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joined Nov 25, 2018

I wish I wasn't so emotionally invested in this: I feel genuinely terrible for Airi. The way their relationship-power dynamic has shifted over the course of the story has been incredibly compelling to read, though, and the precarious balance they've struck in this chapter is at once tense and somehow comforting, like there might be a way forward despite how much toxicity their relationship is steeped in. Probably false hope.

But seriously, I have no idea how people think that Airi was ever worse than Hina. Hina's emotional manipulation and abuse is significantly worse than anything Airi ever did.

joined Nov 25, 2018

Not going to lie, I kind of just want Airi to find happiness at this point, as messed up as she might be.

joined Nov 25, 2018

I hope the MC and the yandere end up together.

This is what I'm also hoping for. I haven't seen many manga where the yandere ends up with someone who isn't the person she was originally yandere for: Only example I can think of is an anime. It'd be a direction I'd like to see.

joined Nov 25, 2018

I love how unpredictable this manga is. No idea where it's going to go next. And also how the author manages to write these messed-up characters without outright villainizing them (except for glasses girl, but we can forget about her...), like I feel most others would. On one hand I knew Hina/Airi's dynamic would shift, on the other I didn't expect Airi to be broken to the point of head pats. As unhealthy as their relationship is, it's so compelling, and there's always these little glints of hope that keep me rooting for them, even though I know it will almost certainly not end well.

last edited at Dec 19, 2020 12:08PM

joined Nov 25, 2018

This has potential, and I think I'm going to enjoy it... but I wish less cheating stories would portray the party being cheated on as an unrepentant asshole. It feels like they try to justify the affair, and to be honest, that just makes me less interested in the characters. It reduces their autonomy and undercuts the messiness that makes affairs a compelling device in the first place, in my opinion. I saw Shimura Takako mentioned above, and I do think she really nails the premise in Even Though We're Adults. Looking forward to picking up later volumes of that.

That being said, I'm liking Yukako as a character so far. Kirin's talked about her much more eloquently than I ever could, but, well, she's flawed in a pretty real if not completely novel way, almost gives me some Octave vibes, which I can only hope for more of. Will see where this goes. Thanks for the scanlation!

I agree with you at the start. This is bad writing well more like not my taste because I'm not the one to judge, it kinda looks like author wanted makke something a bit different with the cheating but still made a cliche drama manga. Like husband is terrible just because he is a man 'main character is more terrible but now it is justified because husband is bad' troupe is kinda meh. Saying this is like Octave is overly- overrating I think even though it is just a start. I personally didn't like Chinami at all becasue she is not a very good character, just a classic 'bad person because it is realistic'' type of person. However Chinami looks really interestin and it looks like she can the manga really interesting in the future.

Oh, don't get me wrong: I don't think this is going to be anywhere near as good as Octave, as you said. Just some slight vibes from the way Yukako's insecurity/indecisiveness is portrayed.

last edited at Dec 9, 2020 7:56PM

joined Nov 25, 2018

This has potential, and I think I'm going to enjoy it... but I wish less cheating stories would portray the party being cheated on as an unrepentant asshole. It feels like they try to justify the affair, and to be honest, that just makes me less interested in the characters. It reduces their autonomy and undercuts the messiness that makes affairs a compelling device in the first place, in my opinion. I saw Shimura Takako mentioned above, and I do think she really nails the premise in Even Though We're Adults. Looking forward to picking up later volumes of that.

That being said, I'm liking Yukako as a character so far. Kirin's talked about her much more eloquently than I ever could, but, well, she's flawed in a pretty real if not completely novel way, almost gives me some Octave vibes, which I can only hope for more of. Will see where this goes. Thanks for the scanlation!

last edited at Dec 9, 2020 1:59PM

Citrus + discussion 19 Nov 14:25
joined Nov 25, 2018

This chapter made me happy. These two were my favorite part of the original series.

joined Nov 25, 2018

Interesting to see how Hina is/has been completely aware that Ai is a terrible person and loves her nonetheless. Am I the only one who finds this weirdly heartwarming?

joined Nov 25, 2018

Blond girl lowkey the most interesting character in this manga

joined Nov 25, 2018

I sense a reversal incoming...

In all honesty, I found Airi's actions in this chapter very realistic. Her forthright denial of all the accusations is something I think a lot of people have done as kids--I remember the desperation that accompanied similar actions and it really makes Airi's own situation hit home. Unfortunately, and equally relatably, Airi is only digging herself deeper by lying, and eventually there'll be a price to pay, whether it be a tangible price or a purely emotional one. I think it's important to remember that as shitty as they might be at times, these characters are still immature kids in the process of growing up, and I feel for her.

That being said, Airi's actions make a healthier relationship with Hina seem pretty far off, and this definitely feels like it's heading for a bad end. Right now I feel like Airi might end up mind-broken and we might finish with a reversal of Hina/Airi's original dynamic. Personally I'd like to see Airi admit her faults and form something genuine with Hina, but at this point who knows...

last edited at Jun 23, 2020 6:02PM

joined Nov 25, 2018

Damn, I feel bad for Hina but also for Airi, no one deserves that. Here's hoping the experience helps her become a better person and pushes her to genuinely care about Hina, or admit that she does--this chapter (kind of?) seems to insinuate that she might be in denial about her feelings for Hina, or too empathetically stunted to recognize them.

last edited at Jun 22, 2020 2:43PM