In one corner of the ring, we have a girl whose entire existence revolves around the worship of a celebrity. In the other corner of the ring, we have... another idol stan, but with twintails and the potential for manslaughter. And in the middle, we have a girl whose only defining trait so far is that her name sounds like Cirno.
Overall, this seems like halfway between Oshibudo and Perfect Blue, and in a rare combination, the wholesomeness is directly proportional to the creepiness, since any progress with the saner fan will lead to much pain from Twintails McGee.
Then again, the art and cover give me fluffy romcom vibes, so maybe the yandere will just defuse in a couple of chapters, or be outed as Cirno's childhood friend or first fan to give her a fighting chance in a love triangle. I suppose it could also go poly, since we got a nice Warrior-Mage-Rouge triangle going here.
Personally, I'd like to see Cirno telling them both to screw off and leave her alone, because I imagine her job is exhausting enough already, but that's not how romances work. If they do keep the yandere as a committed antagonist, then I guess we'll just have a comedic mindgame battle between the two stans while Cirno remains oblivious. Maybe one of the yandere's ploys will end up endangering her goddess and lead her into depression, shortly before the protagonist tells her that all her crimes were in the past and that she deserves to live, spurring a redemption arc.
Anyway, I'm interested to see where this goes, if only out of morbid curiosity.