Yeah, we never got to see them go on dates or holds hands or make out or have sex.
Oh wait.

joined Jun 6, 2020


joined Nov 21, 2020

This manga really does check all the boxes.

Hey, someone had to say it!

joined Oct 12, 2017

This was so cute. T-T

joined Dec 30, 2018

so cuteee

joined May 20, 2013


joined Nov 5, 2017

God this was so fucking adorable this last chapter just extended my life span by 10 years. Thank you translators

joined Jun 30, 2016

Lovely story, like from start to finish, cant wait for the little extras from the last volume.

last edited at Mar 14, 2021 7:19PM

joined Jan 6, 2020

It doesn't feel axed and I also feel like it told the story it wanted to, but what of the two side characters!

Game dev and delivery girl better get some love in the extras.

joined Jul 31, 2019

The ending was cute and all...
...but that face from page 29 will haunt my nightmares, it looks like some kind of faceless monster with 4 teeth no matter how hard I try to look at it :P

joined Jan 6, 2015

No closure for the fluffy neighbor, but that's life.

joined Dec 15, 2016


joined Dec 16, 2017

I guess this gay-for-pay really...paid off...

...I'll see myself out

joined Oct 30, 2018

Another good one done, huh? On one hand I'm sad to see it go, but on the other hand I'm super happy with the ending... emotions are weird, huh?

I look forward to what the author does in the future!

joined Sep 11, 2019

Feels good and satisfying.
Waited a long time coming

joined Feb 10, 2013

As dang. This was really cute. I’m glad I decided to check it out.

joined Dec 9, 2019

they make me believe and hope in love

Sometimes I forget this is a romance story after all.

But hey, sometimes love begins when you least expect it.

joined Dec 9, 2019

Solid, in-your-face start, rickety middle, fluffy end. Overall I love the story. I love the art, too.

joined Feb 9, 2019

love these cute idiots. thanks for all the hard work on the series. <3

really looking forward to more from this mangaka. their art isnt my favorite (it's not bad tho), but the way they write/pace scenes is amazingly good.

joined Jan 7, 2014

This is so sexually-charged, the story and plotline may be ass, but that's some good ass softcorn.

joined Feb 23, 2020

Awww, this was cute. It was a nice, soft and warm ending.

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