So we got both 1) Kurokawa "I don't deserve you" reaction and 2) evil girls see them kiss.
I guess the glasses returned as a way to hint that Kurokawa would be holding on to her past self. I thought that could be the case, but was still hoping that she could break them at the conversation's climax as a dramatic/symbolic overcoming of the past.
I love angst so this suits me just fine, but dammnnn Kurokawa is a beast. Milking Fujishiro for an extended confession just so she can turn her down and bathe in self-hate in front of her.
I guess we'll see some bullying from Miki, but it'll be interesting to see who she will target. Fujishiro who will already be a mess or Kurokawa who will love the punishment?
Anyway, looking forward to more angst chapters (may be a good idea to change some of the series' tags so people know what they're getting into) and thanks so much for the quick translation!
last edited at Mar 6, 2021 6:41AM