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joined Jul 29, 2017

Right now I’m fully in the “chill, people—this is not ‘misunderstanding.’ They’re about to have real, honest, prelude to happily-ever-after communication” faction.

But given their track record, I wouldn’t entirely put miscommunication past them, either.

joined Sep 22, 2015

It dawned on me how great the title is and its true meaning cos of Kozuka's confession. I initially thought this was mainly a girl regretting doing her landlady, another girl, hence my idea that this could most likely end terribly and that the author is tripping us. Rather, Kozuka regretted doing it with her in the past without the love and passion she feels for her in the present. Ah, really smart!

And this is an unpopular opinion, but I like how Miyako-sensei just made a quick unbelievable U-turn from an obvious, supposed scene of lovemaking. We were all expecting it but no, we are not having it...*yet*. Nicely handled! It's almost like the author wants to prepare our hearts for the new year instead! Lol

joined Mar 28, 2015

At this point, it's all self inflicted. I can't relate to the "suffering", because it doesn't make sense.

joined Jun 10, 2019

Is Ritsuka not wearing anything under those nice baggy jackets...?? O_O (Ch. 17)

joined Jun 25, 2017

It's so fucking romantic.

joined Dec 9, 2019

Is Ritsuka not wearing anything under those nice baggy jackets...?? O_O (Ch. 17)

full commando underneath

yikes my bad
sorry, not really full commando underneath

last edited at Jan 1, 2021 2:36AM

joined Dec 9, 2019

I feel something sinister about Chapter 17. Are we heading for a couple of chapters towards a swift ending? Hopefully not. The cliffhanger doesn't make me feel assured. It's too good to end like Runaway with Me, Girl. Please, more volumes for these wlw dorks.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I feel something sinister about Chapter 17. Are we heading for a couple of chapters towards a swift ending?

I’m wondering if we’re ever getting back to Upstairs Gamer Lady and her lost delivery girl.

Not to mention whatever role Part-time Job Kouhai has to play.

joined Oct 1, 2020

I’m wondering if we’re ever getting back to Upstairs Gamer Lady and her lost delivery girl.

Not to mention whatever role Part-time Job Kouhai has to play.

Whoa, I'd completely forgotten about them until I saw them mentioned here. Most yuri manga really aren't kind to their side characters- forget personal fulfilment, they'd be lucky to achieve their full use as plot devices.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I’m wondering if we’re ever getting back to Upstairs Gamer Lady and her lost delivery girl.

Not to mention whatever role Part-time Job Kouhai has to play.

Whoa, I'd completely forgotten about them until I saw them mentioned here. Most yuri manga really aren't kind to their side characters- forget personal fulfilment, they'd be lucky to achieve their full use as plot devices.

Well, Aoi (the first friend) serves the basic narrative function of The Interlocutor—someone for a main character to talk to about whatever they’re thinking (the classic example being Dr. Watson—since the real “action” takes place inside the head of Sherlock Holmes). In this case Aoi is also The Advisor.

Kouhai-chan serves a similar role in the earring-buying section, but her “I know nothing about love” deal suggests a possible larger role.

But, besides being a jealousy-spark for Landlady, Gamer-san looked like she was also being set up for her own romantic sub-plot. At this point I don’t know what she’s about—maybe a potential sidetrack in case the series got extended.

last edited at Jan 1, 2021 5:46PM

joined Sep 6, 2018

Awww. She’s finally opened up. Our favorite smol has really been through a lot, hasn’t she? I’m so glad they have each other.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Final act already? D;

Sad, but I can't complain too much because I do think the pacing has been perfect so far. I'm gonna miss this series. It has been such a sweet read

joined Aug 11, 2019

Title drop, and the series is poised to end soon. Damn it. I hope it gets an extra volume for fluffy extras à la Sougou Tovarisch, because this precious sweetness deserves more material.

joined Nov 24, 2017

As long as we get reciprocal "I love yous" and a good kiss in the final chapter, I'm good. Going to miss this one.

joined Sep 19, 2014

Wow,a long explanation to change the context of the first page of this manga
After all they didn`t go further that made sense both were still clothed in first chapter
but now for real probably

joined Jan 6, 2020

Good thing it's not gonna drag its heels and potentially turn to rubbish but sucks that not gonna get at least a couple of chapters of them as an actual couple.

Also hope there is some closure with the other tenant and delivery girl.

Expect a time skip with Chiyo finally having a job and being able to confess properly without the terms of the contract in the way.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Good thing it's not gonna drag its heels and potentially turn to rubbish but sucks that not gonna get at least a couple of chapters of them as an actual couple.

Yeah, shame we won't get to see them go on dates... oh wait...
Or see them kiss... oh wait...
Or see them have sex... oh wait...

joined Oct 30, 2018

But I don't want it to be overrrrrrrrrrrr

It's too good to end damnit. Though I suppose It's kinda like what Doctor Maki said: a thing's worth it determined by how it ends. As sad as I'll be to see this one go, I'll be happy for the two of them to finally be truly happy together

joined Jan 6, 2020

Good thing it's not gonna drag its heels and potentially turn to rubbish but sucks that not gonna get at least a couple of chapters of them as an actual couple.

Yeah, shame we won't get to see them go on dates... oh wait...
Or see them kiss... oh wait...
Or see them have sex... oh wait...

Technically yes, emotionally no, especially for landlady.

joined Nov 21, 2020

I feel something sinister about Chapter 17. Are we heading for a couple of chapters towards a swift ending?

You had to ask...

joined Jul 26, 2013

Ahhh the next chapter is the last one?? I’m not ready ;_;

joined Jul 20, 2014

i want to see what happens with the gamer neighbor and the delivery lady ;____; gah i’ll miss this one!!!

joined Sep 11, 2020

"I love you"

last edited at Jan 31, 2021 3:27PM

joined Mar 31, 2018


joined Apr 1, 2014

Final what?!

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